00:14:59 hah 00:15:13 Good one, eihrul ;) 00:15:14 lar1 left #tunes 00:56:43 Brianna joined #tunes 00:59:20 Brianna joined #tunes 02:22:55 BC_V joined #tunes 02:41:50 BC_V left #tunes 06:26:11 water joined #tunes 06:54:36 [QUIT] Kyle quit: Read error to Kyle[cr168790-a.nmkt1.on.wave.home.com]: Connection reset by peer 06:57:56 Kyle joined #tunes 06:58:33 re 07:01:42 hi water 07:06:15 got anything to discuss or ask? 07:07:32 [QUIT] Kyle quit: Read error to Kyle[cr168790-a.nmkt1.on.wave.home.com]: Connection reset by peer 07:09:21 [QUIT] coreyr quit: My damn controlling terminal disappeared! 07:09:31 Kyle joined #tunes 07:13:21 water left #tunes 07:13:26 water joined #tunes 07:13:27 oops 07:13:49 so, as i asked earlier, ... do you have any questions or things to discuss? 07:16:09 who? me? 07:17:54 yep, you. 07:22:46 not much. Do you have updated slate docs? 07:23:32 still haven't uploaded them, but yes 07:28:27 [QUIT] ve3hip quit: 07:59:31 hcf joined #tunes 08:06:35 [QUIT] rpayal1 quit: Ping timeout for rpayal1[] 08:37:41 [QUIT] Fare quit: Ping timeout for Fare[ppp46-net1-idf2-bas1.isdnet.net] 09:08:28 [QUIT] water quit: Ping timeout for water[c207-202-221-160.sea1.cablespeed.com] 09:13:48 Fare joined #tunes 09:55:33 water joined #tunes 09:58:28 eihrul joined #tunes 10:08:55 abi: axel? 10:08:55 axel is a lisp with static types, pattern matching and backtracking. But not free (as in speech) at http://www.spherum.com/homepage.htm 10:09:25 well, the source is available 10:09:54 water checks the license 10:11:56 hum 10:12:16 yeah it has to be clean-roomed to accomodate gpl usage 10:13:15 hahahah 10:13:25 the documentation can only be read on windows!! 10:29:32 matthew- joined #tunes 10:30:29 ult joined #tunes 10:40:40 [NICK] AlexK changed nick to: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 10:48:44 [QUIT] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx quit: Excess Flood 10:56:45 [QUIT] matthew- quit: [BX] Nice shoes, wanna fuck? 10:57:14 water` joined #tunes 10:57:15 [QUIT] water quit: Read error to water[c207-202-221-160.sea1.cablespeed.com]: Connection reset by peer 10:57:50 [NICK] water` changed nick to: water 11:17:46 matthew- joined #tunes 11:29:23 abi: brakes is a portable thread serialization mechanism for java at http://www.cs.kuleuven.ac.be/~tim/MOS/brakes.html 11:29:23 abi: correlate is a concurrent object-oriented language (COOL) with a metalevel architecture... at http://www.cs.kuleuven.ac.be/~xenoops/CORRELATE/ 11:29:27 abi: mobile object systems is at http://www.cs.kuleuven.ac.be/~tim/MOS/ 11:29:27 abi: MetaXa is (MetaJava) a meta architecture that adds run-time reflection to the JavaTM virtual machine at http://www4.informatik.uni-erlangen.de/Projects/PM/Java/ 11:29:30 abi: OpenJava is Adds compile-time reflection to JavaTM at http://www.softlab.is.tsukuba.ac.jp/~mich/openjava/ 11:29:30 abi: Dalang is an extension of JavaTM for behavioural runtime reflection through a MOP at http://www.cs.ncl.ac.uk/people/i.s.welch/home.formal/dalang/index.html 11:29:33 abi: iguana is investigating the use of object-orientation, computational reflection, and metaobject protocols (MOPs) to support dynamic customisation of (system) software at http://dedanann.dsg.cs.tcd.ie/~coyote/ 11:29:33 abi: HyperJ is supports multi-dimensional separation of concerns for Java at http://www.research.ibm.com/hyperspace/HyperJ/HyperJ.htm 11:29:36 abi: AspectJ is a seamless aspect-oriented extension to Java at http://www.aspectj.org 11:29:37 abi: JavaParty is a distributed companion to java at http://wwwipd.ira.uka.de/JavaParty/ 11:29:39 abi: Triveni is a component model for concurrent programming with threads and events 11:29:42 11:29:57 geeesz 11:30:22 do you have big plans or something for abi's factoid db? 11:30:37 stuffing it 11:30:54 w/ keywords like ppl do to web pages 11:30:54 why? 11:31:16 so more people come here? 11:31:32 yeah 11:31:46 or at least become aware of the other poop in abi 11:32:33 it would be nice if there were some easy way to view abi's brain on the web page 11:32:41 and i don't mean just reading the text dump of it :) 11:32:52 eihrul: how then? 11:33:03 some snazzy web interface :) 11:33:21 yeah, diktuon :P 11:33:26 maybe something like diktuon 11:33:36 so you could search for specific kinds of links 11:33:44 or view them all :) 11:34:02 though 11:34:08 annotate them, etc 11:34:09 making things specific doesnt work unless ppl help w/ it 11:34:10 maybe you should just put a diktuon-abi interface :) 11:39:07 would a abi interface be worth it? instead-of or along-with diktuon-ized factoids 11:39:51 better than having a giant text file of factoids 11:39:53 well, whichever is easier 11:40:21 maybe just something that makes regular brain dumps of abi every so often and converts them to diktuon nodes 11:41:08 not sure about the annotating/editing etc aspect 11:41:38 well... 11:42:07 if you factored factoids into text-bits and links, that would be structured enough to interface to xml or whatever diktuon is 11:42:31 you'd have to podify the scripts to spit out the factoids a bit, though 11:42:38 heh 11:42:43 s/podify/modify/ 11:42:49 heh 11:45:36 what would be the simplest thing that i could that would make u happier? 11:46:26 make diktuon work at some level that corey is happy and we can port nodes 11:46:47 s/and/so 11:51:30 water: would u mind joining #diktuon for a sec? 11:55:00 [QUIT] matthew- quit: Ping timeout for matthew-[florence.cinternet.net] 11:56:17 [QUIT] hcf quit: Read error to hcf[207-172-225-102.s102.tnt1.pld.me.dialup.rcn.com]: Connection reset by peer 11:58:09 hcf joined #tunes 11:58:34 hcf: rejoin #ditkuon 11:58:42 oops 12:10:19 abi pcp 12:10:19 pcp is Principia Cybernetica, a web-based public theory of cybernetics and systems theory or http://pespmc1.vub.ac.be/ 12:12:20 hmm, its down 12:12:41 yep 12:24:54 [QUIT] Kyle quit: Leaving 12:49:19 [QUIT] hcf quit: Leaving 13:26:42 [QUIT] trans quit: Leaving 14:39:43 [QUIT] water quit: The Tao went that-a-way! 14:45:48 [QUIT] Fare quit: Ping timeout for Fare[ppp26-net1-idf2-bas1.isdnet.net] 15:12:48 water: http://linux.rice.edu/~rahul/hbaker 15:13:00 abi: hbaker? 15:13:01 wish i knew, eihrul 15:13:19 abi: henry baker mirror is at http://linux.rice.edu/~rahul/hbaker 15:27:40 eihrul sighs. 15:30:45 Kyle joined #tunes 16:06:02 Kyle joined #tunes 16:57:58 Fare joined #tunes 17:02:53 gakuk 17:25:11 water joined #tunes 17:28:10 re all 17:36:39 Fare joined #tunes 17:39:39 re fare 17:42:56 re 17:43:56 [QUIT] Aardappel quit: Ping timeout for Aardappel[ipd54b5f5d.free.wxs.nl] 17:51:23 water left #tunes 17:55:21 water joined #tunes 18:02:49 lar1 joined #tunes 18:08:47 [QUIT] Fare quit: 3053 18:23:27 Tril joined #tunes 18:23:28 [MODE] ChanServ set mode: +o Tril 18:24:21 [QUIT] Tril quit: changing servers 18:24:22 Tril joined #tunes 18:24:22 [MODE] ChanServ set mode: +o Tril 18:24:26 hey tril 18:24:52 hi 18:27:25 Fare joined #tunes 18:27:37 re fare 18:27:57 passing by 18:28:02 ok 18:49:35 nate37 joined #tunes 18:50:28 hey nate 18:50:38 mmmhmm 19:34:57 eihrul joined #tunes 20:16:47 [QUIT] Aardappel quit: http://www.planetquake.com/aardappel/ 20:51:09 [QUIT] trans quit: Ping timeout for trans[00-20-78-c9-e5-d1.bconnected.net] 22:05:45 amx joined #tunes 22:30:27 hi amx 22:35:44 [QUIT] water quit: The Tao went that-a-way! 22:36:02 water joined #tunes 23:11:41 adu joined #tunes 23:11:54 water! 23:11:59 i've been told about you 23:14:45 good morning 23:15:22 hi adu, amx 23:15:44 do you guys have any questions or things you want to talk about? 23:16:15  23:16:44 i was intending on lurking for a bit, i've been following the tunes project (loosely) for a while from university 23:16:51 ok 23:16:57 me2 23:17:16 i've read a little about slate, but it sounds like a concept still... 23:17:17 what level of univ are you at/what degree? 23:17:24 me? 23:17:32 well, slate's under wraps right now 23:17:49 both of you, if you don't mind 23:18:00 i'm doing a masters in maths, at imperial college in the uk if you've heard of it 23:18:14 about to enter 3rd year 23:20:03 slate documents are sparse because a lot of the basic philosophies are still being elaborated on... it's a simple language, but we're trying to flex it to do things no other language does 23:20:21 yeah i've heard of imperials 23:20:26 -s 23:20:53 i was really interested in math when i was at school 23:21:28 i'm a dropout, btw. by choice. 23:21:30 i'm taking a break, just finished HS, and am thinking of going to college in the spring... 23:21:41 colege dropout? 23:21:42 i'll be going back to school in 16 months 23:21:48 yep 23:22:06 i was in my third year at 19, and i was burned out 23:22:26 wow 23:22:33 i'm just another hacker 23:22:41 actually, i hit my third year at 18, but i was 19 when i left 23:22:42 i only became one very recently 23:22:47 ic 23:22:57 when did you start then? 16? 23:23:06 i learned on an apple ][e without the manuals 23:23:13 hehe 23:23:20 college? 23:23:25 17, actually 23:23:35 i've been hacking since i was like 8 23:23:45 first in DOS 23:24:06 then i got a mac when i was 12 (Performa) the a G3 at 17 23:24:14 oh good a mac person 23:24:20 and i just loaded linux on it in Feb 23:24:31 so i've only been using linux for less than a year 23:24:36 i just bought a mac for the first time since the ][e bit the bucket in '92 23:24:52 one of the iBook SE's 23:25:05 get a cube, its going to take some time b4 they're obsolete 23:25:14 maybe 23:25:24 but i'm starting to think intel is better 23:25:29 i need a portable, though 23:25:34 just for compatability reasons 23:25:42 o ya, then get an ibook 23:25:42 screw compatibility 23:25:58 i wish the whole world used Sparc 23:26:04 and it was free 23:26:07 why sparc? 23:26:26 i think its the coolest chip i've com across in my researchings... 23:26:37 heh with the register windows? 23:26:38 unless my researchings are incorrect 23:26:43 i got into computers very late, x86 only 23:27:10 register windows? 23:27:41 if amiga made a chip that had their AmigaDE pcode, then I'd be in heaven 23:27:53 yeah when you call a function on the sparc, there's a scheme for placing variables on the register file so that the overlap is where the parameters get passed 23:28:01 i still need to learn more tho 23:28:10 oh well 23:28:21 Self 4.1 runs on the sparc :) 23:28:42 overlap? aren't registers on the chip? 23:28:44 and the mac, although without the inlining compiler and profiler-feedback scheme 23:28:57 yes, but the register *windows* overlap 23:29:16 as in frames? 23:29:26 yeah 23:29:29 ooooooo 23:29:59 i don't think of the sparc as very special, though 23:30:02 anytime that word is used i can't help think 3.1/95/98/2k/Me 23:30:19 maybe MIPS or RISC or even DPGA 23:30:27 DPGA? 23:30:36 dynamic programmable gate array 23:30:38 isn't risc a TYPE of processor? 23:30:41 www.xilinx.com 23:30:58 yeah, but there's also the RISC chip line 23:31:07 what makes mips better, i haven't read up much on that one 23:31:27 i don't have hours to spend on processor design 23:31:33 o 23:31:40 n/m 23:31:47 don't sweat it 23:32:26 i'm not really worried about hardware right now tho... i'm more interested in software 23:32:28 anyway, tunes has been around since late '94 23:32:36 because that is what makes computers cool 23:32:41 really? 23:32:43 i ran into it while at college in '95 23:32:56 that's also when i noticed merlin 23:33:03 and they STILL don't have much code.... 23:33:05 he 23:33:07 hehe 23:33:19 you think that's funny? 23:33:49 well? 23:34:31 heh 23:35:41 well? 23:35:42 well anyway, it took thousands of filament materials to be tested before one was discovered to work well to make a practical LIGHT BULB 23:35:59 it's been the same with Tunes and programming languages 23:36:00 ya 23:36:26 programming langs are tough 23:36:35 [QUIT] Tril quit: bye 23:36:39 so no source code means no wasted effort since we don't understand what's precisely required 23:36:49 i mean i've been trying to create the ultimate OS since i worked with win3.1 23:36:57 *sigh* 23:37:01 you and everyone else 23:37:07 heh 23:37:27 lar1 ducks 23:37:31 and i don't have a thing to show for it, except tons of notebooks filled with enumerations of types, and tittlebar buttons, and widgets, and protocols... 23:38:09 even if you did have something to show for it, it wouldn't be an ultimate os 23:38:37 the term is an oxymoron 23:38:48 i know 23:38:59 have you ever tried squeak? 23:39:05 the ultimate OS in my oppinion is not an OS 23:39:09 yup 23:39:11 i like it 23:39:17 how much did you grok of it? 23:39:43 i made my oun project, and played with others, but i never got to coding it... 23:40:06 just played with the morphic objects, and looked at things in the obj browser 23:41:15 btw, what i meant is the ultimate OS would be something that couldn't be classified as an OS. 23:41:27 just consider that tunes is about as far removed from squeak as squeak is from windows, as far as design philosophy is concerned 23:41:28 heh 23:41:47 yeah i know 23:41:59 hmmmm 23:42:22 btw, i've been reading the tunes site every month for the last 5 years now 23:42:33 theres that much new stuff? 23:42:39 i only joined about 2 years ago, though 23:42:44 heh 23:42:44 i just read the whynewos.html 23:42:52 sort of 23:43:03 that was enough for me... thats when i said... 23:43:13 um, i forget what i said. 23:43:21 but mostly i re-read it for the sake of re-reading it and encompassing what research i had done since last reading 23:43:44 i know exactly what you mean! 23:44:41 i just saw the movie hackers for about the 3rd time.... but the last time i had seen it wasa a few years, ago, before i learned about unix and tcp/ip etc.... and i realized how unrealistic it really was. I though it was pretty cool the first time i saw it.... 23:45:16 but now i see it as what it really is... holywoodization 23:45:46 well, they have tickets to sell 23:45:58 "I know this, this is a unix system!" - Jarassic Park 23:46:48 hehe 23:47:06 i like unix because it isn't a product...... its a standard :) 23:47:27 btw do you know about the infobot? 23:48:09 abi squeak 23:48:09 squeak is a cool pure oo language descended from Smalltalk, at http://squeak.cs.uiuc.edu/ or at http://www.squeak.org/ or The open source mouse that roars! 23:48:18 abi tunes 23:48:18 tunes is a free reflective computing system at http://www.tunes.org or to programming languages what the internet is to networks 23:48:27 abi fpsood 23:48:27 fpsood is A Functional Pattern System for Object-Oriented Design at http://www-agce.informatik.uni-kl.de/~kuehne/fps/ 23:48:36 abi self 23:48:36 self is a prototype-based object system at http://www.sun.com/research/self/ or old mirror at http://www.cs.ucsb.edu/oocsb/self/ 23:48:47 abi stats 23:48:48 Since Sat Nov 25 14:53:00 2000, there have been 54 modifications and 45 questions. I have been awake for 1 day, 8 hours, 55 minutes, 47 seconds this session, and currently reference 1856 factoids. 23:48:49 [QUIT] lar1 quit: Bye 23:49:02 there you go 23:49:15 time for me to rest also 23:49:19 water: can it search? 23:49:29 (like if you don't know the exact name) 23:49:30 yes 23:49:40 example...? 23:49:40 abi scan for sch 23:49:53 abi /msg's the results 23:49:59 ah 23:50:12 nate37 trys 23:50:13 ok 23:50:14 cool 23:51:38 gnite 23:51:42 cya 23:51:56 oh btw, adu and amx 23:52:03 abi #tunes logs 23:52:03 #tunes logs is #tunes irc logs are at http://www.tunes.org/~nef/logs/ and http://www.tunes.org/files/irc/ 23:52:23 [QUIT] water quit: The Tao went that-a-way! 23:53:49 also www.bespin.org/~lar1/logs/tunes/ i think 23:58:58 nate37 left #tunes 23:59:36 abi slate 23:59:36 slate is a unifying/hybridizing of self/beta/lisp at http://www.tunes.org/~water/slate/ 00:13:17 abi beta