TUNES: No such nick/channel [msg(TUNES)] permlog 1999.0826 TUNES: No such nick/channel * Plundis/#tunes is gone. Gone since Tue Aug 3 18:38:00 1999 hey fare you awake? 08:50am Hey Anyone alive?? 10:30am hey niihau, sr 11:20am what's special with nothing D: argh enough.. sr: dont change the topic w/o reason 11:40am * Fare/#Tunes is back >>> sr [] requested FINGER from #tunes The party of the first part shall be known in this contract as the party of the first part. great idea... hmm (Groucho Marx) 12:20pm Hello :) hi 12:30pm I study TUNES web-pages for several weeks and I definitivly don't see how a TUNES session shall work : how the system should switch on ... how new features should be included out of a dk or net. Where can I find some run-time examples ? * binEng/#tunes passes the q on to fare ...or anyone :) I guess a lisp-like prompt would welcome users when login... am I right? Would end-user be authorized to write applications with the LLL? 12:40pm looks like nobody else is here... you're out of luck * Miellaby/#TUNES simply cannot be lucky. :) bingEng : perhaps you could try :) mielle: depens on configuration depends I expected the answer to be something like that :P probably there won't be any difference based on what lang the programs are written, if they are type checked, then they can be ran safely OK. Now, my main source of fears is the compatiblity between existing TUNES systems... how can we be sure than a personnal program will work on a friend's TUNES ? well you cannot really be sure, but the dependencies can be checked and the needed software can be installed (perhaps automatically) _ I read in Fare's pages that TUNES needn't any redirection layer when identifying software objects. Is that mean that as soon as a function name change, all the calling functions would not work any-more ? 12:50pm * Fare/#Tunes is back a dk? a net? My question is : When importing a new software, are the references to the existing software material resolved only once time or each time code is executed ? Miellaby: seen the oberon interface? Fare: You think This could help me ? I didn't Fare: I can't manage to imagine a system where you can't 'physically' handle a same function whith two different aliases. Miellaby: difficult question. it's actually the single most difficult question in dynamic distributed systems, or in life: what's the identity of an object? what are its limits? and there is no canonical answer. systems that try to enforce a canonical answer (as in "always early", or "always late", are doomed. 01:00pm toujours la? Why not using systematicaly an intermediate id. layer ? like UNIX inodes? to make sure that a program works as desired, you must basically define yourself the limits of your objects. metaprograms provided with the system should help you draw the limits dynamically but ultimately, the decision is yours. I fear metaprograms are not the ultimate solution. as always, they are not the end of problems, only the beginning to solutions. (I use this sentence for free market vs economical problems, free software vs computer problems, etc) I d'just like to put the stress on the fact that even on low-resolution system like Windows(c) there can be more than 10,000 files/objects. Howmany entities will co-exist on a TUNES session? hundreds of thousands; millions. most of them passive, happily. also, it will depend on your point of view. I'd like TUNES to not be a single-minded system; To my mind, TUNES objects should be park on a tree graph. then.... any "object" supposes that you have chosen a particular point of view under a partial, high-level, point of view, you'd only see very few objects under a global, low-level, point of view, you'd see a lot more objects, but simpler ones. I think current systems are fundamentally wrong in trying to having a "single level" for everything they don't manage to do so, and end up having several levels, in a klugy way (shells vs applications under Unix) 01:10pm So, I'm a TUNES newcomer. That's the first time I'm connecting to a TUNES system. I want to "walk" and discover existing TUNES entities. How could I do that ? you'd start from the initial objects in your current UI, and discover the system from it for instance, you'd select an object, and query the system about applicable methods to apply on it (typically, by clicking on it) then you'd apply the method sometimes, you'll need push several objects onto stack to find an interesting method hopefully, you can browse the whole system from your initial objects (if not, it means you're a restricted user) You said there should be several waies of handling a TUNES system. I though folders/directories/groups... were THE tools to do so. when you can equally browse arbitrary structures, you don't need formal "folders" and "directories" you want to create a bag of objects? create a bag of objects; they needn't even have names! or if you WANT names, you can have ones. when you browse a bag on a terminal, it appears as a list; on a window, it may appear as random icons in a 2D windows; or as random objects in a 3D area (in a holographic interface) or random pitches in sound-based interface I'm perfectly understanding ... and how you could define such a bag? (you'd hear, e.g. well distinguishable sounds at the same time, and could recall one by imitating it) Miellaby: a bag is rather a trivial data structure can you give me some lisp-like line-command to do so ? the question is rather: how do you _tie_ a representation of a bag to an actual concept of a bag. and the difficulty comes from _intentionality_ 01:20pm Miellaby: I believe the interface would be rather point&click and reverse-polish, for every-day operations; you'd use lisp-ish syntax as soon as you want to say more structured things at once. (poplog too has the two kinds of syntaxes) point&click is generally much slower that hand-typed operations (at least in Unix) Miellaby: sure. I'd use RPN on a terminal and escape into LISP for more elaborate expressions e.g. 1 1 + and then :(some (lisp) (program)) i.e. some character (e.g. colon) would trigger lisp mode. since lisp is self-delimited, you'd go back to RPN immediately after I think that stack model is a old-fashionned way of handling computing ;) stacks are useless ! (and of course, you'd have completion in either mode) Miellaby: I never found a better interface than the HP 28! add powerful line editing to that, and you're done! but of course, you'd be free to make your own shell, if mine doesn't suit you! 01:30pm not that you can't do that today... I don't want to write my own shell. Even at the lowest level, stacks such as Context Stack just should not exist. They should be substituted by a set of temporary cloned frames. The ultimate OS primitives are, from my point of view, com-like st ructure managements linked by referencing and refining relationships. :)= comb-like ... comb? binEng: what can you do? binEng: you sure can't do that in Unix... make a new shell? bE: sure, but the shell you make is limited by the underlying architecture I wanted to write a natural-language shell for Unix some times ago. the point of tunes is not so much in any particular shell than in the architecture that that shell interfaces to Miellaby: there is nothing to interface to in unix but a a filesystem that contains lots of files among which a bunch of standalone programs that must essentially communicate through those files Fare: I imagined some musical examples of what my own idea of an OS should allow to its user:) Miel: there would not be a One Context Stack, but every shell "window" would have its own context stack Fare: sure, I was just making a point :) bE: thanks Miel: par telephone, c'est plus efficace... oh! je n'oserais pas! moi si, vu que j'ai un forfait Fare: I just don't want. I'm shy. just try! what've you to lose? by staying on irc, it's time. by trying phone, it's ??? M: if you fear that I'll call you night and day until you lay in bed with me, you can calm down -- it's not my style What a pity ! 01:40pm I read that TUNES channel is continuously traced. I want my ideas about world conquest to be written for the future generations :) so sorry ... 01:50pm I remind this story of bag... I suppose I can implement it via a single lisp list? I suppose that each atom in the list would point to an other defined entity. there is a paper about programming with multisets in escher in escher? multisets? * Fare/#Tunes is back abi: escher? i think escher is a functional logic programming language at traced? Fare:recorded. Miellaby: if you want what you say to stay, put it on a web page (possibly the tunes web page) nobody reads the irc log unless specifically searching from something precise i.e. it can be used against you, but don't expect people to read through all of it until they find your quotations. Fare: alta index'd em hcf: ouch! 02:00pm Since I found TUNES pages for the first time, I have read my own essais about my on projetc. My product looked so ungenuous in comparison with TUNES ! I'll never write a paper again; im ~wrong, yahoo index'd em smkl: I guess his next programming language will be "Bach" well, they'll need to implement escher first miellaby: don't say that -- instead, improve! miellaby: when I re-read my first attempt at defining a system, I laugh! You should put it on TUNES site :) my, I wanted a cluster of 6502 with an MMU (I didn't know the name MMU, but I have reinvented part of the concept) (I did know, of course, about the way the Apple ][ paged memory about 48K) s/about/above/ 6502... yum ! A good OS should be able to work on such a small ship. depends on what you call "to run". "to creep":) I'd rather say "to take advantage" -- i.e. a main host runs on the main computer, and lets the lesser chips do part of the work. although in the case of a 6502, managing it might cost more than it would pay back! why so much people are mad of distributing software around computers. Is this really useful? Miellaby: I work at FT. It's not a question, it's an axiom. CNET. I see. Our system IS distributed, there's no question about that. * Miellaby/#TUNES worked at CNET in Lannion. 02:10pm oh? Issy and you're afraid of phone? maybe that's why! I'm only a humble coder. no coder is humble! Miellaby - The Only True Humble Coder Shy and humble. Yes I am. ;)~ * binEng/#tunes warships the One and Only ;) \_ (speaking about something else) The basic building blocks of an OS system should not be abstract symbolic lists but concret small structured memory areas, cut into parts by local ids. some of these parts should be pointers to others memory-c ells. other parts would be raw material. And the header of each of this ... these cells will be a list of some mother-cells which own delegated I/Fs. 02:20pm Tips wanted. Is there any way to do recurse-edit with IRC tools? I wish I could stop my sentence, quickly answer to a joke, then continue what I started. warship? let all battleships self-destroy! Fare: joke hey, that's an idea: convince the navy to put Win2000 on all battleships! (hum, maybe not on the subsystem that manages nuclear weapons) y0h well, I heard they had NT on a aircraft carrier... NT crashed and so did the carrier? it was left without propulsion for some time did they understand that no one in one's right mind should use NT? * Miellaby/#TUNES wondering : Should It better look at Oberon or Oberon2 ? Fare: it didn't say ;) 02:30pm What will hapens when the whole dictionnary will be used to identify those thousand of millions of TUNES entities. I think there's be a problem. Instead, TUNES should have a reference scoping mechanism. Like '(computer.driver.screen.print ...) Miellaby: speaking of yourself as "It"? reminds me of a Stephen King novel... scary! I'm a kangaroo :/ That's why. But it's an other topic. * Fare/#Tunes calls hopital Sainte Anne... Miellaby = Miel + Wallaby :) arf. This time, I'm really sorry. Miellaby == mieline abimee! why _memory area_? the user should be abstracted away from that! why a dictionary? why identify? identity is a precious resource that shouldn't be wasted. it's an ingredient that doesn't fit in parts of the system, either or course, we should have scoping, however. 02:40pm mieline abimee : It's helping me having some imagination / I think the best way using a computer is to accept that computing concepts are not virtual (as they are used to say) but absolutly concret. In a computer, even the most abstract concept s have to be put in some memory delimited areas. I think that neophyte users perfectly understand the concept of "concret objects". The logical layers to hide this simple rule are just confusing human A lot of classical computing concepts are very confusing : multi-processus, multi-windows, multi-thread. And now, distributed systems ! in a brain, even the most abstract concepts have to be put in some nervous delimited areas. I think a GUI (for example) should always apply the LAVOISIER law. notice that computers are linked to a power source precisely to avoid that law. ... and let the user command the "multiplication" of objects. I admit This's a 'fundamentalistic' point of view. 02:50pm * Tril/#TUNES reifies the meta-tower oh crap! what have I done * Tril/#TUNES ouches as the meta-tower kicks his ass! * Miellaby/#TUNES realizes what it saids has not a lot of meaning. :( Tril: logger not making new files, appending to 0824 * JOIN " TUNES #TUNES * " umode -s NORMAL 0 * MSG " TUNES NEWLOG * " set logfile $2 SILENT 0 * MSG " TUNES PERMLOG * " exec chmod +r $2 SILENT 0 * PUBLIC " * #TUNES * " @activity=1 QUIET 0 * TIMER " %:?0 " baz SILENT 0 * TIMER " *00:00* " exec -msg TUNES date +"newlog %Y.%m%d" SILENT 0 * TIMER " *00:01* " exec -msg TUNES date +"permlog %Y.%m%d" SILENT 0 >>> You(TUNES_) are now known as TUNES now it's fixed. it must be named "TUNES" or it won't work using the time stamps, someone can split the log into days again.. i don't feel like doing it Tril: or just rename the file 1999.0824-0826 better yet, make symlinks from each 1999.082[56] to 1999.0824 and be done with it 03:00pm Tril! * Fare/#Tunes meta-ifies the towel ...are you reading ALTTLG? I'm in the introduction Fare: hows the HLL? hcf: not hcf: I'm debugging my scwm configuration s/scwm// Fare: i guess thats vastly more important abi: by hcf abi:eby hcf abi: be hcf abi: ebay tril good job! abi: you are right, hcf is usually idle? tril: i don't know Tril: and? ? Tril: what was the point of that? seeing if you programmed more "Be" commands? do some bots automatically learn those? they needed be "programmed" by observing the channel? just factoids abi: be nick is something abi: be nick something i know that abi cant do it but I heard somewhere that does abi: forget be nick hcf: I forgot be nick oops, killed the wrong scwm! Tril: how do things get chosen? s/needed/need not/ 03:10pm hcf: I do not remember. Nor where I got the idea from i just remember somewhere, i think on a homepage of some IRC channel, a list of channel regulars and some excerpts of a bot imitating them Tril: perhaps efnet/#perl I though about a problem with reflexive OS. How can we make deeped changes into the system whithout going across some unpredictable states? what kind of unpredictable states? will TUNES provide some transactions primitives : Lock, Commit, Rollback ...? For instance : You want to change the I/F of a rather fundamental functions, used by a very big set of calling functions... Or better : you want to change a basic type of information : like the unit of a shared variable, a quotient, like the screen resolution... During a short period, you have to lock all the system while making the I/F changes and updating all the calling functions. Perhaps not the whole system but a subpart of it. or you can emulate the new system while the old one still runs. Have everything happen simultaneously in both, then when you're ready, replace the old with the new in place and no one will notice. That's an idea. Like swapping screens when drawing. m: at least for locking, all dependencies will be tracked so the proper areas can be locked I persit to say that all could be much easier if TUNES was OO at the lowest level. what kind of OO? how do you define OO, from the many ways? 03:20pm A way to gather dependent informations, in order to simplify updating operations. A way so that functions -at least unary functions- have to be glues to the type of entities they apply to. sounds like what I have been doing (I guess that functions wich involve several kind of entities should be cited in each concerned entity definition) What have you been oing? I am designing a type system for a persistent store, which has automatic dependency tracking ggg. ambitious ... it has to be, because it is meant as the framework for tunes wow .... I tried to convice Fare that TUNES should implement in its lowest fundations the operators to build a data structure which could implement a graph of object (whith refining relationship). I missed. 03:30pm i think everyone agrees to use a persistent hyperlinking store which is made of only references to within itself (me and water, anyway) count me in Fare likes persistent hyperlinking store? ok except that you should replace "only" by "mostly" hehe what exceptions can you think of? and I'm not sure what hyperlinking is; looks like an interfacing issue rather than a persistence issue. Tril: communicating with the external world!!!! that can be done by making hooks that appear as if they are "inside" the persistent store. how else would you do it no, that cannot at one point, it must be made user-controlable the fact that the external world has not the same safety properties as the internal world by definition, you control what's in, and not what's out. it's just like UNIX communicates with the outside world using sockets which appear as files no, it's deeper than that it's about the invariants you can have or not UNIX basically provides no usable invariants, so it's up to you to forge yours, and you see no difference between local and remote stuff -- everything is unsafe well, i object to external references- they cannot be guaranteed referential integrity TUNES does provide invariants on its managed objects, and thus makes a difference between local and remote -- that's the whole point of reflection 03:40pm of course, you can try to merge domain, and "fantasize" about it, giving results that are conditionalized by the non-failure of the fantasy. you NEED external references. but you NEED be able to conditionalize them. you NEED be able to fantasize. you NEED be able to make the difference between fantasy and reality that's just the difference between levels of interpretation (emulation) anyway, i'm not sure we're talking about the same thing 03:50pm but I know the problem I'm talking about (it's precisely what my boss wants me to clear up as my PhD thesis, incidentally :) I'm not sure I know the solution, tho look at ALT.* ... each administrator chooses his/her own policy. you may carry no alt groups (inconvenience). Or accept newgroups and ignore rmgroups (big alt), or honor all control messages (chaos) you do the same thing with conditions about external networks (or whatever you were saying?)- depends on which host you are running. [you didnt answer my question, have you begun reading a lisp through the looking glass?] 04:00pm I begun reading it long ago but tomorrow I'll print it at work back in '91? no, a few months ago so why did paul post its url instead of you? ALT.* groups however, are read-only; they do not otherwise interfere with the system. Think about what happens with external objects that DO actively interfere with the system... I think the URL was posted on the list long ago, not? I don't remember (the URL has moved since) hehe.. i did a search of the MOOSE list for the word "reflection" and got 0 hits i cant find any old mention of this paper 04:10pm hum. Maybe I forgot to warn the list. I do remember contacting the author, because his site was buggy. TRIL * Tril/#TUNES hides * dtm/#tunes waves to everyone dtm is back after months of silence * dtm/#tunes whispers "i see you" to tril after months of shame of being unavailable to my good friends shame for whom? at the tunes projects I thought you ran off because I offended you for having left my email address still subscribed silently to the tunes mailing list tril i would never do that! i changed it to, you may want to check that mail box tunes is one of the coolest things i have ever thought of in my life 04:20pm and i owe it to you guys, you wizards of programming and logic (well, on computers anyway -- not necessarily in conversation! ;) you know what i did last night dtm: Last thing I remember is a conversation where we got upset because you were not a "programmer" and therefore someone had the impression you could not "participate in the project" ... ??? i dont recall anything of that particular context, tril OK forget it, then afaik my involvement was quite appreciated :) i did prefix my comments with that assumption, that i would possibly not make sense to some, or not be entirely valid in my comments obviously. it's taken me days to try to write a "simple" shell script here at my job, that gets a document and does some error-detecting and correcting logic and it doesnt work :} i'll do things like write a simple 'for' loop that overwrites the main variable inside it, and be stuck on that part for 2 das days not realizing that i need 3 variables instead of 2 does have sshd installed, or still SSL-telnet ssh1 ok so i guess i'll be considered a munitions trafficker then huh i dont have ssltelnet anymore, no one has needed it is in the u.s. or still france only if you download it from outside the US? hcf: hi hoy, dtm hmm... main server is in US, we have a web mirror in UK abi hi bonjour, dtm hoy dtm tril do you have a free colocation / virtual host? yes Tril: who's provided it a generous ISP, which I now work at, i see are you in WA y btw i'm currently in a contract at Cygnus Solutions in Sunnyvale, CA i moved to silicon valley from TX Cygnus the makers of Cygwin?? indeed the very same I thought they were getting bought..? maintainers of gcc, gdb, etc THEYR'E HERE Cygnus makers of _GCC_ Cygwin is unimportant; GCC is important. right on fare Fare: I thought RMS wrote gcc Windows is a dead platform, anyway. hey fare :) good old Tom Christiansen wants to port gnu fileutils to perl! this would further minimize the use of cygwin Fare: heheheh good call Tril: he did, originally, but Cygnus are those who did a tremendous amount to make it the compiler it is. Tril: yeah like every other thing rms started, it basically hit the fan Cygnus made egcs, afaik, and only recently became maintainers of gcc (when the egcs fork merged back with gcc) integrating it into tens of platforms, and building the binutils, etc no, they did maintain GCC long before egcs Tril: dont know about that but you can check Fare: get my email? Tril: did you know that i originally moved out here to work at VA Research? why don't you? i worked there for ~6 months well, "maintain", not. They did *port* GCC to many platforms and make many enhancements to it long before egcs yes cygnus's main thing is porting any software to any platform so to speak 04:30pm * liar/#tunes thinks fare is ignoring him :) Fare IS ignoring you, but not on purpose... but because he is doing so many things at once no i think he is ignoring me on purpose liar: historically, Fare has been terrible at reading e-mail..just send it again musta been my email to him last night he is ignoring me because of the email i sent liar: oh, well, what is it about? i sent him a picture of himself with a beard :) liar: uh? thats 2 pictures so far Tril: what u want em all? liar: I got your picture, but so what? Fare: u should grow a beard no comment, either way liar: not as long as I live at my mom's! she just doesn't want. Fare: does she not like kissing u with a beard? * dtm/#tunes grew a beard for a woman liar maybe he's ignoring you because he's rational. liar: she does not like kissing me, period. at least basically rational. gotta go sleep. see you tomorrow! Fare: you have sweet dreams! * dtm/#tunes taps fare on the head with his magic dream wand hum, tomorrow is a relative term... i wonder how they got a mouse pointer into the picture of Fare with his beard? Maybe painted it on the wall? hung it by a string? last night i had a dream that i met an old portly version of Gary Coleman who? Tril: well i took the screenshot with the mouse in the picture, IM SORRY he was a famous american child actor he was on "diff'rent strokes" and "the heavenly kid" "what choo talkin bout, Willis??" member that? dtm: was it an erotic dream? :) this time he was semi senile and paranoid, with government conspiracy theories that he believed only he and i could solve. but then a tv show of him came on (which i made up in the dream) and he became enthralled with that so i didn't get a chance to look around his dingy tiny smelly dark apartment there were heaps of papers everywhere because he was a pack rat collecting documentation on government activities. last night i was laying in bed massaging my girlfriend and telling her all about tunes 04:40pm she's a PhD student in clinical psychology, specializing in the behavior therapy of autistic children she understands properties of self-reflection :) and relationships. i bet she wanted u to shutup just as much as we want u to shutup right now yes the endless debate of whether to ignore liar, or to /ignore liar Tril: you are either a mindreader or a very, very wise man. both TRIL what have you been up to lately since we last grappled? ;) playing diablo, going to work, waiting for someone to post the url for this article i am reading..(3rd url in topic) i see diablo sucks i worked on tunes ideas can i trust you with some classified information, for your perusal, personal edification, and critique? i.e. do you want it relating to year 2000 date compliancy in free software classified as what, by whom? by me. it's classified as non-redistributable because it's not done, and because it's for my client i.e. they're paying me and i'll release a nonclassified version publicly later when i'm done or nearer to completion dtm: if the free software yer talking about is linux then u dont need to worry about y2k Fare dose that a lot.. he puts such stuff in ~fare/tmp on hsi web page interesting you may send that to me, but it does not sound particularly interesting okk what i could use assistance on, is a compliancy procedure for gnu and friends then the whole concept would be easily parallelizable; i'd make an atomically clean testbed 04:50pm you lost me i have outlined the best sources of info for using in the creation of such a compliancy procedure define compliancy procedure if i had a discrete compliancy procedure then i could hand it off to people a procedure for determining the y2k compliancy status of any piece of software sorry unix has always gone by epochs as far as i know, has no particular Y2K problem, maybe cross-epoch problems negatory 2038 plus theres problem as liar said if you think that way then you're unaware of the nature of the problem and should read my docs there are several known noncompliant gnu packages, some that are very difficult to check, and many untested if you're that far off from thinking it through then i wont disturb you now; i'll show you my finished results and let you download my fixes all gnu packages come with no warranty, everyone using them is aware of risks richard stallman put me in charge of coordinating gnu y2k. i'm quite aware of tha.t you're sounding unusually apathetic today, tril! very perceptive. how about sending me the file, instead of getting a superioroty complex over the information contained therein? heh and hostile as well! who have you been hanging around man?! been watching much tv? dtm: i have never met anyone that talks more than i do until i met u 05:00pm I think it is very rude to suggest that I read your docs and then withhold them from me. You are the one who brought this up... Tril: he doesnt want to look like a fool now that he knows that u know that gnu has no y2k problems :) besides, GNU programs aren't everything. I use a lot of non-GNU programs. The Linux Kernel, for example. oh wait, gnu programs do have y2k bugs, after they have been compiled on windows :) tril what was actually rude is that your initial response was to dismiss my work, so wake up tril i dont know why you're being so nasty. dtm: get use to it dtm: wake up and smell the coffee dtm: I am not dismissing your work as being not interestnig for you, or to someone else. I simply said that I am not personally interested in Y2K. And not giving me your document is only making me LESS interested in the topic. you claimed to not want my docs at all! THEN WHAT ARE YOU COMPLAINING ABOUT? exctly. I believe you are using reverse psychology on me right now, to make me beg you for your docs. tril you're being about 80% irrational here! what is your problem? pms? hah, someone here has pms but its not tril or myself i dont want you to have my unfinished, personal, classified private documentation unless you are interested in it! i dont care! and you're being blatantly abusive and offensive, and i know to expect FAR better of you. dtm: either share information, or don't. Offering to share and then placing conditions on sharing is what is upsetting me, as all information should be free, and hiding information is EVIL (to borrow some capitalization from Fare) P M S so i'm out of here and i hope that at least perhaps something will add to whatever suffering it is that you're under until you are sufficiently motivated to end it. tril -- you didn't want it!! so take care hahahhaha let me try to sum that conversation up: "dtm: do you want my docs? tril: no. dtm: Them I'm not giving them to you! And I'm leaving!" * Plundis_/#tunes is gone. Gone since Tue Aug 3 18:38:00 1999 hey plundis come backl Tril: hehe dont bust a nut over it i didnt mean to personally disrespect dtm, by not wanting his docs???? 05:10pm do u have starcraft? Tril: did dtm get mad at some point and leave? i seemingly recall something, but it must have been pre-logging days ya i pissed him off hcf: yes. hcf: It's definitely something to do with the lack of voice inflection and emphasis of IRC hcf: he reads way too much into everything hcf: he always seems to miss sarcasm same behaviour on the mlist? Tril?\ 05:20pm hcf, no we didnt have many email conversations Tril: just thinking that perhaps the pace of irc causes it too slow or too fast? too fast while email is much calmer ElGato: hoy, sup w/ elgnau? uh elgnau? lengua oh im writing a header that has macros that implement finite state machines with regular expressions 05:30pm UNION(x, y) etc pretty much does the same thing as lex but is in the language brb k brb (0xf00d) 05:40pm back BAC0K * ElGato/#tunes sure wishes c macros were more powerful 05:50pm * ElGato/#tunes downloaded seti@home this owns i can help out the seti program with my computer 06:00pm water :) hey salut, water water! * water/#tunes is setting up his new desktop have you looked at this paper it rules which one? i heard which one was a good one to read? the looking glass one abi: forget which one water: I forgot which one i have it on my hard drive, but i haven't moved ghostscript yet I'm reading the html version :) see topic url #3 oh. i think i remember reading it k hi water! :D yeah, i definitely liked the first one * ElGato/#tunes can't wait till he gets a lin modem i haven't read the second one yet I'm talking about "A Lisp Through The Looking-Glass", so what two things are you talking about? 2nd= "A Lisp ..." 1st= "Formalized Math..." ok so you haven't read it. I like it a lot :) i was referring to the order in the topic it doesn't look so special to me well, you have probably read stuff like it before, but I haven't seen any of course, it's better than the usual stuff, and it fits into the arrow idea, but i can say that about a lot of things i'm also jaded by lispers with ambitions ;) 06:10pm any news these last few days? the navy has been keeping me very busy. i usually haven't returned home after work until 8 or so the navy yes i was at a navy base the other day somebody was giving a tour seeing i live near a huge navy/marine base geez! 80 incoming msg's! 80 msgs in ICQ? and people criticize me for wanting to manage complexity in new ways :) e-mail? in what time period? e-mail; 48 hrs water: icuc, me, too, but I'm probably on more lists than you yeah OTOH you probably get more poersonal mail than I do :) 256k log file for 8/24. why? the bot is stupid, it doesnt recognize itself if it changes nicks and then doesnt create a new one and no one has split the file into days yet oh great well, now that i have a desktop system, i'll have partitionmagic set up for win98, linux, and beos finally Tril: and no one will sure, I will, if a 3rd person complains i must be going 06:20pm elgato: bye :) when i return i shall tell you about how i proved determinism under euclidien geometry you won't want to miss it :D it's weird how Dan Benthe has returned from his travels bubye :P tril: the approach in "looking glass" suggests unmanagable complexity due to non-intentional style of programming 06:30pm but otherwise the idea is potentially useful, and definitely dits into the arrow idea anyone awake? :) sure k hey sr hi hi, sr there's a lot of noise in the logs server disconnects? people leaving and joining? yeah or just people discussing non-water-interesting topics? :-) lol damn! 258k log?!?! yes, we need the irc logger to be reflective ok, you guys couldn't have convinced him to say that. i'll fix it. 06:40pm fare has a firewall? -:- SignOff sr: #TUNES (Reboot) damn. i missed Beholder oh, the -s wasnt working either, i get it -:- KorGrey [] has joined #tunes hey! korgrey hi tril: diablo addict? re-addict hehe i stopped for a while :) my roommates have become EverCrack addicts -:- ElGato [no@] has joined #tunes i guess i must not be going (damn!) :) the people in #c and #c++ on two different networks can't answer my question or don't care to what is it about? i want to define a macro that defines an inline function but i don't want to have to worry about it's name so i could use it as many times as i wish -:- Starting logfile 1999.0826 IRC log started Thu Aug 26 18:52:15 1999 -:- Value of LOG set to ON er... not something i could easily answer i guess i don't need that but it would simplify things [msg(tunes)] permlog 1999.0826 oh well log files are fixed thanks, tril :D 8-24 was still a long one, but because of a lot of talking. yeah I filtered out all of the noise from servers too cool -:- Mode change [-s] for user TUNES did you update the bitchx script to do that? well, it mostly does- but that was broke for the same reason the name changing was :) -:- Current server: 6667 -:- Primary server: 6667 -:- Server list: -:- [unknown] -:- 0) 6667 (TUNES) oh hmm. just read paul dufresne's mail post about "looking glass" i have to agree that for tunes, this is probably the way to go 07:00pm i have to withhold comment until I finish the paper :-) (knowing what limited ideas you have about the subject :) :P ) limited ideas, that's our motto! heh' unless of course, you guys decide to remove mathematics from lisp and reflect on naming and semantics schemes (ontologies) remove math? D:?! lol my point exactly i'd rather start over, and not have math, until i can think of a clean way to implement it arrows! ;) as long as we dont have one preferred system of math, right? right. no one preferred system is the way to go beholder is back, says the icq do you just mean +, - ,* , / or and im missing the big picture? otherwise, you run headlong into Godel's argument Elgato, we're going to rebel against a single set of rulse that can't be changed heh such as "standard mathematics" so what, define those by yourself? include it, with competitors, and the abvility to change all of them so like (+ 3 7) 42 -:- SignOff water: #TUNES (Ping timeout for water[]) ok :D? something more fundamental 07:10pm ? like what are the assumptions of mathematics? propertys? axioms yeah x = x, x + a = z + a er i messed that up x + a = x + a ElGato: that took talent ;) :P * ElGato/#tunes has to retake algebra 1 even though he had straight A's all year(ok one B+)...damn competetive class -:- water [] has joined #tunes identity associativity commutativity, thats what you mention- those are properties of the algebra of arithmetic expressions how can you not have a preferred system of math, I understand it would be more flexible if you didnt. But even in implementing a simple parser you will have to use one of the systems, wont you? * water/#tunes chk's the logs once again water help :) there should be some way to change them and such but there would be a default a single first-order system that is as expressive as fol (first-order logic) will be unable to answer certain kinds of questions about any given object, including itself water: how about a dynamic first-order system? instead of multiple static first order systems define your use of the word dynamic er, completely self-visible, and self-replaceable "how" dynamic? would reflective be a better word korgrey: haven't read my intro to arrows, i see :) water: I am still reading the intro I have on arrows, but I dont yet understand all the rules :( * ElGato/#tunes doesn't get all this first-order stuff the original language limits the changes that can be applied to itself korgrey: accial or the paper on the tunes site? 07:20pm water: a postscript, from, er an ftp site not the tunes linked one that's accial it's about arrow logic, not my theory of arrow information systems yeah of course, they're related, but that's beside the point to digress: the original language limits the changes that can be applied to itself and? water: it doesnt necessarily have to though but it does simply by being a first-order language that's the defniition s/first-order/ i'm going to assume you use 'language' to mean 'interpreter' the way Looking Glass does... in that an interpreter is a language combined with an evaluator yeah, it's a similar idea a language closure (an arrow!) :) so he would agree, yes, the interpreter limits the modifications that its programs can do to the interpreter. so you need an interpreter that doesn't do that. I guess the system I am developing is more of an exo-language... It allows the redefinition of the (preliminary) functions, and the parser itself is a preliminary function s/parser/parser generator preliminary=? functions for defining truth tables, or logic trees i have to agree that for tunes, this is probably the way to go i didnt mean to post that for generating code for an FPGA or static processor "We take the closure as a suitable unit for linguistic atomicity" there korgrey: what kinds of functions aren't preliminary, then? (* 4 4) yeah, i sort of agree, but his meaning still includes lots of noise, imo (display "bah") (define-macro ...) korgrey: that's not a function, it's an application what is an application? (* 4 4) oh, ok * why does "display" not define truth tables or logic trees? * is the multiplication function, an abstraction of several multiplication methods it does, but it is not necessary for defining truth tables, or logic trees 07:30pm the preliminary functions, are only those functions necessary for developing truth tables, or logic trees i'm not sure i see the significance those functions provide an orthogonal base for an infinitely redefinable system i don't agree about "orthogonal" and "infinitely redefinable" why not? (which forms, of course, the entire proposition :) why? why not? because they seem arbitrary. an FPGA or static processor, is limited only by the (number of trith table bits it has), or (instruction set). This model allows the complete usage of all availables truth table space, or instructions, without defining a structure, or syntax, other then a preliminary one, necessary for bootstrapping (typos...) i guess i don't get what you're saying. but then i guess i don't like the idea of state-machines as a basis for computations anyway what type of system would you use as a basis. I agree that state-machines are non-optimal not sure what to answer that would address your point of view just answer, dont try to figure out other peoples POV, it only limits communication ok :) arrows! (epistemic constructs) :) i will keep reading papers on arrows arrows reverse the view on info systems that bits engender i'm still working out the formal ideas (and trying to get my word-processing system back on-line) 07:40pm what about hardware for arrows? would it have to be constructed? is anything similar already made? no, it shouldn't have to be constructed and actually implementing arrows as a hardware state requires a highly-infinite-state machine infinite state machine ?! s/highly-infinite/arbitrarily large you have to tell me about this oh analog like a turing machine? sort of like a person :) hehe there are FPAA, field-programmable analog arrays really? wierd too bad they aren't continuums and not discrete arrays has them yes, they are linear, and discrete :) that would be cooool lag? brb -:- water [] has left #tunes [] -:- water [] has joined #tunes 2.5 minutes lag, before ouch it keeps happening. i just can't get onto a good openprojects server lately did i answer your question about reflection? no om 07:50pm * water/#tunes drags AlonzoTG to the Trash icon. ok, one preferred system to me suggests one model into which all other models must cast themselves and show consistency =\ one model of consistency is insufficient for a complete (able to answer all monotonic questions) info system such as logic ok, that makes sense a model of consistency, is called a protocol/system/theory usually... like binary logic, CORBA, TCP/IP yeah, sure but only an object oriented system, would require new objects to be cast fron the root object, or comform to the root objects communication model er, not only an object oriented system "not only"? huh? I guess most current systems require new objects to follow a model of consistency, by way of a non-flexible compiler and or syntax ok, but i think the problem is more general than that I think you are right but I think we can do alot better then we currentlty do with functional programming, like scheme well, ok 08:00pm I will figure out arrow systems, so I have a better understanding of other approaches thanks tril: could you invite beholder to the irc via icq? -:- SignOff water: #TUNES (Ping timeout for water[]) -:- SignOff AlonzoTG: #TUNES (Have Nice Day :)) -:- water [] has joined #tunes * water/#tunes keeps coming back for more. hello hi, Tril water: I msg'ed beholder when he loggefd on , but no response k, thanks 08:10pm ooh, SLK it's always so interesting to see someone with a piece of the puzzle and no clue how to fit it all together SLK? what? me? you are, like, designing a type system for a persistent store, which has automatic dependency tracking abi forget tril Tril: I forgot tril water: isn't that just one stage that everyone goes through, over and over? you mean, related to tunes, or in a general sense? general oh well, yes, in ordinary society, yes but then one doesn't meet much else these days among people most people can't stand for their minds to be inconsistent in every way hmm i just love studying these projects to see where their system would produce noise in trying to acocmplish some goal so it is good to have a piece of puzzle that doesnt fit ? 08:20pm hehe the pieces always fit isnt that contradicting you saying your mind is inconsistent in every way? (ok, you didn't say that...) isn't htat like having a bunch of pieces that cannot possibnly fit? the world isn't inherently disjoint, but there are disjoint points of view on it if the world isnt disjoing, then the disjoint views are incorrect or partial incorrect? oh, _partial_ :) like, if someoen knew more about a subject, they'd change their mind :) i don't undeerstand your vague reference from being disjoint into matching the world';s inhernetly "joint" :) anyway, among concepts, having pieces that "don't fit" just suggests that the amount of complexity generated by fitting one model to another exceeds one's consciousness level possible but what if there are infinitely many ways to fit models this J-kernel applies ideas discussed on the types mlist tril: exactly! it's simply more complexity, isn't it? types list, the one that has all the conference postings? yeah, they were discussing type-safeness within Java isn't the purpose of life to generate complexity? sort of from whose perspective, though? -:- hcf_ [] has joined #tunes -:- SignOff hcf: #TUNES (Ping timeout for hcf[]) heh. wb hcf -:- hcf_ is now known as hcf the J-kernel idea applies those ideas to the SLK concept well, it does so only partially i unsubscribed after that thread. I'm not going to any of those conferences :) oh. occasionally i find a good paper link but mostly i like to keep up-to-date on the state of research. it's a sort of spectator sport 08:30pm like most spectator sports, i got bored watching :) yeah, well, you're not the one who expects to win the game ;) the main reason is that they were just announce of conferences and the papers at those conferences will be lost in oblivion hehe 08:40pm why no more chatter? still reading paper...long...slow... but you can't... no you can't... no can't change me... no you can't... cange... me * water/#tunes is wondering why the hell the SLK project didn't pick a better language slk? * hcf/#tunes canges ElGato abi: SLK is the secure safe language (no-kernel) research project at abi: slk? slk is the secure safe language (no-kernel) research project at Free Reflective Computing System | | | -:- hcf has changed the topic on channel #Tunes to: Free Reflective Computing System | | | hcf: oops :) * hcf/#tunes hides and u guys wonder WHY the logs are so BIG liar: u shouldnt talk * water/#tunes wonders why the #modtunes channel idea isn't used. water: no logger oh, right, blame me again lol Tril: i'm not atm Tril: do u want me to? oh yes, please blame me 08:50pm Ugh, I am less than half way through this paper.. which paper? which paper is yours? it's good that it is so long, almost all of it is nice i'm still reading A Lisp through the looking Glass ABI FORGET WHICH PAPER Tril: I forgot which paper oh, that -:- joat [] has joined #Tunes hello, joat -:- joat [] has left #Tunes [] :( 09:00pm well, bye for a while have fun i'll be on late tonight -:- water [] has left #tunes [] 09:10pm -:- eihrul [] has joined #tunes how do you create functions in c with variable arity? use an argument of "..." and look at the va_list help page it's really ugly :) where is that? man 3 va_arg k thanks 09:30pm -:- IggyCanada [] has joined #Tunes hi hola, Tril -:- SignOff ElGato: #TUNES (later) hi iggycanada G'Day....just snooping around ok -:- IggyCanada [] has left #Tunes [] -:- SignOff KorGrey: #TUNES (0) 09:40pm -:- SignOff eihrul: #TUNES (Leaving) heh, have u guys seen that "who wants to be a millionair" show? n all the lusers are trying to sue abc :) 10:10pm i'll make you a millionaire during the show, and take it away when it's over :) YOU can REALLY TRULY OWN one million dollars - for 2 seconds heh i need a better debugger a smart debugger that can find all the bugs without my assistance -:- gail [] has joined #tunes it would need to be reflective, to find the bugs in itself know of anything like that? gail: f2c 32? hcf: 0 Celsius gail: f2c 33? hcf: ~0.55 Celsius Tril: hows that? gail: c2f 100 Tril: 212 Fahrenheit hcf is gail sentient? gail: are you alive? no idea, tril hcf: nope, not good enough yet. come back later. :-P gail: part #tunes goodbye, hcf. -:- gail [] has left #tunes [] it's hardly worth it to add features incrementally to a single program in a single language where they cannot be used in other perl programs (via perl modules) or other languages (via libraries with lots of binding glue) oh, wait, that's what everyone is doing, though. 10:20pm oh god, i hate it when my kernel preempts my thread while im debugging it -:- eihrul [] has joined #tunes huh? oops 10:30pm confused yourself, huh? no, i did night night anyone here? and if so, very familiar with x86 virtual memory mechanisms? i am here, and i dont know what you mean by very familiar 10:40pm familiar - not clueless eihrul: i doubt they could help u wha is your quesiton eihrul: until u came here i had to answer my own questions :) tril: am wondering about the repercussions of doing software TLB management on x86 i don't know any more than what i can look up in my 386 programmer's manual i don't quite think this would be in it :) heh -:- SignOff liar: #TUNES (BRiX [] :: sleep) well, it has timings for TLB miss. okay, actually, that'd be useful :) but i dont know what you meant by management. if you would be kind enough to throw those numbers my way hold on 10:50pm "A TLB miss will add 13, 21 or 28 clocks to the instruction depending on whether the Accessed and/or Dirty bit in neither, one or both of the page entries needs to be set in memory. This assumes that neither page entry is in the cache and a page fault does not occur on the address translation." that is for the 80486 processor only ack that quote is also only one special case out of 12 cases that would increase the listed timings for instructions. that means my tlb fault handler would have to run in about 50 clocks to be worth it is it for the 486 only? I have no information for 80386, P5, P6, PIII, Celeron, any AMD chips, etc... hrmm... i wonder if the docs i have here have timings for the P's it would just be cool if i could get rid of those nasty two level page tables 11:00pm tril: there still? i'm about to be AFK, what's up do you have brand's email address? eihrul: 11:20pm thank ye 11:30pm hcf: you knowledgeable of x86 virtual memory mechanisms at all? eihrul: not really dern... could i run a scheme by you for software TLB management? ok i guess, dont expect feedback well, if you don't want to read it, just say so :) u seem sooo desparate tho well, not desparate just curious 11:40pm -:- SignOff hcf: #TUNES (Leaving) [msg(TUNES)] newlog 1999.0827 IRC log ended Fri Aug 27 00:00:00 1999