00:50:29 dang dude, multiples of 3 have some pretty cool patterns 00:50:40 heh 00:58:56 do you know them? (if not I'll tell ya, but I suspect you already know) 00:59:03 i don't care 00:59:29 and yes i do know 00:59:32 why is that? 00:59:53 because i've been researching math and logic stuff for half a friggin' decade now 01:00:18 "patterns of numbers" are no longer interesting 01:00:42 ahh, see I've only been looking for these patterns for a few days so their still cool to me :) 01:00:48 yeah 01:01:15 but do you still find math interesting? 01:01:18 for example, i was deep into multi-variate calculus and differential equations at least 5 years ago 01:01:33 not the math you would recognize :P 01:01:48 are you at a university? 01:01:55 the books i read have some numbers in them at all, if i'm lucky 01:02:01 no 01:02:35 are you a math major? 01:02:47 why do you care? 01:02:56 I'm just curious 01:03:01 well stop it 01:03:16 ok, I'm sorry 01:30:57 [QUIT] downix quit: downix has no reason 01:57:21 http://www.cs.adelaide.edu.au/users/dwyer/TR95-10.html 01:59:56 i could roll arrow over that most likely 02:06:09 hm but modifying the sources to supoprt arrow directly would be much easier 02:09:04 hm this thing depends on prolog's use of variables and unification (pattern-matching) 02:09:37 that makes the second option much more attractive than the first 02:21:52 eihrul checks to see what water is ranting about. 02:22:00 heh 02:22:32 BRA is very similar to arrow logic 02:22:43 the ordinary kind of arrow logic 02:25:38 eihrul has a lot of reading to do at the university library. ) 02:25:59 heh 02:26:01 such as? 02:26:27 half the things you talk about but i know nothing about :) 02:26:33 oh 02:26:47 i.e. formal logic 02:27:34 formal logic can be grokked from books that cost 12$ 02:27:56 well, yes, but when they're at the library for free... 02:28:00 of course a univ library will have much better than that 02:30:08 i might as well learn something at college! 02:30:16 if not in the classes... 02:30:17 heh 02:30:31 maybe you should bug the people who work on cT 02:33:03 cT? 02:34:39 damn it, my web access is still screwed up 02:36:00 http://cil.andrew.cmu.edu/ct.html 02:36:52 although i guess they've given it up in favor of python 02:38:24 [QUIT] billh quit: [BX] Its not TV. Its BitchX. 02:38:25 why would you give anything up in favor of python? :) 02:38:45 because cT sucks? :) 02:38:53 sure, but as much as python? 02:39:54 hm libra uses the relational view of sets.... 02:41:43 hm but not ina general enough way 02:48:01 bleh 90 minutes before i must go :P 03:05:55 stop time 03:06:33 darn it, where'd i put that time-distortion device? :) 03:11:21 every great plan has one great flaw :) 03:17:25 smoke joined #tunes 03:22:07 re smoke 03:24:51 water: is libra pretty much what you wanted slate code to be like? :) 03:25:41 "pretty much" is a stretch 03:26:22 sure 03:27:09 i picked the slate idea for specific reasons related to making a design like libra reflective in the proper way 03:30:26 the prolog basis is wholly unattractive, for example 03:32:57 ah, well, something like libra could be easily simulated in slate :) 03:33:20 good 03:33:47 because an object is just a peculiar set of binary relations :) 03:34:04 huh? 03:34:40 name-value pairs, you mean? 03:34:45 yep 03:34:55 but a name may be any unique slate object :) 03:34:56 ok that's different from a "set of relations" 03:35:16 eventually 03:35:37 not if you mess with the lookup protocol a bit ;) 03:36:37 so where's that pidgin code at? :) 03:36:44 its right here 03:42:55 hey cool... radiohead spoke up against the riaa 03:44:01 of course i can't think of a band with a more emphatic anti-corporate theme than radiohead's 03:46:31 this is #tunes, eh? 03:46:50 hey this is about Freedom, isn't it? :) 03:47:11 sorry, just had to note the irony 03:47:39 oh *that* irony 03:50:45 must be late for you :) 03:51:03 yes i've been up for quite a while 03:58:51 toodles 03:58:53 [QUIT] water quit: The Tao went that-a-way! 06:31:21 Fare joined #tunes 06:33:34 [QUIT] Fare quit: Connection reset by pear 06:49:24 [QUIT] Odysseus quit: Leaving 08:16:15 eihrul, python sucks? I'm just curious why you say that as I've only heard good things about it 08:17:07 it's certainly no lisp :) 08:21:00 what does it lack that lisp has (besides good compilers)? 08:21:28 macros? :) 08:21:41 ahh 08:21:43 real GC? (afaik, it uses reference counting) 08:21:55 i dunno, just more comfy in a lisp 08:22:07 i don't like the BASICish flavor to it :) 08:22:29 I love lisp syntax so that's my real turnoff to learning other languages.. 08:24:43 well 08:24:55 for mutt languages 08:25:00 you can't beat lisp 08:25:13 mutt? 08:25:17 yeah 08:25:24 language that tries to offer everything :) 08:25:30 ahh 08:25:38 some languages are nicer than lisp in some ways 08:25:43 but usually they're much different than lisp 08:25:45 btw, are you at cmu? it sounded like it from earlier conversation about cT 08:25:47 i.e. Smalltalk, Haskell, etc. 08:25:55 i'm going to CMU next month 08:26:00 ahh 08:26:07 as a freshmen? 08:26:18 or grad student? 08:26:37 freshman 08:28:14 I came to this school (ricks, or byu-idaho) for the summer to take some classes (between junior and senior year of hs) and I'm very sure I don't want to return. every single student in the CS classes is in there for the money. that's all they talk about, oney money money, how they're in such high demand. it is sickening 08:28:36 CMU? 08:28:39 s/classes is/classes are 08:28:47 no, byu-idaho 08:28:52 oh 08:29:01 well, yeah 08:29:07 i got flooded out of the CS department 08:29:10 too many people applied 08:29:19 i'm in math department until i can get into CS next semester 08:29:22 / 08:29:58 does cmu have interviews for acceptance? 08:31:01 both 08:31:08 you have to take an alumni interview 08:31:16 they send in recommendation based on interview 08:33:12 cmu has indeed been overwhelmed by demand 08:34:14 but fortunately, many of the students are actually there for academic reasons, rather than monetary ones 08:35:52 well, just apt-get updated corel to potato, now my system is probably completely screwed up 08:36:04 hhehe 08:36:31 I couldn't find a debian cd :) 08:36:46 and floppy install wasn't recognizing driver floppy 08:36:54 I was going to try Corel, since I have a lot of Debian experience. But I never got around to burning the ISO :/ 08:36:59 Lindril: you affiliated with CMU in any way? 08:37:02 ouch 08:37:15 eihru: I'm a graduate from CMU, and co-teach CS classes tehre 08:37:17 there, even 08:37:23 ah, nifty 08:37:40 though I graduated from the ECE department.. not CS 08:39:21 what did you guys have for gpa and SAT scores to get into CMU may I ask? 08:39:35 CMU is big on ACT rather than SAT (or was when I applied) 08:39:43 and they seemed to be pretty arbitrary 08:39:57 I would guess that 1350-1400 was average SAT that got in 08:40:19 I had a 4.7 hs gpa, but that's because of inflated hs classes (IB program) 08:40:32 probably like a 3.8 in real terms 08:40:41 which actually wasn't all that great 08:40:52 I believe I got in because of computer and math competitions 09:03:57 [QUIT] Odysseus quit: Leaving 09:07:40 smklsmkl joined #tunes 09:35:51 [QUIT] I440r quit: [x]chat 09:40:10 mark4 joined #tunes 09:51:41 [NICK] Lindril changed nick to: LinAWAY 09:55:00 [NICK] mark4 changed nick to: I440r 10:34:20 [QUIT] eihrul quit: [x]chat 10:37:09 [QUIT] I440r quit: [x]chat 10:52:03 ult joined #tunes 11:05:16 [QUIT] LinAWAY quit: Leaving 12:03:22 eihrul joined #tunes 13:27:22 jintxo joined #tunes 13:28:41 jintxo left #tunes 13:37:32 tcn joined #tunes 13:38:00 [QUIT] tcn quit: ircII EPIC4-2000 -- Accept no limitations 13:50:58 Ghyll joined #tunes 15:34:56 TheBlueWizard joined #tunes 15:35:07 TheBlueWizard left #tunes 16:11:35 i440r joined #tunes 16:18:23 [QUIT] gREMLiNs quit: ocu picke 17:08:50 smklsmkl joined #tunes 17:42:56 ult joined #tunes 17:45:00 [NICK] ult changed nick to: RevUlt 18:47:35 lar1 joined #tunes 18:52:03 [QUIT] smoke quit: z! 20:22:49 AlonzoTG joined #tunes 20:24:22 om 20:36:18 [QUIT] AlonzoTG quit: Have Nice Day :) 22:32:22 eihrul joined #tunes 23:46:39 [QUIT] lar1 quit: [x]chat