00:54:39 i need my tunes! 00:54:45 my stereo is b0rked! 00:54:47 whaaa! 00:54:49 Salazar left #tunes 02:16:01 x86 has returned.. back again <21h41m58s> 05:17:56 vitto joined #tunes 05:19:04 Fare joined #tunes 05:19:07 vitto left #tunes 08:06:46 lar1 joined #tunes 08:26:18 P1nK_SP1d3R joined #tunes 08:40:34 hi ! 08:40:45 is there somebody here, please ? 09:16:03 eihrul joined #tunes 09:45:55 Kyle joined #tunes 09:54:38 [QUIT] P1nK_SP1d3R quit: [x]chat 10:04:34 timmy joined #tunes 10:16:50 [QUIT] MysticOne quit: See ya! 10:43:58 water joined #tunes 10:44:02 hey 11:22:30 Hey! Hey! 11:22:35 heh 11:22:37 hey 11:23:02 water is in r&d mode with eihrul 11:23:20 may I listen? 11:23:28 check #{} logs 11:32:26 i'm also doing some separate work on my own 11:32:44 don't let the conversation make you think that's all we're doing :) 11:35:12 hcf joined #tunes 11:35:58 water, have you compiled the 2.9a vm for unix? 11:36:40 water: try 'abi: ali' 11:37:49 hcf: yeah i figured that 11:38:05 lisp: nope, i HATE build/make 11:39:45 abi: FX is a family of PLs (FX-87 FX-91 uFX) based on Scheme at ftp://brokaw.lcs.mit.edu/pub/fx/ http://psrg.lcs.mit.edu/publications.html#fxps 11:39:45 abi: SchMUSE is a Scheme-based Multi-User Simulation Environment featuring a concurrent oo persistent heap at http://www-swiss.ai.mit.edu/~dml/ 11:39:45 abi: Clovers is "Clovers: The Dynamic Behavior of Types and Instances" at http://citeseer.nj.nec.com/184422.html 11:48:51 [NICK] Fare changed nick to: Fare61453 11:52:46 kev joined #tunes 11:52:58 hey kev 11:53:23 hello 11:54:41 [QUIT] gREMLiNs quit: Ping timeout for gREMLiNs[] 12:54:27 [QUIT] water quit: Ping timeout for water[c207-202-221-160.sea1.cablespeed.com] 12:56:26 [NICK] Fare61453 changed nick to: Fare 12:58:55 water joined #tunes 13:22:19 abi: STAPLE is [pl] Statically Typed Applicative Persistent Language Environment, a lazy functional PL w/ a persistent store at http://www.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~staple/publications.html 13:23:37 hcf: I thought I had it in the Languages page 13:24:28 its in the os-rev, w/ the wrong link 13:24:35 feel free to fix it 13:25:03 oh 13:45:34 abi: gray? 13:45:34 gray is [sw+forth] a parser generator in forth, see http://www.complang.tuwien.ac.at/projects/forth.html 13:45:55 [QUIT] kc5tja quit: [x]chat 13:46:00 yeah that's the one i was looking at 13:46:08 it's nice and compact, actually 13:46:41 hey maybe you should use a [meta] tag ;) 13:47:36 to mean what exactly? 13:49:36 meta-program or reflective 13:49:57 although i suppose all [sw] for tunes is [meta] :P 13:52:39 ult joined #tunes 13:52:55 hey ult 13:58:18 water, have you used the IRC client for squeak? 13:58:22 or celeste, or the webbrowser? 13:58:29 yeah, it's rather bare 13:58:53 you know you can launch them from the "open..." entry on the desktop menu, right? :) 13:59:15 abi: Lexer and Parser Generators is links at http://www.cs.jcu.edu.au/~alison/TONY/lexparse.html 13:59:22 (within morphic, of course) 13:59:35 so far, gray is the only forth specific PG i find 13:59:55 i don't think forth people need more than gray :) 14:01:15 perhaps theres smth based on it thats even better 14:02:18 maybe, but forth needs lots of parser-generators like lisp needs lots of parser-generators :) 14:02:40 like scheme needs a lot of implementations 14:02:52 *shrug* ok you got me there :) 14:03:16 although no one can seem to agree on what a lisp should implement 14:08:35 water, everyone says their in the open entry, but I can't find them there :) 14:08:44 oh, its in the morphic menu I guess.. 14:09:53 huh? 14:09:58 are you crazy? 14:10:06 why? 14:10:16 because it IS in the open... entry 14:10:26 you have to get into morphic first, though :P 14:10:44 do you know how to do that? hit "open..." then "morphic project" 14:10:54 then click on it to get into it 14:11:06 yeah, I did it.. 14:11:23 so what's under the "open..." entry? 14:13:23 heh did you find them? 14:24:54 icuc, bnfparse guy's pub, http://www.zetetics.com/bj/papers/index.html 14:25:00 s/pub/pubs/ 14:26:20 have you ever gotten so much information that you felt sick just from the sheer quantity? 14:27:02 iv basically felt like that for the past 2yrs 14:28:12 i don't blame yuo 14:28:19 s/uo/ou/ 14:31:04 abi: forth links is also http://www.technopoint.net/tpforth/eng/Treasure_island_of_forth/programmers_info.html 14:31:05 okay, hcf. 14:36:34 icuc... 14:36:36 abi: thrive? 14:36:36 thrive is THReaded Interpreter Vector forth-like Engine at http://www.equi4.com/thrive/ 14:38:03 abi: Parser and Scanner Generators is http://students.si.fct.unl.pt/users/pjmlp/en/parserscan.html 14:42:39 wow the thrive guy borrowed from joy 14:47:35 abi: no, strongforth is [pl] a ~ANSI FORTH w/ strong compile-time typechecking at http://home.t-online.de/home/s.becher/forth/ http://www.egroups.com/group/strongforth/ http://www.egroups.com/files/concatenative/Forth.zip 14:47:35 okay, hcf. 14:48:55 that's enough for me, i'm going offline just to avoid url's now 14:49:00 [QUIT] water quit: The Tao went that-a-way! 14:50:02 abi: timbre is a script driven translator engine at http://www.compusmart.ab.ca/rc/Timbre/timbre.htm 15:37:33 ult joined #tunes 15:38:10 water joined #tunes 15:38:47 re all 15:56:10 hcf joined #tunes 16:14:25 [QUIT] clog quit: Leaving 16:14:37 clog joined #tunes 16:25:48 abi acdi 16:25:55 abi: acdi? 16:25:55 i haven't a clue, water 16:26:06 abi: acd&i? 16:26:07 acd&i is Advanced Compiler Design & Implementation at http://www.mkp.com/books_catalog/catalog.asp?ISBN=1-55860-320-4 16:28:04 [QUIT] ult quit: Read error to ult[]: Connection reset by peer 16:30:20 [QUIT] trans quit: Ping timeout for trans[00-20-78-c9-e5-d1.bconnected.net] 17:20:29 abi: thue is [pl] a PL based on the semi-Thue grammar/process at http://www.catseye.mb.ca/esoteric/thue/index.html 17:26:55 not bad 17:52:24 hmm 17:52:28 http://mops.uni-trier.de/~mops/ 17:53:51 abi: scm2cl? 17:53:52 scm2cl is converts scheme to common lisp at http://www.cs.rice.edu/~dorai/scm2cl/scm2cl.html 17:54:43 ok mops is cool :) 17:54:52 water thought it was the *other* MOPS 17:55:34 the mac forth/st-like? 17:55:55 kev joined #tunes 17:55:57 yeah 18:27:10 ult joined #tunes 18:39:57 Kyle joined #tunes 18:44:05 [QUIT] hcf quit: Leaving 18:48:54 [QUIT] Aardappel quit: http://www.planetquake.com/aardappel/ 18:55:55 water, yeah I found them 19:52:11 HenZo joined #tunes 19:52:31 hey guys 19:52:52 Does anyone know of a 'script' command clone for Win32 console (DOS mode)? 19:57:36 [QUIT] Kyle quit: Leaving 19:58:34 HenZo left #tunes 20:55:20 [QUIT] water quit: The Tao went that-a-way! 21:10:05 helaspi joined #tunes 21:12:14 abi joined #tunes 21:12:14 lispbliss joined #tunes 21:12:14 clog joined #tunes 21:13:19 spidey left #tunes 22:44:58 water joined #tunes 23:00:50 eihrul joined #tunes 23:02:21 [QUIT] lar1 quit: foo 05:17:38 Fare joined #tunes