00:09:42 [QUIT] Kyle quit: Ping timeout for Kyle[cr168790-a.nmkt1.on.wave.home.com] 00:10:58 [QUIT] air quit: http://www.qzx.com/ :: sleep 00:27:09 [QUIT] nate37 quit: knowing people hurts too much 06:42:24 eihrul joined #tunes 06:43:52 [QUIT] gREMLiNs quit: No windows for this server 08:49:49 karltk joined #tunes 08:59:33 [QUIT] karltk quit: Read error to karltk[janus.prosalg.no]: EOF from client 09:01:03 karltk joined #tunes 10:14:08 hcf joined #tunes 10:14:22 [QUIT] Melinda quit: Read error to Melinda[porpoise4.panama.gulf.net]: Connection reset by peer 10:28:18 [QUIT] hcf quit: Leaving 10:46:48 Fare joined #tunes 11:36:29 water joined #tunes 11:36:42 hey all 11:37:32 'lo 11:38:10 i've been trying to get more comfortable with slate ideas lately 11:39:30 any results, then? :) 11:40:26 the point is comfort level, not results... the results already have been thought out, i just haven't been liking them 11:40:51 damn it!!! 11:41:00 i have to call the credit card company AGAIN 11:41:57 [QUIT] Fare quit: Connection reset by pear 11:45:48 [QUIT] JALH quit: [BX] Tiger Woods uses BitchX. FORE! 12:25:19 anyone still here? 13:44:43 Fare joined #tunes 13:46:44 [QUIT] JALH quit: huimm 14:22:54 thx hcf 14:23:03 (for sum4few.txt) 15:39:36 tcn joined #tunes 15:40:08 [QUIT] water quit: Read error to water[tnt-9-179.tscnet.net]: Connection reset by peer 15:40:31 water joined #tunes 15:40:46 hey tom 15:40:48 re all 15:52:34 water joined #tunes 15:55:28 [TOPIC] water: TUNES: Free Reflective Computing System at http://www.tunes.org/ 16:29:14 nope 16:36:58 clog joined #tunes 16:36:58 abi joined #tunes 16:57:12 hcf joined #tunes 17:17:36 [TOPIC] hcf: TUNES: Free Reflective Computing System http://www.tunes.org || Slate Programming Language http://www.tunes.org/~water/slate-home.html || http://lambda.weblogs.com 17:28:07 lar1 joined #tunes 17:35:22 [NICK] kc-Mmm-Mmm-good changed nick to: kc5tja 18:42:39 cor[wk] joined #tunes 18:52:46 Kyle joined #tunes 18:53:06 more lurker than usual today! 18:53:21 yep 18:53:32 anything new, kyle? 18:53:42 want to talk, do you have questions? 18:54:11 I am open to talking, but do not have a subject. 18:54:35 HOw is documenting Arrow coming? 18:54:46 writer's block 18:55:02 i am lazy or indecisive, it seems 18:56:00 is it laziness, or does something not sit right with your current ideas? 18:56:22 i don't know 18:56:33 [NICK] ink|sgi changed nick to: ink 18:56:38 i do know that i'm not comfortable with explaining my ideas 18:57:01 some sort of fear of commitment or mockery 18:58:05 those are big challenges 18:58:43 people forget your mistakes much faster than they forget thier own. 18:59:12 maybe 18:59:55 we could talk about possibilities in slate, i suppose 19:00:10 lord knows that i toy with a lot of ideas 19:01:04 uh oh... bbiam 19:04:52 ? 19:05:03 i'm gone for a minute, and people leave? 19:05:24 not exciting without you. 19:05:51 hm 19:12:07 what did you think of the latest tunes email threads? 19:13:12 It was interesting to hear a perspective that was differnt. 19:13:44 It made me aware of the perspective. 19:13:53 i guess... it rather annoyed me that many people weren't bothering to be polite about each others' ideas 19:14:16 (although i've seen all these perspectives presented before) 19:32:20 water` joined #tunes 20:20:50 hcf joined #tunes 20:21:33 abi: frost is a compiler wrapper that allows use multi-methods in C++ programs nearly as if they were a builtin feature at http://frost.flewid.de/ http://freshmeat.net/projects/frost/ 20:21:34 abi: lispreader is a small library for reading expressions in Lisp syntax at http://www.complang.tuwien.ac.at/~schani/lispreader/ http://freshmeat.net/projects/lispreader 20:21:38 abi: chpp is CHakotay PreProcessor, a macro preprocessor which can probably be best described as a mixture of cpp, M4, Perl and Scheme at http://www.unix.cslab.tuwien.ac.at/~chpp/ 20:21:41 abi: cacao is a java just-in-time compiler at http://www.complang.tuwien.ac.at/java/cacao 20:22:07 water just got shocked with 4 new windows opening to those url's 20:22:10 ) 20:22:36 sometimes i leave that option on when i find out i don't want it on :) 20:22:47 heh 20:24:03 good god, multi-methods in c++ 20:25:06 although the "why should i care" section is neat 20:38:38 abi: lisp in forth is a simple lisp-dialect (scheme with dynamic scoping) interpreter in forth at http://www.complang.tuwien.ac.at/~schani/lisp.tar.gz 20:39:48 wow nice and small 20:40:23 http://www.complang.tuwien.ac.at#research 20:41:32 hmm 20:42:09 if that looks familiar, its cuz i mentioned it (parts of it, backends/forth) back on june 10th 20:42:19 it does 20:43:26 [QUIT] Geeky quit: Ping timeout for Geeky[] 20:47:58 water tries to hype himself up on slate properties and programming style 20:52:11 slate-as-forth-extension is not a bad angle to go with, i think 21:21:57 ping 21:23:37 pong fwiw 21:23:51 pung 21:24:05 it depends on whether there's some way to talk productively 21:24:36 lar1 shrugs... I don't really know enough to be useful to you. 21:24:50 dunno about that 21:25:23 Oh? (Shall we move this to #{}?) 21:25:38 sure 00:43:56 [QUIT] water quit: The Tao went that-a-way!