00:26:23 kev joined #tunes 00:26:43 morning 01:03:02 _101 joined #tunes 01:03:05 <_101> hi 01:04:11 <_101> any idea when the slate.tunes.org page will be updated? i fear it's going to be right before my exams start... big things always happen then, or it it just me tries to think that... :) 01:36:43 are you on the mailing list? 01:37:13 <_101> yes 01:37:26 <_101> i'm just starving for something to play with 01:37:45 <_101> reading the docs only gives me some impression about what means what 01:38:07 <_101> i must do that to understand (lack of english knowledge and background) 02:59:39 Fare joined #tunes 03:07:21 [QUIT] Fare quit: Ping timeout for Fare[ppp28-net1-idf2-bas1.isdnet.net] 04:14:13 P1nK_SP1d3r joined #tunes 04:28:42 Kyle joined #tunes 04:28:46 [QUIT] Kyle quit: Leaving 04:41:54 [QUIT] ree quit: ....! 05:24:26 [QUIT] smkl quit: Ping timeout for smkl[glubimox.yok.utu.fi] 06:02:36 [QUIT] P1nK_SP1d3r quit: 06:39:45 P1nK_SP1d3r joined #tunes 06:50:38 [QUIT] _ruiner_ quit: tolkien.openprojects.net varley.openprojects.net 06:50:38 [QUIT] clog quit: tolkien.openprojects.net varley.openprojects.net 06:50:38 [QUIT] abi quit: tolkien.openprojects.net varley.openprojects.net 08:01:11 P1nK_SP1d3r joined #tunes 08:46:24 clog joined #tunes 08:50:16 [QUIT] P1nK_SP1d3r quit: 09:39:45 eihrul joined #tunes 10:03:54 ult joined #tunes 10:06:31 ult_ joined #tunes 10:06:38 [QUIT] ult quit: Read error to ult[]: Connection reset by peer 10:09:38 [QUIT] ult_ quit: Ping timeout for ult_[] 10:10:59 ult_ joined #tunes 10:12:27 [NICK] ult_ changed nick to: ult 10:15:37 [QUIT] ult quit: Read error to ult[]: Connection reset by peer 10:33:52 ult joined #tunes 10:53:19 ShadowKil joined #tunes 10:54:24 ShadowKil left #tunes 11:21:57 mm joined #tunes 11:21:59 [NICK] mm changed nick to: kev 11:49:10 abi joined #tunes 13:53:23 eihrul joined #tunes 15:03:18 scatterheart joined #tunes 15:05:57 welcome 15:07:00 thanks you 15:07:50 what's going on 15:09:57 some intermittent slate stuff 15:15:12 would you happen to use icq? 15:15:25 maybe, i don't give out my number, though 15:16:09 I'm having problems connecting. Are you? 15:16:17 nope 15:16:28 this is not the ICQ support channel, though 15:16:36 tcn joined #tunes 15:21:14 thank you 15:21:18 scatterheart left #tunes 15:30:32 hey t 15:41:02 [QUIT] air quit: http://www.qzx.com/ :: work 15:45:00 hey 15:45:21 how long have you been here? hehe 15:46:41 I was reading about ITS again 15:50:35 [QUIT] tcn quit: ircII EPIC4-2000 -- Accept no limitations 16:05:51 Fare joined #tunes 16:18:06 [QUIT] ink quit: Read error to ink[ppp-206-170-2-77.sntc01.pacbell.net]: Connection reset by peer 16:18:20 Kyle joined #tunes 16:28:38 coreyr joined #tunes 16:39:17 lar1 joined #tunes 16:42:34 [QUIT] Aardappel quit: http://www.planetquake.com/aardappel/ 17:05:33 hcf joined #tunes 17:20:13 [QUIT] ree quit: changing servers 17:21:06 water joined #tunes 17:21:20 hello everyone :) 17:21:45 water is in a much better mood now that he was allowed to accomplish real work at his job and did it well 17:22:30 hcf: thanks mucho for the scheme delegation-oop code and paper 17:22:44 np 17:23:26 eih: how busy are you right now? 17:24:01 (wondering for the purposes of conversation aspect of development, not development per se) 17:24:42 clog joined #tunes 17:25:06 water: useful work in the navy? 17:25:19 Fare: shhh, don't ruin my mood ;) 17:25:23 water: paper from the Scheme repository? 17:25:36 Fare: i believe so 17:26:48 hcf: where did you get that? i forget 17:27:11 1sec 17:28:29 http://www.lh.com/~oleg/ftp/Scheme/index.html#pure-oo 17:30:03 ok 17:30:12 oh yeah 17:30:40 btw, alan kay is going to speak at the ACM1 conference in march 17:31:12 most likely he will show off squeak (2.9 or 2.10 by then) 17:31:36 like nebraska and the end-user programming examples 17:32:14 abi joined #tunes 17:33:52 hm it seems like the mpeg player morph has reached the level of development that mirrors a 1.0 release of a good mainstream player 17:38:34 [QUIT] abi quit: dying 17:38:55 abi joined #tunes 17:39:17 [QUIT] clog quit: Leaving 17:39:34 clog joined #tunes 17:41:57 Fare: are you busy or not around? 17:42:41 yes? 17:42:47 Fare is sleepy 17:42:52 n/m if you're tired 17:43:08 [NICK] trans-din changed nick to: trans 17:43:12 i'll write a lot... just respond to it when you get the chance 17:43:14 nebraska is a bit far away for me. I don't think I'll be there 17:43:35 heh no nebraska is software 17:46:49 acm1 is going to be in san jose, and i doubt a tuneser would gain much from it other than getting acquainted with the speakers, which is not that significant 17:48:48 in fact, most likely alan kay will blow away everyone else 17:49:21 looking at the list of speakers, he's the only one not "part of the digital elite" 17:54:56 [QUIT] hcf quit: Read error to hcf[207-172-225-210.s210.tnt1.pld.me.dialup.rcn.com]: Connection reset by peer 17:56:12 hcf joined #tunes 17:58:08 [QUIT] Fare quit: Connection reset by pear 18:07:05 [QUIT] nate37 quit: brb 18:07:06 abi: pfoos is Purely-Functional Object-Oriented System, aka oop-in-fp, code for a classless delegation-based oo system in scheme, at http://www.lh.com/~oleg/ftp/Scheme/index.html#pure-oo 18:07:39 [QUIT] coreyr quit: im going to read, talk later yall 18:52:55 [QUIT] clog quit: Leaving 18:53:07 clog joined #tunes 19:00:13 timmy joined #tunes 19:00:33 got some questions or comments from the 'what is tunes' part 19:01:16 first, it says free software (aka Open Source) 19:01:27 but i don't think they are the same thing 19:01:51 why not? 19:02:02 open source has some restrictions 19:02:07 heh 19:02:13 that depends on your POV 19:02:34 the restrictions liberate the software from the intentions of the few 19:02:47 to make sure it stays free for the many 19:03:14 it's not necessarily better, but Tunes *has* to be open source in order to work properly at all 19:03:16 i think that is the advantage of the GPL versus public domain 19:03:48 i think it would be better to say Free (as in RMS's definition ) 19:04:12 because that is free and open 19:04:27 well, we refer to the license 19:04:38 have you looked at the FAQ? 19:04:41 too bad fare is missing the licensing discussion 19:04:52 just the What Is part 19:06:04 heh 19:06:05 i also think that internationalisation and other language support should be important (listed in that paragraph) 19:06:15 heh 19:06:36 do you mean unicode or something else? ;) 19:06:57 yeah other stuff too 19:07:40 tunes is supposed to address it, but the basics have to be worked out first 19:07:44 like a well made input system 19:09:05 well, if it is supposed to address it, put it in that 'what is' paragraph :) 19:09:33 actually 4.1 19:11:01 hm good idea 19:12:28 [NICK] water changed nick to: hm 19:12:35 i better get back to writing this stupid US history paper.. 19:12:38 [NICK] hm changed nick to: water 19:16:21 [QUIT] MysticOne quit: [BX] The best part of waking up is BitchX in your cup 19:31:28 are you people working with the vapour people? 19:31:48 actually, no 19:32:19 you know, when i first saw their site, i thought they were spoofing us :) 19:32:35 but anyway, their goals are more in line with a lispOS 19:32:35 well, the name might have been tunes inspired 19:32:42 heh 19:32:51 actually, they hadn't heard of tunes 19:32:55 (i.e. all this systems with fancy names are all just vapour, so lets call ourselves vapour and maybe we'll do the opposite!) 19:32:57 until more recently 19:33:04 water: eh, vapour => zhivago's baby 19:33:56 he definitely knows about tunes, and for quite some time 19:34:07 oh he did? 19:34:08 s/all this/all these 19:34:26 even before vapour was started? 19:34:32 vapour is pretty old 19:34:36 they've been working on it for years 19:34:37 because if you ever want an implementation, you need to work together 19:34:41 however, the name may not date back that long 19:34:47 not sure 19:38:07 [QUIT] coreyr quit: gone 19:51:20 [QUIT] hcf quit: Leaving 20:22:38 ult joined #tunes 20:53:29 water joined #tunes 20:57:53 lispbliss joined #tunes 20:59:32 water, you still here? 21:09:28 yeah 21:12:18 do you use squeak much? 21:12:28 yes i do 21:12:54 what do you do with it? 21:13:04 mostly i study it 21:13:06 it doesn't seem fast enough to make many applications that actually do real stuff.. 21:13:11 lol 21:13:18 or am I wrong? 21:13:46 okay, explain where the boundary between "real stuff" and "toy stuff" is 21:14:18 well, a large application I guess. I mean, even just with the basic apps it comes with its pretty slow. that's what I mean. 21:14:39 how fast is your computer? 21:14:53 dual 550s 21:15:06 and what version of squeak did you try? 21:15:29 hmm, its been a few months now..whatever the latest version was 2-3 months ago 21:15:59 and does it mean anything to you when i tell you that most of squeak's ~15 MB of code is experimental? 21:16:05 btw, have you ever used the email, web, or irc programs for it? 21:16:30 yes, that's not what is being worked on in squeak 21:16:44 squeak is not being developed as an emacs-killer 21:16:55 water, I don't expect it to be 21:17:11 I'm interested in what it is being worked on for. that's why I came here to talk to you about it :) 21:17:18 well do you know what's being developed most actively in it? 21:17:25 ok, "no" 21:17:27 nah, I don't. 21:17:35 morphic, for one 21:17:43 that's a really huge thing right there 21:18:13 morphic is the way to make guis in it right? 21:18:16 although I feel I'm underestimating morphic.. 21:18:18 there's also image segments, modules, namespaces, projects, nebraska, swikis, shared morphs, ... 21:18:29 yes you are 21:18:48 morphic is a really big architecture 21:19:09 it's also been one of the biggest sources of slowdown in squeak 21:19:20 which is recently the hotspot of attention 21:19:44 basically, expect about twice the performance and responsiveness out of 2.9 over 2.8 21:20:07 2.8 is the current public release, which itself is in transition 21:20:27 do you know what kansas is from self? 21:20:52 hello? 21:21:47 sorry, got disconnected.. 21:21:53 oh 21:22:02 so is 2.9 on cvs type stuff or is it hush hush private? 21:22:07 abi #tunes logs 21:22:13 kansas is a state.. 21:22:17 (just joking :)) 21:22:23 no problem, I saw what you said 21:22:44 kansas is a way to share desktops in the kind of environment that squeak is 21:22:46 I remember reading that smalltalk got something similiar from self., but I don't remember what it was.. 21:22:53 across the internet 21:22:56 sweet 21:23:04 does it exist or is it vapor? 21:23:11 that includes code development in all aspects 21:23:35 it exists in self 4.0 through 4.1.2, which i use on this iBook 21:23:36 scratch that last question. 21:23:47 so does smalltalk have similiar features? 21:23:50 nebraska is the squeak continuation of kansas 21:24:00 and is it vapor? 21:24:11 or alpha, or what stage? 21:24:11 no, it's in 2.9alpha 21:24:19 the 2.9 image is alpha 21:24:26 ahh, and can normal people like me get it? 21:24:37 yeah, but you'll probably run into bugs 21:24:51 any idea of a release for 2.9? 21:24:52 and most people don't know how to use a squeak debugger 21:25:07 (it's really really powerful) 21:25:10 hm 21:25:15 perhaps another month 21:25:15 btw, is self even used much anymore? I've never really heard of anyone using it.. 21:25:36 it's never been used much, but now that it works on the mac, more people can use it 21:25:57 that's cool.. does it compile to native code? 21:26:02 not on the mac 21:26:09 it does for sparc/solaris, though 21:26:16 adu joined #tunes 21:26:20 re adu 21:26:24 re 21:26:33 what happened to abi? 21:26:39 abi help 21:26:41 dunno 21:26:50 o its still here :) 21:27:17 lb: what else do you want to know? 21:27:25 apple is at http://www.apple.com 21:27:33 where can i find apple? 21:27:36 what all the swiki talk is about..I remember lots of people mentioning it .. 21:27:49 do you know what wiki is? 21:27:53 like I tried one once but wasn't sure what was special about it..some web thing 21:27:55 no, I don't. 21:28:08 www.wiki.org i believe 21:28:22 do you have to call abi's name everytime you want it to record something? 21:28:39 yes, but please don't 21:29:01 k 21:29:21 hot passionate love is at http://myhouse.com 21:29:21 wiki is a way to build web pages collaboratively on the net 21:30:07 swiki is a similar concept that is migrating toward publishing any kind of squeak content on the web 21:30:23 abi squeak swiki 21:30:41 hm 21:31:08 well anyway, swiki's are also collaborative 21:31:30 the squeak site has a swiki dedicated to documenting squeak, for example 21:31:38 and there's also www.swiki.net 21:31:43 and anyone can add stuff to it? 21:32:18 yep, although there is backtrqacking 21:32:22 -q 21:32:23 [QUIT] MysticOne quit: I'm outta here! Catch everyone later! 21:32:49 there are some implementation improvements that squeak is working on as well 21:33:13 to allow for the right kind of customizable protection mechanisms for swiki nodes 21:33:50 hmm, so there is morphic, nebraska, and swiki. 21:34:45 there is also the squeak IDE 21:35:18 hcf joined #tunes 21:35:23 explorers, inspectors, halos, class/instance/method/method category/package/hierarchy/protocol browsers 21:35:44 yeah, I remember fooling around with that a bit. 21:35:45 also the process browser, debugger, 21:35:58 well, it's getting improved 21:36:29 the conspicuous lack of a morphic-oriented gui builder has not gone without notice, for example 21:37:05 there's also the push to modularize the image 21:37:21 so that embedded systems only need to load what is absolutely needed 21:37:34 which would make scripting servers possible 21:38:13 this is happening already in the current image, although it's not exploited by default in the UI 21:38:23 (re hcf) 21:38:28 ahh 21:38:50 there's also alternative syntaxes for squeak code 21:38:55 do you know of any docs on how to use nebraska in the alpha image? 21:39:00 heh 21:39:01 is there a lisp syntax? 21:39:06 (rere water) 21:39:14 no a lisp syntac for smalltalk would not work 21:39:28 not properly, anyway 21:39:31 oh :() 21:39:44 and the docs for everything in squeak are in the image and changesets 21:39:57 lisp: it's a logical difference between the languages 21:40:14 lisp: it could be done, but it would be a restricted kind of syntax 21:40:26 ok, np 21:40:33 not that you can't do lisp in smalltalk, it's just done differently 21:40:59 abi: #tunes 21:40:59 #tunes is [irc] channel for TUNES, logs at http://www.tunes.org/~nef/logs/ and http://www.tunes.org/files/irc/ 21:41:13 ah ok 21:41:39 for example, there's a java/c++ like syntax 21:42:11 let's see, what else 21:42:24 oh yeah, compilable primitives 21:42:51 of course squeak relies on a c compiler as a back-end, but that's what you get for portability's sake 21:43:14 I'm downloading 2.9a and the VM..and checking out the squeak swiki.. 21:43:22 ok 21:43:33 but its pretty late and I don't think I'll get to use it tonight.. 21:43:59 ok 21:44:15 be careful with it, even the vm is experimental 21:44:34 btw, the JIT framework is also getting released with 2.9 21:44:43 so there's another speedup 21:44:47 java just in time? 21:44:56 lol 21:45:04 no, squeak JIT 21:45:20 I thought the VM worked for all 2.x releases? 21:45:34 which vm? 21:45:35 the only context I've heard JIT talked about in was regarding java :) 21:45:44 SqueakVM.. 21:45:52 the squeak vm is changing quite a bit 21:45:54 like all I need for 2.9 was a new image, not a new vm 21:45:59 nope 21:46:11 the new squeak vm has a lot of new primitives compiled in 21:46:19 ok, I'll look for the new vm 21:46:23 much different from 2.7 21:46:32 which is probably what you played with before 21:48:52 abi seity 21:48:52 seity is [sw+self] at http://www.parc.xerox.com/istl/members/bchang/seity/ 21:49:03 hum 21:50:58 abi pcp 21:50:58 pcp is Principia Cybernetica, a web-based public theory of cybernetics and systems theory or http://pespmc1.vub.ac.be/ 21:51:09 http://software.freepage.de/cronos/squeak/squeak_macOS9.gif that is cool.. 21:51:17 oh good, it's back up 21:51:56 hello 21:52:09 yeah skins are nice 21:52:16 water you know much about sqeak? 21:52:21 adu: yes 21:52:34 water, do the skins slow it down? 21:52:37 the gradient system is available without any additions, too 21:52:45 lisp: not really 21:52:45 this isn't really about aqueak, but does JIT require knowlege of the destination CPU? 21:53:01 adu: of course, which is why the squeak JIT was delayed 21:53:21 it doesn't seem like it is just the titlebars that's different in this picture..I think the whole color scheme is different.. 21:53:27 because if you write it in C, you can write it in such a way as not to be pinned to any proccessor..... can't you? 21:53:37 lb: colorscheme is nothing to change 21:54:12 water do you know how to change the windows in squeak? 21:54:19 i always thought they were ugle 21:54:28 s/ugle/ugly/ 21:54:30 adu: well the engine itself can be portable, but compiling to native code means compiling to *native* *code* 21:54:42 ya 21:54:46 look on the squeak swiki 21:54:52 k 21:54:57 thanx 21:54:58 i don't care for cosmetic stuff 21:55:10 i'm interested in formalizing a VM spec 21:55:20 so? 21:55:21 Note that you will still need to use the VM and .sources file from the official release download. (The alpha download does not include these.)) 21:55:43 i want it to be kinda like daisy 21:56:06 what the hell is daisy? or rather, why should i care what it is? 21:56:54 hcf_ joined #tunes 21:57:24 daisy is an IBM project that hasto do with binary conversion 21:57:37 [NICK] hcf_ changed nick to: hcf 21:58:24 oh like dynamo 21:58:32 (by HP) 21:58:46 whats that? 21:58:51 abi dynamo 21:58:51 dynamo is at http://www.hpl.hp.com/cambridge/projects/Dynamo/ or at http://www.cs.indiana.edu/proglang/dynamo/ 21:58:57 abi: squeak wiki is at http://minnow.cc.gatech.edu/squeak.1 22:00:08 abi: swiki? 22:00:08 swiki is Wiki in Squeak, a CoWeb: web-based collaborative space, based on WikiWiki at http://www.cc.gatech.edu/projects/squeakers/14.html 22:00:33 [QUIT] Kyle quit: Leaving 22:01:01 adu: dont try to add stupid things like ' hot passionate love is at http://myhouse.com' to abi 22:01:03 [QUIT] trans quit: What's a script? 22:04:27 that sounds cool 22:04:47 hcf: i knew it woulnd't add it... i was joking 22:04:53 ok 22:05:25 water joined #tunes 22:05:33 re 22:05:46 hello again 22:05:53 dynamo sounds pretty cool 22:06:10 but it sounds like more for vitual instruction sets... 22:06:22 [QUIT] mitanium quit: Ping timeout for mitanium[] 22:06:23 like Java, amigaDE, Python 22:06:24 it doesn't matter 22:06:33 i want to learn more about them actually.... 22:06:43 okay, good for you 22:06:55 i want an environment with built-in support for foriegn applications. 22:07:27 i don't care if i'm talking to a wall... if you don't care then why do you take the time to type the letters.... 22:07:27 um... why are you telling me this? 22:08:28 i would do something about it but chanserv is not around to enforce anything 22:11:48 [QUIT] hcf quit: Leaving 22:13:28 chanserv? 22:13:34 why would they? 22:15:35 they implement ops 22:16:40 bbiab 22:17:59 [QUIT] lar1 quit: foobarbaz 22:27:40 bye 22:27:56 [QUIT] adu quit: Read error to adu[1Cust243.tnt1.vacaville.ca.da.uu.net]: Connection reset by peer 23:38:14 eihrul yawns. 23:39:59 hey 23:40:12 odd time for you to be up 00:01:37 good morning