00:47:00 _101 joined #tunes 00:47:03 <_101> hi 01:02:18 water joined #tunes 01:02:27 <_101> hi water 01:02:36 hi 01:02:41 <_101> hmm.. are those nonlinked pages new on slate.tunes.org 01:02:51 <_101> i found a dir that has no index.html 01:03:06 the ./doc 01:03:09 <_101> but i didn't have time to read them, tests... :( 01:04:44 k, not much there yet 01:05:26 <_101> each piece of info counts :) but i have to finish things for school and such... 03:46:49 hey 101 03:46:55 <_101> hi 03:47:32 <_101> i'm reading Behavioral Reflection in a Prototype-Based Language.pdf :) 03:50:05 you asked about grabbing the tunes site for local reading ? 03:50:11 have you checked out http://www.wildbits.com/stamina/ 03:50:22 <_101> i will 03:50:50 <_101> for beos =) 04:04:58 [QUIT] ree quit: Ping timeout for ree[twisted.goodnet.com] 04:18:59 get the snapshot 04:19:21 .tar.bz2 and .tar.gz, made nightly 04:37:21 [QUIT] water quit: The Tao went that-a-way! 04:47:22 [QUIT] kev quit: Ping timeout for kev[t1o315p56.teliauk.com] 06:37:16 kev joined #tunes 06:45:54 [QUIT] _101 quit: Bowser [d40]: server window terminating... 06:54:20 [QUIT] coreyr quit: barnes.openprojects.net tolkien.openprojects.net 06:54:20 [QUIT] kev quit: barnes.openprojects.net tolkien.openprojects.net 06:54:20 [QUIT] clog quit: barnes.openprojects.net tolkien.openprojects.net 06:54:20 [QUIT] abi quit: barnes.openprojects.net tolkien.openprojects.net 06:54:20 [QUIT] nate37 quit: barnes.openprojects.net tolkien.openprojects.net 06:55:20 kev joined #tunes 06:56:38 clog joined #tunes 06:56:38 abi joined #tunes 07:11:50 nore joined #tunes 09:22:19 Fare joined #tunes 09:48:36 eihrul joined #tunes 09:57:39 hcf joined #tunes 10:00:03 ult joined #tunes 10:18:57 abi: cvp is [sw] Compiler Validation Project: developing tools for proving the correctness of compilation, at http://www.cs.nyu.edu/validation/ 10:18:58 abi: ALLOY is [pl] a high level massively parallel language, unifies oo functional and logic programming styles, at http://www.mitsolides.com/alloy.htm and ftp://cs.nyu.edu/pub/local/alloy/ 10:19:03 abi: blue calculus is [math] at http://www-sop.inria.fr/meije/personnel/Gerard.Boudol/blue.html 10:19:03 abi: FITS is [forth+os] Forth Incompatible Timesharing System at http://www.lysator.liu.se/~mc/oldhacks.html 10:19:05 abi: schemelets is [scheme+web] Scheme as a client-side language at http://vismod.www.media.mit.edu/~kbrussel/Schemelets/ 10:19:28 [QUIT] hcf quit: Leaving 10:20:37 [QUIT] ult quit: ircII EPIC4pre2 -- Accept no limitations 10:35:25 [QUIT] gREMLiNs quit: I am one who is many 12:23:50 [QUIT] eihrul quit: Leaving 13:21:20 eihrul joined #tunes 13:59:02 [TOPIC] ChanServ: http://tunes.org/ 14:55:59 eihrul joined #tunes 14:57:08 hcf joined #tunes 14:57:45 abi: jopl is [pl+journal] Journal of Programming Languages at http://compscinet.dcs.kcl.ac.uk/JP/ 14:57:46 abi: jucs is [cs+journal] Journal of Universal Computer Science at http://www.jucs.org 14:57:50 abi: gragra is [gram] graph grammar bibliography at http://www.cs.umu.se/~drewes/gragra/ 14:57:50 abi: treebag is [gram+sw] a tree-grammar-based generator for strings, trees, pictures, and other kinds of objects at http://www.informatik.uni-bremen.de/~drewes/treebag/ 14:57:53 abi: latex graphs is [tex+sw] a LaTeX package for typesetting graphs at http://www.cs.umu.se/~drewes/graphs/ 14:58:04 14:58:04 http://www.cs.ukc.ac.uk/people/staff/pjr6/index.html http://www.cs.ucy.ac.cy/~george/george5.html http://www.cs.man.ac.uk/~banach/Recent.publications.html 14:58:10 http://citeseer.nj.nec.com/38482.html http://citeseer.nj.nec.com/lohrey97term.html http://www.dcs.kcl.ac.uk/staff/pjm/publications/ 14:58:13 http://citeseer.nj.nec.com/glaubert91dactl.html http://citeseer.nj.nec.com/ariola93equational.html http://www.cs.ukc.ac.uk/research/tcs/pl_projects.html 14:58:15 http://compscinet.dcs.kcl.ac.uk/JP/jp040201.abs.html http://citeseer.nj.nec.com/97010.html http://citeseer.nj.nec.com/glaubert91dactl.html 14:58:18 14:59:34 [QUIT] hcf quit: Leaving 15:22:54 lar1 joined #tunes 17:59:12 mibin_ joined #tunes 18:32:52 [QUIT] ree quit: Ping timeout for ree[twisted.goodnet.com] 18:35:27 Kyle joined #tunes 18:50:54 [QUIT] trans quit: Ping timeout for trans[] 19:24:11 [QUIT] mibin_ quit: pohl.openprojects.net sagan.openprojects.net 19:24:11 [QUIT] Kyle quit: pohl.openprojects.net sagan.openprojects.net 19:24:11 [QUIT] lar1 quit: pohl.openprojects.net sagan.openprojects.net 19:26:18 [QUIT] coreyr quit: barnes.openprojects.net pohl.openprojects.net 19:26:18 [QUIT] kev quit: barnes.openprojects.net pohl.openprojects.net 19:26:19 [QUIT] Fare quit: barnes.openprojects.net pohl.openprojects.net 19:31:42 [QUIT] nate37 quit: barnes.openprojects.net lackey.openprojects.net 19:39:03 kev joined #tunes 19:48:16 Kyle joined #tunes 19:48:16 lar1 joined #tunes 19:49:53 [QUIT] Kyle quit: pohl.openprojects.net sagan.openprojects.net 19:49:53 [QUIT] lar1 quit: pohl.openprojects.net sagan.openprojects.net 19:53:10 lar1 joined 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