01:45:04 [QUIT] ink|sleep quit: Ping timeout for ink|sleep[ppp-207-214-211-240.sntc01.pacbell.net] 01:45:52 e-Odin left #tunes 04:56:21 hcf joined #tunes 04:57:53 [QUIT] clog quit: Leaving 06:30:26 eihrul joined #tunes 07:14:12 abi: r4rstest.scm is tests compliance to R4RS at http://swissnet.ai.mit.edu/ftpdir/scm/r4rstest.scm 07:14:13 abi: rpg is Report Program Generator, see http://dmoz.org/Computers/Programming/Languages/RPG/ 07:14:13 i already had it that way, hcf. 07:14:19 abi: genius is genius and gel at http://www.5z.com/jirka/genius.html 07:14:19 abi: YAP is a high-performance Prolog compiler at http://www.ncc.up.pt/~vsc/Yap/ 07:14:25 abi: chicken is a Scheme-to-C compiler at http://www.anu.ie/felix/chicken.html 07:14:25 abi: mpg is Mathematical Programming Glossary at http://www.cudenver.edu/~hgreenbe/glossary/glossary.html 07:14:30 abi: SPL is Small Programming Language at http://crazylovetrain.hypermart.net 07:41:15 hcf joined #tunes 08:03:16 _101 joined #tunes 08:03:19 <_101> hi 08:40:08 Fare joined #tunes 09:40:35 [QUIT] JALH quit: brb 12:51:26 hcf joined #tunes 14:41:27 lar1 joined #tunes 14:50:32 [QUIT] JALH quit: g'night * 15:18:24 ult joined #tunes 15:58:28 hcf joined #tunes 16:30:56 [QUIT] hcf quit: Leaving 17:04:28 Fare joined #tunes 17:10:04 good papers on dormoy.org; most of them in french, tho 17:10:34 what about? 17:13:32 bootstrapping, most notably 17:14:16 why french? :P 17:14:22 why not spanish? :P 17:15:26 [QUIT] nate37 quit: Leaving 17:16:57 Or latin. 17:18:41 or navajo! 17:19:05 or east martian... 17:20:31 or english! 17:21:37 or vietnamese. 17:21:59 maybe because the author is french and tries to convince his hierarchy? 17:26:19 Fare began the actual redaction of his phd thesis... 17:28:28 sure, but will you finish it? :) 17:28:39 Some day 17:28:46 (over the rainbow) 17:32:03 btw, those "T" diagrams are Conway's, aren't they? 17:57:44 no, not conway. The Dragon Book cites Bratman61 about them. 18:27:15 lar1 beats his head 18:27:30 Donde esta water? 18:43:42 [NICK] ink changed nick to: ink|dog 19:09:42 [NICK] ink|dog changed nick to: ink 20:14:00 ult joined #tunes 20:36:47 [NICK] ink|away changed nick to: ink_ 23:18:42 [QUIT] lar1 quit: Nightios. 01:04:43 nate37 joined #tunes