IRC log started Tue Jun 15 00:00:00 1999 [msg(TUNES)] permlog 1999.0615 -:- NetSplit: split from [12:21am] -:- BitchX+Deb1an: Press Ctrl-F to see who left Ctrl-E to change to [] -:- Netjoined: -:- _QZ [] has joined #Tunes -:- SignOff _QZ: #TUNES (Ping timeout for _QZ[]) -:- _QZ [] has joined #tunes -:- adsdsa [] has joined #Tunes -:- adsdsa [] has left #Tunes [] -:- adsdsa [] has joined #Tunes -:- SignOff adsdsa: #TUNES (adsdsa) -:- water [] has joined #tunes -:- SignOff _QZ: #TUNES (BRiX [] :: sleep) -:- water [] has left #tunes [] -:- NetSplit: split from [01:10am] -:- BitchX+Deb1an: Press Ctrl-F to see who left Ctrl-E to change to [] -:- Netjoined: -:- Fare [] has joined #Tunes -:- Tril [] has joined #Tunes -:- abi [] has joined #Tunes -:- ServerMode/#Tunes [+o Tril] by -:- smoke [] has joined #Tunes -:- water [] has joined #tunes gakuk! hi * water/#tunes is the holy terror of the tunes irc. s/holy/unholy/ :) fare: you agree then? * Fare/#Tunes is not afraid of anything (famous last words) * water/#tunes wasn't asking about fare's fear. fare's fair fears * water/#tunes was thinking about his effect on irc discussions in #tunes. have you nothing better to do than irc? lately, i've been doing lots of net research it's simple to have an irc window open at the same time yeah * water/#tunes has so many cool (LAMBDA nature) papers about logic that he doesn't what to do with himself. doesn't know read some then write some become one with the LAMBDA open yourself to the Source :) * water/#tunes got some papers on writing style and format for his edification, as well water: URL? hmm * water/#tunes searches his bookmarks... 06:10am :( haven't found it yet 06:20am 06:30am -:- SignOff Fare: #TUNES (Ping timeout for Fare[]) -:- water [] has left #tunes [] -:- NetSplit: split from [08:11am] -:- BitchX+Deb1an: Press Ctrl-F to see who left Ctrl-E to change to [] -:- Netjoined: -:- Tril [] has joined #Tunes -:- abi [] has joined #Tunes -:- ServerMode/#Tunes [+o Tril] by -:- s_r [] has joined #tunes -:- hcf [] has joined #tunes -:- SignOff s_r: #TUNES (Leaving) -:- billyboof [] has joined #tunes -:- SignOff billyboof: #TUNES ( -:- Fare [] has joined #Tunes -:- SignOff Fare: #TUNES (Connection reset by pear) -:- billyboof [] has joined #tunes -:- SignOff billyboof: #TUNES ( -:- SignOff hcf: #TUNES (Leaving) -:- AlonzoTG [] has joined #tunes -:- Fare [] has joined #Tunes rms will be talking in Paris this week I wonder if I'll learn *anything* there, but at least, I'll meet nice people om 01:50pm -:- hcf [] has joined #tunes oh hmm 03:00pm if you say so hoe hum 03:10pm -:- SignOff Fare: #TUNES (Ping timeout for Fare[]) -:- SignOff AlonzoTG: #TUNES (Have Nice Day :)) -:- Fare [] has joined #Tunes -:- _QZ [] has joined #tunes * _QZ/#tunes is GONE ( swimming ) -:- s_r [] has joined #tunes -:- AlonzoTG [] has joined #tunes -:- HickServ [] has joined #tunes damn this hi hs i refuse to use c calls!!! hi why what happened C calls? still working on Linux? yes linux? i heard linux was only free if my time has no value that's a trite saying hi Fare booo c abi: no, linux is a kickass OS at okay, Fare. Fare how does Linux lay in relation to Tunes abi: linux is also an OS from whence to metaprogram Tunes okay, Fare. abi: Freebsd? somebody said Freebsd was pretty stable... We replaced a crappy linux box with FreeBSD for the mail server abi: FreeBSD also rules YES! im reading the FreeBSD site in spanish HS what are your experiences with UNIX? what about reading it in tchetchen? uh like 5 hours total im not very experienced what about HickOS? BuenOS that's mine BuenOS? rumour has it BuenOS is almost as cool and Mr. Clean FreebSD? FreebSD is, like, pretty stable... We replaced a crappy linux box with FreeBSD for the mail server BuenOS Nachos si gaspachOS ? my spanish teacher says that when is BuenOS going to be manifest does anyone know of a good sniffer/iplogger for Windows 95? "Buenos dias; not to be confused with buenos nachos" s_r: loadlin 05:30pm Linux, Linux, Linux! well there are some hold ups im writing a compiler for my own programming language to write BuenOS is n/is/in however i don't know how to so linux syscalls and i will not interface with c well look at the NASM source code tell me which file exactly well actually you'll need to use LD to link your files and make the functions externs look at ld source code otherwise you can just write a compiler to output .o files i don't want to do that i don't want to link i want it in the asm code you could statically linik link oh fuck i just had major deja vu that was cool heh i was looking at the freebsd install page and then the mirc window where someone told me "you could statically link" what's your target? be more specific please 05:40pm what code does your compiler output? oh well raw binarys first hickserv right a HickC Compiler then a.out and my own executable format no C is bad * HickServ/#tunes hits C HickServ can i look at your compiler when it's done? sure freeware/opensource is it going to be better than Forth? YES! what are your ideas for a compiler? what's holding you back from making it? what problems do you have? well less my ideas from a compiler than the language the language is special what problems are you having making it? 1.) it directly quotes code to machine code (no heap, global data area, stack, etc) 2.) it seamlessly incorparates as low as assembler code and as high as lisp code oh i can't do linux syscalls :( why not? just link to the C libs and use those what problems specifically are you having? doing linux syscalls is *easy* i don't want to (although it's still a better idea to link to C, anyway) interfacew with c HS: I bet you still haven't read the Asm HOWTO well i looked at the man pages and they don't tell me much it explains quite well how to do linux syscalls you're going to have to interface with C if you want your compiler to be anything important god damnit fare really i've read that thing twice fare's pushing his drugs :) and have you downloaded eforth 1.0c? i did but when i gunzip it messes up :( fare does eforth have interesting source code? fare where can i get a Forth that works with BSD/Linux? sr: I added linux syscall stuff sr: pfe, macro4th, eforth, gforth, pforth, etc sr: something went wrong when it was zipped fare cause i can't gunzip it fare i want an opensource forth compiler for UNIX eforth 05:50pm eforth? abi: eforth? i haven't a clue, s_r hs: where do i get eforth? ask fare he coded it he coded it? he made it? i guess so where the hell is eforth i've looked all over the compiler page fare where is eforht? eforth i mean if u cant find eforth then u dont deserve it @#$ >:( HickServ do you like Linux? yes why? 06:00pm curious Linux is cool i can't find EFORTH dammit where is it? i wish someone would just plain help me with these god forsacken syscalls uh hickserv wtf are you trying to do? no c i think you want to statically link it? you want to include syscalls that just use int 80? open a file, read from it, write to it and close it sr: i just want to use int 80 fare i went there and looked on the compiler page, can't find anything the asm HOWTO gives a full URL, btw i want to initialize the registers and call int 80 to do that fare where exactly can i get eforth source code? s_r: can you do that? ok i found the source code no help from fare though gimme a url dude!! hum. Looks like bit rot striked again well it's in the Forth Primer HS: RTFM on Read the Fine Manual? rtfm? :( bit rot i've heard of code rot not bit rot though so do you know how to use int 80 s_r? hmmmm look at libc src code i think you push the arguments on backwards on the stack HS: RTFM! fare anything to talk about real quick? Fare: SMFD! Fare: when an american researcher gets an idea, he writes three papers. When a french researcher gets 3 ideas, he writes a paper. :P * Tril/#TUNES views the irc window temporarily i want to quote that :) 06:10pm Tril: gakuk! SMFD? abi: SMFD? fare: no idea hehe Suck my f****** dick :) hahaha hs hickserv you are blunt sometimes subtlety doesn't do jack shit the frenchmen :) hickserv want to work on the compiler together? uh sure however i am still putting my ideas together make it truly object oriented -:- mode/#Tunes [+o Fare] by ChanServ -:- mode/#Tunes [+b *!*hrustit@*] by Fare -:- HickServ was kicked off #Tunes by Fare (does it feel good?) -:- mode/#Tunes [-b *!*hrustit@*] by Fare -:- HickServ [] has joined #tunes uh i didn't catch the text before why was i kicked? if you don't know why, maybe you've got a problem s_r: on thursday im going to Louisiana for a week so I can't do any work as far as my compiler but i'd be happy for you to help me the next week i think we should aim to make it a popular compiler you should add capability to link to C libs ok and then just use static linking and no C libs for BuenOS you don't have to use C Libs for BuenOS just write your own buenos libs what is your email address? k i'll email some of my ideas hey fare make it better than Forth and C of course but one thing i'f like to make sure is that it keeps true to it's ideas 06:20pm no BLOAT! like C yes no having to mess with the compiler and seamless integration of high and low level code there is no "inline" that's important it's all part of the same thing i HATE inline me too make it so that every optimization is definable in exteernal text files and make it all customizable in ini files well actually i'd like it to be in a memory list instead of on disk it's actually compiled in you guys maybe are designing a language? Look at the ultra language devel project do you think BuenOS isn't too far away i'll have to see it depends on how long it takes to make my language (Lengua) i might want to work on Lengua but BuenOS sounds downright silly ;P abi ultra is you'll see BuenOS shall own you abi ultra is what are your ideas for BuenOS im still putting them together right now btw Lenuga will define words like in Forth but there will be more features such as ways to define pre/postfixes hickserv we are in the same stages of design and devel who are we? we are assholes we? we are assholes abi: we? we are assholes abi: forget we HickServ: I forgot we so many damn projects it seems to me that everyone and his grandma is making an OS/compiler well I'm gonna write up my ideas to you hehehe my late granma isn't making an OS/compiler EVERYONE is working on an OS/compiler YAOS is truly the acronym to describe it someone in #asm on efnet said "everyone and his fucking brother is making an OS" because 90% of all OS projects are YAOS eventually a good one will come out. Tril: yes hickserv i am in that chan right now -:- billyboof [] has joined #tunes hello hello, billyboof sometime a good OS will make itself known who are you on #asm? hi billy same any relation to sm1th? nope do you know Mortiis? i think * HickServ/#tunes wipes his brow hey HS look at Retro code i have how did all you guys find out about the #tunes channel and the tunes project? i first found it in my Linux book in a HOWTO i didn't go to the site for a year after that though tunes is in a howto? where is this? a year after i read Fare's ASM Howto (he listed TUNES in his attached banner) i went to 06:30pm and saw the IRC section and just connected how about hickserv and billy? i thought "Hmmm odd i think i remember hick and billy from somewhere" I found out about #tunes from billyboof back in #os when i asked where AlnozoTG was and i then found out that both hick and billy were in #asm * billyboof/#tunes isn't from #asm * Fare/#Tunes wonders if anyone knows how it's possible to have multiple data segments with ELF? nobody in #asm likes me ditto billy with the exception of a few yep... mcarp/wbear are cool matja pegasus ... can't think of any others Fare: rtfm? -:- SignOff smoke: #TUNES (One day sheep will rule the world) rtf specs? i found out about #tunes i think from Genral_NT Tril: which manual? hey fare when i first read that ASM HOWTO fare Genral_NT ???? i thought "Damn another OS trying to supplant Linux" fare: guess what fare I'm guessing there's a document detailing the ELF format? Fare: yeah... i think.... fare!!! B00F!!!! ALONZOTG!!!! i heard alonzotg was annoying with his greetings messages or probably a bot hahaha does Linux support 20gig HDs * billyboof/#tunes doesn't know * billyboof/#tunes hopes so.. i'm thinking of getting a big ass HD * billyboof/#tunes just did s_r, yeah, the last IDE restriction was at 8 gigs I think.. mine's 17.2 and works fine. Tril: it's more a matter of calling conventions than merely of format fare: guess what s_r: linux supports 2346247 gig HD, if IDE/SCSI does s_r: and what do you now think? HS: what 17.2 are still the best price for the space im not wearing any pants *gigle gigle* $198 hickserv type with your dick 17.2 best price? h nbbg vv cnb h Fare: 17.2 gig IDE drives * Fare/#Tunes considers buying a disk and making his current desktop computer a server (removing everything but what's strictly necessary) ok is was through my underware BuenOS will support "Naked Standard '98" * Fare/#Tunes wonders whether to buy SCSI or IDE... s_r: of course using BuenOS you will get autoamtic root privileges if you are naked s_r: join Bueno Labs hahaha Fare: SCSI if you're bloody rich, IDE otherwise. HickServ: buy a factory or some place and call it Bueno labs, and hire a bunch of people so you could have your own company ok well, if my old controller can do 17.2GB, I take IDE. Else, I take SCSI 06:40pm Bueno Labs i'll hire mexican workers and teach them to program in LEngua Fare: most bios will only detect 8GB for any drive larger than 8, but it will work in linux anyway HickServ: seriously, start Bueno Labs no is taken im gonna reg it over the summer awesome can i have a subdomain? but i need to make something people will want :P sure make the Lengua compiler Tril: good that's what i plan on I still need to buy furniture to put the computer in... furniture might cost more than the HD! Fare, what controller is it? is it onboard a motherboard? onboard controller ASUS T2P4 Fare: wearable computing I have no itsy (yet) SuperMicro, Tyan, and Asus make the best boards fare is it the ATX one, the ultraSCSI one or the regular one? AT regular one -:- SignOff hcf: #TUNES (Ping timeout for hcf[]) -:- SignOff AlonzoTG: #TUNES (Have Nice Day :)) I have an old SC200 SCSI card it's the same kind of board as mine, P5 AT, HX chipset even! but bespin is a tyan -:- hcf [] has joined #tunes bespin is fast ? HickServ: BuenOS has to be modularized -:- HickServ [] has left #tunes [] fast for doing what? it's 150Mhz cpu.. the bottleneck is the network connection is bespin just like the cloud city it's named after? full of strange characters and wondrous buildings? oh sure 06:50pm i guess weird users, and awesome services running? heh bespin it should live up to the name tril how does one get an account on bespin? s_r you can join one of the projects I'm hosting, (tunes or unios are examples), or have a project of your own that qualifies Tril: 150Mhz? so is my comp 07:00pm -:- iepos [] has joined #TUNES -:- SignOff iepos: #TUNES (iepos) -:- water [] has joined #tunes hola niihau, water hoy water, sup? not much * water/#tunes grows weary of being the unholy terror of tunes irc. 08:40pm ok, folks: what's the general opinion on my writing some e-mails to Tunes General in a series called "Towards a Philosophy for Tunes"? i'm looking at taking some general principles on the site and relating them to relativism (or, nihilism, depending on your point of view), and show how this framework is what Tunes would need to be self-sustaining. this would eventually (in a week) become a paper about 10 pages long. 09:00pm -:- _water [] has joined #tunes -:- SignOff hcf: #TUNES (Leaving) -:- SignOff water: #TUNES (Ping timeout for water[]) -:- _water is now known as water hey.. whats up -:- SignOff water: #TUNES (Ping timeout for water[]) 09:40pm -:- water [] has joined #tunes back hey what do you have for a os? 09:50pm -:- HickServ [] has joined #tunes hola hello, HickServ abi: you are gay :) ...but abi is the little girl borg with a big brain or #tunes' personal little whore or gaklosmontic or flurivostuginuous or xyvarestoplik or an Artificial Idiot or braindead or a crack addict infoslut... abi: oh abi: I see hey hick <_QZ> damn my eyes burn * billyboof/#tunes is getting annoyed <_QZ> is it the clorine or lack of clorine that makes yer eyes burn when swimming? can't get xwindows to work good enough clorine makes them burn hey, people are talking again! although alge does too :) <_QZ> hmm cuz the clorine was extremely low was the water green? :) <_QZ> yes it was green :) qz: it could be ph that's why... well, green water'll do it 10:00pm too much clorine will burn you're eyes, but not enough clorine and other stuff will burn your eyes :) <_QZ> know anything about pool shocker stuff? basicly you put a lot of chemicals in the pool... then filter them out after everything dies <_QZ> the pool was just shocked, could that have any effect? oh hi how long ago? yeah, just dump'em in. it'll work fine. :) i had some kernel panic on my other comp :( <_QZ> today hahaha try waiting like 3 or 4 days <_QZ> ah damnit today.... suprised your skin isn't burning <_QZ> well my skin feels weird yep.... like i said... a LOT of harsh chemicals you didn't open your eyes in the water did you? well, it builds character :) <_QZ> i think i wacked my head on the sides abit too much also what'd you do _that_ for? :) <_QZ> how am i suppose to see underwater with my eyes closed? :) <_QZ> oh we fight in the pool hahaha i dunno hehehe <_QZ> see who can be held under longest i touched a girls ass today i feel so proud does anyone use X-windows under linux <_QZ> HickServ: did u have consent? hick: how old are you? :P <_QZ> billyboof: ya i do what kind of monitor do you have? i did <_QZ> optiquest v775 well i didn't really touch her ass directly i can't get it to work right ... only thing it'll do is 320x200x256 i took a pen out of her tight jeens <_QZ> HickServ: u touched the bench after she sat on it? hehe which sucks <_QZ> billyboof: what x server, what vid card and what monitor? * water/#tunes reminds everyone that these words will remain on the Tunes server for quite some time. oh hehehe it's a trident video card, compaq mv500 monitor, and it said SVGA server i believe cool i mastrubate daily <_QZ> water: thats why we have tril, he manually removes inappropriate material :) qz: sure <_QZ> have u guys seen something about mary? <_QZ> frank and beans :) hehe <_QZ> billyboof: xf86? QZ is 25 so he must have seen a little bit of action if you know what i mean ;) QZ: umm ... i have X11 HickServ: no im married with children but still a virgin :) hah! * HickServ/#tunes gives QZ the elephant manuever and now he isn't an anal virgin anymore -:- SignOff water: #TUNES (Ping timeout for water[]) <_QZ> billyboof: did u pay for the x server or is it a warez server or is it gpl'd? -:- water [] has joined #tunes hey s_r are you around? qz: it's from the linux CD-ROM virix? virix is probably a new OS that will become YAOS :) (i hope not) <_QZ> i will just assume u have xf86 <_QZ> what linux cdrom? <_QZ> redhat 6? redhat 5.1 i've had it for a while :( i got 5.0 :) from the linux for dummies cd at the library <_QZ> 6 has gnome and gnome is good cuz it makes sure that any ram that u paid alot for will not go unused :) qz where's my source code? <_QZ> do u have source code? send it here hehehe no i want yours babee <_QZ> ah right <_QZ> well im gonna crash <_QZ> night :( -:- SignOff _QZ: #TUNES (BRiX [] :: sleep) I have to graduate from junior high tomorrow so I gotta sleep too :\. hehe good night little one :) 10:20pm yes papa -:- SignOff HickServ: #TUNES (*yawn*) 10:30pm -:- SignOff water: #TUNES (The Tao has left the building!) [msg(TUNES)] newlog 1999.0616 IRC log ended Wed Jun 16 00:00:00 1999