02:25:23 foo 06:44:20 eihrul joined #tunes 08:55:57 hey eih 09:08:26 damn it, where are you, eih? 09:22:58 [QUIT] pidgin quit: pidgin has no reason 10:50:49 smkl joined #tunes 10:55:48 [QUIT] flop quit: Hey! Where'd my controlling terminal go? 10:59:30 [QUIT] eihrul quit: Ping timeout for eihrul[usr5-ppp128.lvdi.net] 11:03:42 [QUIT] smkl quit: Ping timeout for smkl[glubimox.yok.utu.fi] 11:06:45 smkl joined #tunes 11:17:54 [QUIT] smkl quit: Ping timeout for smkl[glubimox.yok.utu.fi] 11:21:21 smkl joined #tunes 11:24:22 [QUIT] smkl quit: Ping timeout for smkl[glubimox.yok.utu.fi] 11:26:55 smkl joined #tunes 11:42:20 smoke joined #tunes 11:42:22 hoy 12:10:56 hcf joined #tunes 12:13:32 coreyr joined #tunes 12:15:54 [QUIT] coreyr quit: ircII EPIC4pre2.507 -- Accept no limitations 12:21:12 coreyr joined #tunes 12:41:17 abi joined #tunes 12:41:59 abi: om is formal language for Software design and specification at http://www.cs.wright.edu/people/faculty/pmateti/om/om.html 12:42:00 abi: esn is Extended Style Notation, A Language to Support Structural Reuse at http://wwwsel.iit.nrc.ca/~erdogmus/ESN/ESN.html 12:42:05 abi: lens is Light Efficient Network Simulator at http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~dr/Lens/ 12:43:55 smkl joined #tunes 12:56:19 abi: rot13 is also at http://www.rot13.org 12:56:19 vf nyfb ng uggc://jjj.ebg13.bet 12:57:43 abi: no, rot13 is at http://www.rot13.org and http://ucsub.colorado.edu/~kominek/rot13/ 12:57:43 i already had it that way, hcf. 12:58:07 [NICK] kc5tja changed nick to: kc-food 12:59:07 water: icuc, http://sern.ucalgary.ca/~jeff/609list.htm 14:29:51 eihrul joined #tunes 15:14:27 [NICK] kc-food changed nick to: kc5tja 16:02:53 billh joined #tunes 17:24:11 Tril joined #tunes 17:24:11 [MODE] ChanServ set mode: +o Tril 17:24:21 22222222222222222 17:24:26 Tril left #Tunes 17:48:44 flop joined #tunes 17:49:01 [QUIT] flop quit: ircII EPIC4pre2.507 -- Accept no limitations 17:53:01 [QUIT] billh quit: Ping timeout for billh[cx739861-a.dt1.sdca.home.com] 17:56:23 Kyle_L joined #tunes 17:57:00 [QUIT] lar1 quit: [x]chat 18:24:02 beholder joined #tunes 18:46:26 hcf joined #tunes 19:15:33 abi: ProtocolCharts are a graphical notation for describing statefull interactions among objects at http://g.oswego.edu/dl/ProtocolCharts/PC.html 19:15:34 abi: Roles Before Objects is at http://gee.cs.oswego.edu/dl/rp/roles.html 19:15:37 abi: ODL is Our Design Language at http://gee.cs.oswego.edu/dl/odlTR/odlTR/odlTR.html 19:15:39 abi: research it is at http://www.iTools.com/research-it/research-it.html 19:43:50 [QUIT] smoke quit: z! 20:23:40 _ruiner_ joined #tunes 20:23:45 _ruiner_ left #tunes 20:34:05 Tril joined #tunes 20:34:05 [MODE] ChanServ set mode: +o Tril 22:07:03 eihrul joined #tunes 02:49:47 water joined #tunes