00:57:26 witten left #tunes 00:59:20 [QUIT] nate37_desk quit: nate37_desk has no reason 02:21:32 water joined #tunes 04:46:29 [QUIT] ink_ quit: Ping timeout for ink_[ppp-207-214-213-88.sntc01.pacbell.net] 05:56:56 _101 joined #tunes 05:57:01 <_101> hi 06:30:40 hi 06:32:46 <_101> water, Slate is very cool! too bad that it's too complex for my current knowlege, especially of sientific English :( 06:33:22 <_101> water, do you have a guess when we can write the first line in Slate that will kind-of run? 06:33:50 well, there is the slate.lisp 06:34:12 but it uses the old syntax, which is not invalid, just not really accurate 06:34:52 <_101> do you have some example slate sources? 06:34:59 <_101> i mean slate programs 06:35:16 i have a notepad that i do slate work on 06:35:42 most of it is just pseudo-code work 06:35:55 eihrul joined #tunes 06:36:04 speak of the devil...! :) 06:36:10 hi eih 06:36:19 <_101> but after all slate is still in the state of shaping, isn't it? 06:36:25 <_101> (i'm a newbie) 06:36:28 <_101> hi 06:36:40 101: absolutely 06:36:51 i never thought of myself as fiendish, but if you say so 06:37:00 <_101> water, did you read about LX? 06:37:22 101: and the fact that it's designed to use a MOP from the beginning makes slate harder to characterize 06:37:35 <_101> you may find some of it intresting... 06:37:38 101: i have, a while ago 06:37:42 <_101> what is MOP stands for? 06:37:46 i do, but not interesting enough 06:37:50 abi mop 06:37:52 mop is Meta-Object Protocol 06:38:03 <_101> water, hmm... :) then slte is even more promising for me, now :) 06:38:42 unfortunately, the only online docs for my MO's are on the slate-semantics page 06:39:22 <_101> water, would it help me catch up if i read the mailing lists, or should i wait for some docs? 06:39:43 hm i forget what the new url is for tunes mlists 06:39:51 <_101> i know 06:40:01 <_101> from the tunes.org 06:40:06 <_101> but which list? 06:40:07 yeah the tunes mlists of late have some interesting ideas 06:40:12 <_101> the slate list is very young 06:40:18 101: no, the mail server has changed since july 06:40:24 <_101> oh 06:40:29 101: also very quiet :) 06:41:19 <_101> i'll post tons of ideas (hopefully) but the words in the docs and the language is too transparent for me, like looking in the fog :) 06:41:35 hm 06:41:47 everything is still being formed 06:42:05 <_101> i know everything about C++, i crash gcc every now and then :) but i have not much knowledge about lisp :( 06:42:17 <_101> i get hte basic idea, but never programmed in lisp 06:42:39 it's worth getting to know lisp 06:42:58 maybe not all of common lisp, but scheme is definitely enough 06:43:12 <_101> btw, i like the "C++ is a smart assembler" line at the reviews :) 06:43:16 well, common lisp is definitely the best one for a C++ programmer to learn :) 06:43:31 abi: ansi common lisp? 06:43:33 i haven't a clue, eihrul 06:43:35 doh 06:43:36 <_101> ok, i'll read about scheme, you have some hady link? 06:43:40 abi: cl 06:43:40 cl is CommonLISP, a fast compiled language (see CMUCL) 06:43:40 well, that's a good book 06:43:48 "ANSI Commmon Lisp" 06:43:51 if you can find it :) 06:44:04 abi: scheme 06:44:04 scheme is a dialect of Lisp that stresses (an ((overly) minimalist) concept) of elegance or good for teaching or at http://www.schemers.org or see rnrs 06:44:22 <_101> hmm... here in hungary? i doubt, and if i can it costs half of our house :) 06:44:33 <_101> thanks 06:45:03 <_101> water, don't count me to the C++ programmers anymore, i made the step by myself that C++ is bad, real bad 06:45:17 <_101> (: that's how i found tunes and slate 06:45:20 heh 06:45:34 you might want to try haskell or something 06:45:40 maybe even smalltalk 06:45:53 hehehe... obligatory plug 06:45:58 abi: sqeueak 06:46:02 abi: squeak 06:46:04 squeak is a cool pure oo language descended from Smalltalk, at http://squeak.cs.uiuc.edu/ or at http://www.squeak.org/ or The open source mouse that roars! 06:58:56 <_101> ok, thanks for the pointer, i've dl'ed a few, i'll read more, maybe that helps to understand the papers better 06:58:57 <_101> bye 06:58:58 _101 left #tunes 06:59:09 hm 07:17:07 [QUIT] eihrul quit: Leaving 07:39:49 [QUIT] Geeky quit: Leaving 07:52:42 [QUIT] water quit: The Tao went that-a-way! 08:08:42 [QUIT] karltk_ quit: Ping timeout for karltk_[janus.prosalg.no] 08:11:06 karltk_ joined #tunes 08:12:57 [NICK] ult changed nick to: Ult-CP30n 08:20:54 [QUIT] nate37_desk quit: Ping timeout for nate37_desk[cx83983-d.irvn1.occa.home.com] 08:22:12 [QUIT] JALH quit: fastlane.openprojects.net sterling.openprojects.net 08:22:29 hcf joined #tunes 08:43:50 abi: On Lisp is http://www.paulgraham.com/onlisp.html 08:43:51 abi: onlisp is see On Lisp 08:43:53 abi: ANSI Common Lisp is at http://www.paulgraham.com/acl.html 08:43:56 abi: ANSI CL is ANSI Common Lisp at http://www.paulgraham.com/acl.html 08:43:58 abi: acl is also see ANSI Common Lisp 08:43:59 okay, hcf. 09:24:32 ult joined #tunes 09:36:54 [QUIT] JALH quit: Ping timeout for JALH[user52-24.jakinternet.co.uk] 09:38:07 abi: jml is Java Modeling Language, a behavioral interface specification language at http://www.cs.iastate.edu/~leavens/JML.html 09:44:35 eihrul joined #tunes 09:52:04 abi: loop is Logic of Object-Oriented Programming at http://pandora.sci.kun.nl/~bart/LOOP/ 09:54:21 abi: refinement calculus tutorial is at http://www.ecs.soton.ac.uk/~mjb/refcalc-tut/home.html 09:56:15 eihrul: icuc, http://www.cs.washington.edu/homes/todd/papers/ 09:57:58 [QUIT] eihrul quit: Ping timeout for eihrul[OBJECT.RES.CMU.EDU] 10:00:23 eihrul joined #tunes 10:05:45 [QUIT] hcf quit: Leaving 10:05:55 hcf joined #tunes 10:08:40 http://www.cs.iastate.edu/~leavens/ComS541-Watt-Semantics/lectures/multi-methods/ http://www.pst.informatik.uni-muenchen.de/personen/merz/ http://www.cs.uwm.edu/faculty/boyland/papers/index.html 10:12:29 [QUIT] JALH quit: damn 2..16... I'm rebooting to 2.2.14 to compile 2.2.17... bbiab 10:17:57 [QUIT] eihrul quit: Leaving 10:24:13 http://www.cc.gatech.edu/~lorgon/cs8503/Research/papers_read.html 10:43:26 water joined #tunes 10:43:45 hey 11:04:11 read read read think think think 11:04:12 read read read think think think 11:04:13 read read read think think think 11:04:15 P 11:11:11 [QUIT] smkl quit: Ping timeout for smkl[glubimox.yok.utu.fi] 11:11:20 smkl joined #tunes 11:27:27 eihrul joined #tunes 11:27:59 re 11:30:50 ult continues coding. 11:48:44 [QUIT] Geeky quit: fastlane.openprojects.net devlin.openprojects.net 11:48:44 [QUIT] ult quit: fastlane.openprojects.net devlin.openprojects.net 11:50:00 ult joined #tunes 12:06:31 [QUIT] JALH quit: Ping timeout for JALH[host62-7-7-39.btinternet.com] 12:13:32 dBug joined #tunes 12:13:57 hi dbug 12:14:45 what brings you to #tunes? 12:24:11 dBug left #tunes 12:26:38 abi joined #tunes 12:26:38 hcf joined #tunes 13:00:04 Fare joined #tunes 13:00:18 Gakuk 13:00:26 'lo 13:01:25 hey 13:07:09 Fare: care to discuss anything? 13:08:43 [NICK] kc-surf-n-turf changed nick to: kc5tja 13:12:51 care to spend your time on irc doing anything but being afk? 13:13:49 [QUIT] Fare quit: Ping timeout for Fare[APastourelles-101-1-2-250.abo.wanadoo.fr] 13:17:05 [QUIT] hcf quit: asimov.openprojects.net irc.linux.com 13:17:05 [QUIT] abi quit: asimov.openprojects.net irc.linux.com 13:17:05 [QUIT] _ruiner_away quit: asimov.openprojects.net irc.linux.com 13:17:11 hcf joined #tunes 13:17:11 abi joined #tunes 13:32:47 Fare joined #tunes 13:39:54 Hum. 13:45:49 [QUIT] JALH quit: [BX] JALH has no reason... just kidding :) 14:06:17 [QUIT] hcf quit: Read error to hcf[207-172-225-224.s224.tnt1.pld.me.dialup.rcn.com]: Connection reset by peer 14:06:52 hcf joined #tunes 14:34:22 [QUIT] JALH quit: g'night * 14:52:31 _morton_ joined #tunes 14:57:11 Fare joined #tunes 15:09:04 [QUIT] Fare quit: Connection reset by pear 15:19:41 [QUIT] eihrul quit: Leaving 15:29:06 [QUIT] _morton_ quit: 15:47:12 [NICK] kc-chiropractors changed nick to: kca5tja 15:57:02 [QUIT] water quit: The Tao went that-a-way! 16:01:01 Fare joined #tunes 16:01:13 Hum. 16:01:47 couldnt find anything more useless to say, Fare? 16:04:47 eihrul joined #tunes 16:04:51 mu 16:04:57 ? 16:06:01 Fare: how is the third startup coming? 17:12:17 corey joined #tunes 17:12:17 smkl joined #tunes 17:41:46 abi joined #tunes 17:41:46 hcf joined #tunes 17:56:13 [NICK] ink|bak_in_little_bit changed nick to: ink 18:16:59 mibin_ joined #tunes 18:33:27 nate37 joined #tunes 19:01:17 [QUIT] abi quit: Ping timeout for abi[bespin.org] 19:02:59 abi joined #tunes 19:14:36 mibgone joined #tunes 19:41:27 Kyle_L joined #tunes 19:43:47 [QUIT] Kyle_L quit: Leaving 20:42:19 arbit joined #tunes 21:06:25 Neo joined #tunes 21:41:22 water joined #tunes 21:46:20 [QUIT] water quit: The Tao went that-a-way! 22:03:43 [NICK] lar[away] changed nick to: lar[shwrovrhd] 22:07:29 [QUIT] lar1_ quit: [x]chat 22:07:33 smklsmkl joined #tunes 22:07:44 corey_ joined #tunes 22:09:00 [NICK] lar1_ changed nick to: lar[shwrovrhd] 22:35:24 [QUIT] ink quit: Read error to ink[ppp-207-214-211-85.sntc01.pacbell.net]: No route to host 22:39:05 water joined #tunes 22:44:24 arbit joined #tunes 22:44:45 hi arbit 22:45:20 hello hello 22:46:07 what brings you to #tunes? 22:46:33 just hangin out.. 22:46:50 ok, it's pretty quiet right now 23:08:02 lar1 joined #tunes 23:09:57 [QUIT] rares quit: [x]chat 23:21:08 gotta go.. 23:21:12 arbit left #tunes 23:42:48 [QUIT] lar1 quit: I Breathe... 00:29:00 corey_ joined #tunes