IRC log started Sat Sep 18 00:00:01 1999 [msg(TUNES)] permlog 1999.0918 -:- SignOff Zhivago: #TUNES (Leaving) -:- hcf [] has joined #tunes -:- hcf has changed the topic on channel #Tunes to: Free Reflective Computing System || -:- SignOff liar: #TUNES (BRiX [] :: sleep) -:- SignOff hcf: #TUNES (Leaving) -:- AlonzoTG [] has joined #tunes -:- binEng [] has joined #tunes -:- tcn [] has joined #tunes -:- SignOff tcn: #TUNES (Leaving) -:- SignOff binEng: #TUNES (Laserdome! <k!14>) =\ 09:50am -:- hcf [] has joined #tunes -:- SignOff AlonzoTG: #TUNES (Have Nice Day :)) -:- binEng [] has joined #tunes -:- Kaufmann [] has joined #tunes Shalom! Anyone alive? * binEng/#tunes waves his hand 12:50pm Hey Anders hi Kaufmann :) So lately I've been trying to put my feeble attempt at a web site together, with some writings and ideas for software projects... but it really annoyed me that the current site management software wasn't able to do anything but the most basic management... so I went ahead and threw (?) AI statistical analysis techniques at it. sounds like a great deal of job.. for what purpose? Kaufmann: whats the url? Well, for one, now all I'll have to do is input my own work as text files... and the software will automatically put them into context. Also, the index page will be automatically generated from a template, including a small introduction; the software will add some links into the main topics of the site's texts, gathered from its database, and a search form hcf, none yet To clarify: by "links into X" I mean "links that lead to X". Boy, is my writing style weird. It's inspired by the NODE idea I mentioned here a few months ago 01:00pm Anyway, the "software" is a set of server-side Perl scripts... it "understands" a given text node (i.e., an article or story) by performing several statistical tests (histograms, noun-pair accounting, offset averages, etc), and comparing the results with site-wide info from its DB. Anyone still here? Or have I chased everybody out with my babble? Or are you looking up the NODE reference in the IRC logs? Or what? * binEng/#tunes is having a conversation somewhere else keep babbling yeah :) :) * Kaufmann/#tunes tries to pretend he isn't offended, but eventually bursts into tears :) * binEng/#tunes is untouched ;) However, actual work in this project so far has been limited to a few random lines of code, a few half-completed function specs, and one almost-complete algorithm. 01:10pm abi, Kaufmann? i think Kaufmann is #Tunes' own half-crazed nanotech/strong-AI junkie with a bizarre love for early-70's rock. He can also play the guitar... like a ringin' bell... or something. abi, NODE? kaufmann: bugger all, i dunno abi, NODE is Kaufmann's own pseudo-AI pet project; it hasn't been tested yet, and in all likeliness, never will. 01:20pm -:- Kaufmann is now known as KaufmannBRB -:- AlonzoTG [] has joined #TUNES -:- KaufmannBRB is now known as Kaufmann -:- SignOff eihrul: #TUNES (Leaving) !irq:*! what channel is this person harassing on? !larne:*! #debian, #linuxhelp, #linpeople .. !larne:*! it's network wide. also he is using wingates .. !irq:*! well for right now, i'd /ns forbid his nick !larne:*! /ns? !irq:*! if you don't have a /alias ns /msg nickserv allready, i don't know what to say :) !larne:*! you mean operserv? I don't have access !irq:*! you need services admin access to NickServ !larne:*! I know that. I don't !irq:*! i guess no one here nonafk has it !irq:*! i shall ask lilo to append me to the csoper list !Hyrinux:*! I do !Hyrinux:*! :) !larne:*! hmm, ok. I think all ircops should have it. it's better than glines !Hyrinux:*! uh, no, not all irccops should have nickserv/opserv access... :) !irq:*! on this particular net i feel all opers should have that access, but on others sometimes its not such a good idea !larne:*! operserv tho !larne:*! we can't remove a gline !Hyrinux:*! glines aren't removable !larne:*! no, butoperserv akills are !Hyrinux:*! alright you want me to remove one? why? !larne:*! no, I mean, if wwant to, we can't !Hyrinux:*! oh, gotcha !larne:*! these are only 24 hours ones .. !Hyrinux:*! dont' set glines to expire for more than 10 days !Hyrinux:*! generally as a rule if you need to set a gline, it ain't going to be temporary... there are other ways to do it... what I tell people is to set the gline for several hours, contact a op who can set an akill, and then we can regulate it that way !larne:*! yeah. can you add an akill for the nicks lickadick and icomeonyew? !irq:*! you can't AKILL nicks, but you can FORBID them, with /ns forbid !drow:*! Once again, try using the admin channel for this sort of chatter :) Please! !Hyrinux:*! fine fine fine !larne:*! sorry :> !Hyrinux:*! everyone come to #admin -:- SignOff hcf: #TUNES (Ping timeout for hcf[]) -:- hcf [] has joined #tunes *sigh* 03:10pm Well, I'm leaving now. -:- SignOff Kaufmann: #TUNES ("So when someone tells you that you were made in the image of God, (...) take a look of pity and reply, 'Why, that poor deity!'" - Paul & Cox, "Beyond Humanity") 03:40pm -:- SignOff hcf: #TUNES (Leaving) -:- hcf [] has joined #tunes * AlonzoTG/#TUNES smashes hcf with an Iron Butterfly -:- eihrul [] has joined #tunes -:- pyro [] has joined #tunes eihrul, you run X, right? yes 05:10pm -:- liar [] has joined #tunes hey qz hey pyro eihrul: find any bugs in bfe? i can't get it to compile anymore... i need to get xforms instead of fltk u mean u didnt have xforms all this time? FLTK provides much of the xforms interface sorry for breaking the compatibility and forcing u into xforms :) do u know what functions fltk doesnt support? maybe we can work around them i'll send you my compilation dump k anyone know where CVS sourcecode is? sourcecode for cvs or just sourcecode on cvs? oh, it's on I almost have my shit rebuilt :0 what shit? all the software I use for OS building I can't believe how much SHIT i needed.. not just NASM.. mtools, X, bochs, cvs, rsync..... er wait.... it barfed less this time: only doesn't like fl_set_input_maxchars () then to make it work with FBSD 05:20pm * AlonzoTG/#TUNES is investigating what toolz he will need to support his OS development... =\ I'll probably have to rite haf of dem. yeah well I'm always trying to use fewer tools -:- SignOff pyro: #TUNES (Leaving) 05:30pm !irq:*! will some oper please wake up and give me akill privileges? am i the only person here? !irq:*! okay, who did that? -:- pyro [] has joined #tunes Tee Cee ENN bonjour, fare om I am not fare! I just picked up his habbit. =P 06:30pm hey, you got a book about Forth right? how was it? didn't reed it what book was it? Forth Programmer'z handboook I have a fair understanding of the language after reading the first few chapters If I decide to progam in it I will read the rest. Currently I am trying to figure out how to implement a high-level runtime system in which I can encode the resource managment functions that are the core of any OS. Also I am meditating (om) about what tools I will need to support my development. om isn't forth a high level runtime system? :) though I prefer assembly for resource management 06:40pm There will be a set of primitaves written in asm to manage all the shit. but they will be manipulated in LISP om =\ topiq alonzo: ah, so that's what that om means heh I really do need to do some meditating... fun stuff? huh? 06:50pm Fruitfull! =) What I laque is a set of kalling konventions! =) 07:00pm -:- SignOff binEng: #TUNES ( <k!14>) -:- SignOff AlonzoTG: #TUNES (Read error to AlonzoTG[]: Connection reset by peer) -:- RAVI [] has joined #Tunes -:- RAVI [] has left #Tunes [] -:- SignOff pyro: #TUNES (Leaving) -:- SignOff hcf: #TUNES (Ping timeout for hcf[]) -:- hcf [] has joined #tunes -:- lar1 [] has joined #tunes Hey 09:40pm hey bfe is lookin good man Cool! Sorry I wasn't able to help Next project :) Have a new screenshot up? -:- _BC [bmcbrine@pine.Alberni.Net] has joined #tunes -:- _BC [bmcbrine@pine.Alberni.Net] has left #tunes [] Thanks running it is so much better than a screenshot :) Yes Whats left to implement? tons Heh memory dumping, displaying structures, flag checkboxes and lots of little things to make it better read TODO * Tril/#TUNES is away: (afk) [BX-MsgLog Off] 09:50pm Hmmm if u think of anything tell us Us being you and eihrul? ya Heh, so eihrul finally admits to bfe being maintained by _both_ of you! uhh well he did most of the important coding :) and debugging but you've put more time into it so liar: I can't get it to compile 10:00pm whats the error? liar: make says nothing to be done for 'all' type "make clean" then make Ohh, ok i forgot to do that before i sent it to u That has to be one of the stupidest things I have done ;) Never assume :) Hmmm, perhaps I could implement the 'clear' button, that sound _easy_ Or the confermation on quit button k xforms? xforms is, like, a widget toolkit at Umm, if you run bfe and it can't run bochs, it just displays the window and crashes go there to find out howto get the current selected line in a browser hrmm, i wonder how bfe looks in fltk Current selected line in a browser... huh? ya, if u want to write the clear button u need to find the selected line delete_breakpoint(0 will be 3 lines long Shouldn't clear clear everything? hmm yer right i will rename it to delete or remove i should add a clear all button too ok hrmmish... bfe looks odd in fltk Hmm, perhaps I should implemt the clear all button instead k 10:10pm does nasm have an %error directive? 10:20pm no it does it seems 10:30pm very nice, i have the eflags and structures in a tabbed folder fxsave wants 512 bytes to save a simd context... that's insane and even fsave wants 100 or so heh then i'd have to ditch 256 bytes per thread and go back to 512 so i'll just have one global fpu... it's not like you need it anyway ya make an fpu service :) liar: I'm gonna do the exit confermation first, that seems easyest but it will need to be a special service cuz the kernel needs to save the fpu for it lar1: u gotta popup a window for confirmation liar: Yes, I am reading a quick tutorial liar: It makes 100% sense so I'm gonna try it -:- SignOff eihrul: #TUNES (sleep) What file should I put the function in? main.c? 10:40pm -:- SignOff lar1: #TUNES (Read error to lar1[]: Connection reset by peer) -:- SignOff hcf: #TUNES (Leaving) [msg(TUNES)] newlog 1999.0919 IRC log ended Sun Sep 19 00:00:01 1999