00:59:28 anyone here? 01:30:57 BC_V left #tunes 03:31:05 Fare joined #tunes 06:08:16 Fare joined #tunes 06:32:59 [QUIT] Fare quit: Connection reset by pear 06:34:34 fare joined #tunes 06:34:34 hcf joined #tunes 06:36:54 abi joined #tunes 06:39:51 [TOPIC] hcf: TUNES: Free Reflective Computing System http://www.tunes.org || Slate Programming Language http://slate.tunes.org || http://lambda.weblogs.com || Updated Mailing List Archives http://lists.tunes.org 06:40:21 [QUIT] hcf quit: Leaving 06:57:20 [QUIT] fare quit: Ping timeout for fare[ppp49-net1-idf2-bas1.isdnet.net] 07:01:45 fare joined #tunes 07:13:00 [QUIT] kasumi- quit: changing servers 07:20:57 [QUIT] ree quit: Read error to ree[twisted.goodnet.com]: Connection reset by peer 08:22:56 fare joined #tunes 09:06:25 eihrul joined #tunes 09:10:40 [QUIT] Melinda quit: Life's a whore and I'm broke. 09:42:59 [QUIT] JALH quit: BitchX: the fresh-maker! 09:44:17 [QUIT] fare quit: theolis.net calling 10:00:54 [QUIT] nate37 quit: Ping timeout for nate37[cx83983-d.irvn1.occa.home.com] 11:33:02 eihrul joined #tunes 13:22:25 which version of pliant should I be running if I were to run pliant? 14:29:26 [QUIT] gremzlovztrilz quit: I am one who is many 16:35:23 tcn joined #tunes 16:36:51 hey 16:37:52 hey eihrul 16:38:59 what's going on? 16:40:17 playing with pliant 16:42:05 oh ok, go play :) 16:42:26 you played with it yet? :) 16:42:47 no.. I'm not exactly sure what it is even.. 16:43:21 i wonder if it has anything to do w/ http://mindprod.com/ummain.html ;) 16:45:39 i'm gonna finish reading that.. hahahahahahahahah 16:45:39 go laugh my ass off some more 16:45:58 [QUIT] tcn quit: ircII EPIC4-2000 -- Accept no limitations 16:46:03 tcn joined #tunes 16:46:17 umm.. did you see that? 16:49:09 yeah 16:52:22 well i'm off to laugh my ass off.. 17:20:56 ult joined #tunes 17:59:35 Fare joined #tunes 18:04:14 [QUIT] Aardappel quit: http://www.planetquake.com/aardappel/ 18:04:48 Fare: you there? 18:04:52 no 18:04:58 not for long, that is 18:05:06 you have a quick question? 18:05:10 yeah 18:05:13 wrt Pliant 18:05:19 Fare have just met a potential CEO for THEOLIS.net 18:05:35 it doesn't provide any select () or poll ()ish interface to sockets AFAICS 18:05:40 the pliant forum is a better place to ask for specific pliant problems. 18:05:46 and for what i need to do with it 18:05:53 a thread for every client is way overkill 18:06:03 since linux doesn't handle threads worth a damn 18:06:21 I've never tried to select or poll (or do much) about Pliant. I guess you could easily add such a primitive to the system. 18:06:43 linux threads look ok (as far as the very notion of thread can be ok) 18:06:46 well, is there anything better than Pliant out there? :) 18:06:53 better for what? 18:06:58 a MUD :) 18:07:06 well, pliant is nice. 18:07:28 yeah, but it doesn't have very featureful network services :P 18:07:34 if you want heavy artillery, you may try something based on cmucl (or even just clisp) 18:07:50 (or acl, if you don't mind evil proprietary software) 18:08:20 also, I've heard about TOM and similar stuff 18:08:33 CMUCL isn't very hot with network stuff either 18:08:55 well, adding support for bind() and listen() is the easy part. 18:09:16 OCaml has strong system support, including networking (and even RPC and stuff) 18:09:35 can OCaml load/run/modify code easily, though? 18:09:37 JOCaml is even better at it 18:09:48 eih: modulo static binding, it can. 18:09:53 i.e. there is a toplevel. 18:10:24 well, is very important that i be able to modify existing stuff online :) 18:10:39 I've seen people doing dynamic stuff with JOCaml. 18:11:15 Of course, any dynamism must be designed in advance as explicit dereferencing, with *ML 18:11:37 not good enough 18:11:51 (or in extreme cases, you can dump stuff and exec a new image; but then *ML is no better than anything) 18:11:59 Maybe Squeak? 18:12:08 Or Erlang? 18:12:15 definitely not erlang 18:12:20 why not? 18:12:27 too heavy? 18:12:35 no, too silly for what i need to do 18:15:28 [QUIT] Fare quit: Ping timeout for Fare[ppp59-net1-idf2-bas1.isdnet.net] 18:15:37 [QUIT] eihrul quit: Ping timeout for eihrul[OBJECT.RES.CMU.EDU] 18:15:49 [QUIT] smkl quit: Ping timeout for smkl[glubimox.yok.utu.fi] 18:15:52 eihrul joined #tunes 18:16:41 smkl joined #tunes 18:31:02 tcn joined #tunes 20:01:48 tcn left #tunes 20:06:31 smkl joined #tunes 20:45:42 aaronl joined #tunes 20:45:48 ahh TUNES 20:45:53 aren't they the wacky OS guys? 20:45:58 no 21:10:34 BC_V joined #tunes 21:12:52 howdy 21:28:15 BC_V left #tunes 23:35:33 Fare joined #tunes 23:39:38 ult joined #tunes 23:43:43 adu joined #tunes 23:43:53 yo all, lets talk about tunes 23:44:59 lets talk about tunes baby, lets talk about you and me, lets talk about all the good things and the bad things that may be... lets talk about tunes....... 23:50:04 [QUIT] adu quit: . 23:50:25 adu joined #tunes 23:50:33 is anyone in here? 23:50:42 [QUIT] adu quit: . 00:13:10 no