01:14:43 BC_V joined #tunes 01:17:09 BC_V left #tunes 01:34:21 [QUIT] lar1 quit: 02:55:33 nwsh joined #tunes 03:16:03 hey 03:36:46 nwsh left #tunes 05:18:39 Fare joined #tunes 05:29:07 kev joined #tunes 06:59:06 Kyle joined #tunes 07:39:19 abi joined #tunes 08:59:59 [QUIT] _ruiner_ quit: Ping timeout for _ruiner_[24-216-192-59.hsacorp.net] 09:37:15 hcf joined #tunes 09:52:16 abi: mim is [mozart+cmcw+sw] Mozart Instant Messenger at http://www.sics.se/mozart/mim/ 09:52:17 abi: ISHTAR is [pl] a functional logic PL w/ polymorphic order-sorted types at http://citeseer.nj.nec.com/320661.html and http://www.ual.es/~jalmen/research.html 09:52:21 abi: flp is Functional Logic Programming at http://www.informatik.uni-kiel.de/~mh/FLP/ and http://www.cs.pdx.edu/~antoy/flp/flp-page.html also see fll 09:52:28 and in the buzzword-overload department... 09:52:36 abi: sonata is [mozart+vw+sw] an oo, multi-user, persistent, programmable, real-time, collaborative, distributed, infrastructure for constructing shared, extensible virtual worlds (iow a mud) at http://www.sics.se/mozart/projects/sonata/ 09:53:22 heh 09:54:09 actually had to trim a couple buzzwords off so it would fit in abi 09:54:20 water takes a token look at the mozart homepage 09:56:17 in the stupid-abi-tricks department... 09:56:18 abi: convert to morse 'MORSE CODE' 09:56:18 hcf: '-- --- .-. ... . -.-. --- -.. .' 09:56:24 abi: convert from morse '-- --- .-. ... . -.-. --- -.. .' 09:56:24 hcf: 'MORSE CODE' 09:56:29 'abi: help morse' for full syntax 09:57:30 uh sure 09:57:44 hm 09:58:07 too bad its written in perl 09:58:20 btw, icac, the ALF and curry factoids have updated urls, dunno if that means new poop 10:03:29 doubt it 10:03:44 but i'll check curry at least 10:03:48 abi: curry 10:03:48 curry is [pl] a truly integrated functional logic language at http://www.informatik.uni-kiel.de/~mh/curry/ 10:05:23 new version and a few more implementations than i last recall. that's about it 10:11:11 [QUIT] water quit: The Tao went that-a-way! 10:16:42 [QUIT] hcf quit: Leaving 10:47:21 lar1 joined #tunes 11:56:56 eihrul joined #tunes 12:06:13 [QUIT] eihrul quit: Ping timeout for eihrul[OBJECT.RES.CMU.EDU] 12:06:16 eihrul joined #tunes 12:07:32 [QUIT] MysticOne quit: barnes.openprojects.net king.openprojects.net 12:26:46 nwsh joined #tunes 12:33:58 hcf joined #tunes 12:55:39 nwsh left #tunes 13:37:03 eihrul joined #tunes 14:04:10 [QUIT] eihrul quit: Leaving 14:46:06 eihrul joined #tunes 14:58:56 abi joined #tunes 15:24:32 lar1_ joined #tunes 15:26:09 [QUIT] nate37 quit: tolkien.openprojects.net pohl.openprojects.net 15:29:07 [QUIT] lar1_ quit: 15:29:55 lar1 joined #tunes 16:09:33 [QUIT] nate37 quit: Ping timeout for nate37[cx83983-d.irvn1.occa.home.com] 17:58:46 ult joined #tunes 18:30:29 ult joined #tunes 18:59:16 eihrul joined #tunes 19:39:50 water joined #tunes 19:40:26 water is a sucker for cs books 19:41:00 this time it's a buzzword book... "metapatterns" 19:45:35 water joined #tunes 19:46:04 re re 19:57:54 hcf joined #tunes 20:04:49 [TOPIC] ChanServ: http://tunes.org/ 20:06:10 [TOPIC] water: TUNES: Free Reflective Computing System http://www.tunes.org || Slate Programming Language http://slate.tunes.org || Lambda PL weblog http://lambda.weblogs.com || Updated Mailing List Archives http://lists.tunes.org 20:10:23 [QUIT] Aardappel quit: barnes.openprojects.net zsoldos.openprojects.net 20:14:15 hcf joined #tunes 20:30:32 icac updated urls for toy (sense 1) and bablog factoids 20:39:33 abi: toy? 20:39:34 toy is [pl] a prototype for a constraint functional logic PL at http://titan.sip.ucm.es/incoming/toy.html or [pl+amiga] an amiga draco-like PL at http://www.graysage.edmonton.ab.ca/cg/Compilers/Toy/index.html 20:40:02 abi: bablog 20:40:02 bablog is [pl] a lazy higher-order logic PL at http://titan.sip.ucm.es/incoming/bablog.html 21:20:44 hcf joined #tunes 22:16:41 water joined #tunes 22:29:08 eihrul joined #tunes 23:52:56 [QUIT] ink quit: . 01:50:52 BC_V joined #tunes