IRC log started Sat Oct 23 00:00:01 1999 [msg(TUNES)] permlog 1999.1023 12:10am -:- Tril [] has joined #tunes -:- ServerMode/#tunes [+o Tril] by hey tril 12:40am well, i'll be back tomorrow -:- water [] has left #tunes [] 12:50am -:- _ruiner_ [] has joined #tunes -:- _ruiner_ [] has left #tunes [] -:- SignOff td: #TUNES (td has no reason) -:- SignOff Zhivago: #TUNES (Ping timeout for Zhivago[]) -:- Zhivago [] has joined #tunes hmm 05:30am -:- fare [] has joined #Tunes -:- fare is now known as Fare -:- tcn [] has joined #tunes t c n ! 06:10am * tcn/#tunes is away. Automatically set away [SZon] hey fare i'm trying out a new irc client gotta turn off all the crap features.. :) 06:20am * tcn/#tunes is away. Automatically set away [SZon] douuugh 06:50am * tcn/#tunes is away. Automatically set away [SZon] hum 07:10am ... ping 07:20am * tcn/#tunes is away. Automatically set away [SZon] -:- SignOff tcn: #TUNES (That's it for today) -:- Netjoined: -:- Tril [] has joined #tunes -:- ServerMode/#tunes [+o Tril] by -:- hcf [] has joined #tunes Tril 07:50am -:- SignOff Zhivago: #TUNES (Ping timeout for Zhivago[]) -:- eihrul [] has joined #tunes -:- SignOff eihrul: #TUNES ([x]chat) -:- Zhivago [] has joined #tunes -:- NetSplit: split from [08:22am] -:- BitchX+Deb1an: Press Ctrl-F to see who left Ctrl-E to change to [] -:- eihrul [] has joined #tunes re * eihrul/#tunes nods. 08:50am -:- AlonzoTG [] has joined #tunes -:- AlonzoTG [] has left #tunes [] -:- SignOff Fare: #TUNES (Ping timeout for Fare[]) -:- Fare [] has joined #Tunes -:- NetSplit: split from [10:27am] -:- BitchX+Deb1an: Press Ctrl-F to see who left Ctrl-E to change to [] -:- water [] has joined #tunes hcf: i noticed that jason marshall just now started speaking up i also noticed but then, Jim Little made his little announcement, too brb wow. i'm sooo thrilled that prism is working yeah, it's just what tunes needs... the ultimate super-kludge 10:40am water: u seen,, not specifically is there a reason why i should look there? may assist w/ getting developers but these sites are for the request/provide model hmm ok i'm not sure if i could find someone who could make the code i want, though -:- eihrul [eihrul@] has joined #tunes 10:50am oh great hey eihrul, what do you think of prism? brb, switching logons -:- _water [] has joined #tunes 11:00am -:- SignOff water: #TUNES (Ping timeout for water[]) -:- _water is now known as water -:- td [] has joined #tunes -:- SignOff hcf: #TUNES (Leaving) -:- hcf [] has joined #tunes er... wb er... thx water: haven't looked at prism yet * water/#tunes attempts to provide the laymen's intro for ontologies, etc to tunes mlist * eihrul/#tunes claps. heh hopefully, this should clear some things up 11:30am well, it's on its way enjoy! 11:50am hcf: jason marshall also wrote me personally well, i'll be afk for a while oh? -:- fire [] has joined #tunes * fire/#tunes is back from his race :) 12:00pm how'd you do? hcf: yeah he asked about arrow, but i don't think he groks the tunes ideas yet ok 21:07 on 3.1 miles but of course im a freshman you can't expect much someday i hope to grok arrow :) heh what is DMOZ? k the mozilla open-directory where'd you hear about it? aka odp, aka noohoo -:- Kaufmann [] has joined #tunes hmm, i ges they did away w/ using noohoo ... 12:10pm "Coding has begun." !@#$ on what? TUNES on the DMOZ comment heh yeah it's embarrassing !@#$ -> (not (length $)) :) no one wants to write a bootable scheme water, what? what do you mean by bootable? schemeOS heh scheme has problems it's the best LISP tough that's what tunes is supposed to start on though rather well, it could be a lispos instead we should write a very simple HLL interpreter then bootstrap well, there is laurent martelli's idea for an aop lisp and he does have a basic lisp written in c well, alisp is not Scheme, but it's a helluva lot like it, and (although first it will run as a regular process on top of UNIX) I intend to make it bootable, eventually. i.e., capable of running by itself Of course, I really have nothing so far. :P hell we could write the HLL interpreter in COBOL for all i care -:- water has changed the topic on channel #tunes to: Let's actually make a Free Reflective Computing System at || think for a moment, that's right use your brain, shouldn't this discussion be taking place in #OsDev? -:- AlonzoTG [] has joined #tunes why don't we just not use the term "bootable " let's just call it a computing system om I love minix. =P wrong channel, atg ? my computer is dying. =( nobody really likes computers. atg: use #osdev okay... I'm there too but its empty. oh... Is music talk allowed here? i like tom's post got my response yet? yeah 12:20pm im going down the list gimme a second -:- SignOff td: #TUNES (Ping timeout for td[]) damn i haven't heard from jim little in a long time yeah, it's a shame that he had to pollute the list again ;) heh prism doesn't look that exciting abi, prism? rumour has it prism is a way to program with multiple specialized, interoperable languages. or at or YABL BL? bad language? heh abi: yabl? yabl is Yet Another Burden Layer aaaaah lol water: what is an arrow? i think an arrow is a homo-iconic information manipulation system intended to support programming and human languages in the way that Tunes should. at, an arrow not arrow oh think of it as a cons cell a directed link er... not just a link i mean, both a cons cell and a link have certain connotations. arrows are general-purpose constructs just like a list is a general purpose construct for lisp? sure but lisp is just a programming language 12:30pm arrow ain't so you just apply arrow to a programming language? apply it? hmm make it arrow equivelent yeah, you can model a language abstractly with arrows i mean you're gonna have to have programming languages sure, but now they'd just be algorithm notations fully-fledged abstract representations water: hmm, i'm still having trouble picturing what part of the system is "active" :) well, just think of an arro-information evaluator do ontologies actively translate things or are they tools for some other active entity? they're tools for agents don't read too much into the agents idea so an ontology can be applied to a given arrow structure by some active thing (whatever that is at this point)? yeah, just an extension of the evaluator a "task" ultimately yielding a whole other arrow structure? yep encoded lazily ok but the arrow structure can be reflected on you can store arrow structure in other data-formats as long as the original arrow content can be obtained later * eihrul/#tunes was thinking something along those lines before; if you can reflect on any part of the system you might be able to ultimately change the representation of arrows themselves. cool 12:40pm the ontology system allows interface reflection and ultimately data-structure reflection and code-generation since code is just a data-format well, sort of :) * Kaufmann/#tunes has to admit that he's understanding very little of all this * fire/#tunes ditto damn did you read my latest email? water, to the Tunes list? yeah -:- binEng [] has joined #tunes yes I did hey bin hey water hello my swedish rose :D LOL 'nyway... :) well, did it explain anything? did you check out those url's? water: I picked up your paper again bin: unfortunately (it really sucks) i read a story in english class about a swedish king that travels the country side looking for support to raise a new army and finds a silver mine way out in the country wait, what email are you talking about? The _where tunes is going_ thread-starter? water: I've found that it's pretty related to this thing I'm doing, AKOS the one i posted just this morning -:- SignOff AlonzoTG: #TUNES (Ping timeout for AlonzoTG[]) fire: A real king? beats me brb water, yes, I read that one too he goes into a town and the minister tells him about the mine but there are no links there no URLs, I mean huh? umm, no water: Have time for a few q's? bin: sure water: How can agents see and interact with the system? 12:50pm kauf: the mail i sent this morning has three url's, two of which have many links let's look again bin: well, they get information by linking domain-specific info with ontologies bin: it's like routing packets semantically bin: the agent is the router hm it picks the route based on its purpose for the info how are agents "associated" with an ontology? (because that's how ontologies are used, not?) what is an ontology? i guess an ontology is a statement of a logical theory in some domain or what a person believes to be provable. i.e. what _can_ possibly be done in the world well, i think that they actually just work with domains, and the ontologies link the domains. the agent has access to the ontology graph and activates its parts to translate info to the problem domain fire: check out my e-mail from this morning aaaaaaaah, /new/ email Sounds like domains are something different.. * binEng/#tunes looks in the paper it's just an information's original source like a data-structure format The 'real' structure of the arrow graph? bin: referring to what? oh domain hmm yes -:- Miellaby [] has joined #TUNES hi miel maybe you mean that a domain is an isolated graph? But that sounds like it's against the spirit of it I'm leaving well, the ontology system has to built on top of arrow -:- SignOff Kaufmann: #TUNES ("Jesus would make a good main character for a Seinfeld spinoff" - Amber << Well, it got my attention... coming soon, the pilot episode of BEN YOSSEF! Sundays at Atheist News Network!) hi water you can 'subgraph' your graph to restrict it to a domain water, can we have a speak about your system? miel: sure, it seems it's the hot tunes topic bin: unfortunately, the way i just explained it isn't good enough for the docs water: I thought ontologies were a result of the structure of the graph? water:I'm totally seduced by the Arrow proposal. I wish I could understand more. yes, ontologies come from graphs ok miel: darn it, i was too convincing well, keep in mind everyone that i'm still working lots of things out but those arrows that makes of ontologies are 'on top' of the "real" information web, right? 01:00pm it _is_ weird that some of the nodes are links, too, isn't it? :) it begins to make some sense, methinks water: btw, did you work any further on the paper? What's the latest version? well, an ontology is a smenatic specification which has to exist somewhere and must be specified in some language bin: yes, but the new version will have to run over 100 pages and i'm nowhere near done. Specified in some language? That suggests that ontologies exist in a higher level than arrows and i've been having serious computer problems lately darn it, i chose the wrong words it all boils down to "how do you specify a graph's structure?" imo you need a semantic structure like logic to specify the graph you need an ontology to provide the semantic structure Well that's a snap when the epistemic building blocks are arrows (is that the right use of the word?) and you need graphs to construct the ontology yeah, but what if you want to build a grpah that has more than an infinite number of arrows? what if you want to have a graph of "all binary trees"? I don't see why you need semantic structures for the graph. Unless you mean a binary representation, read by some sort of interpreter? But that's very lowlevel i mean, how do you declare a graph Outside the system, it must be, . outside the whole system? Outside the arrow system. hell no why would i want the arrow system to be unable to manipulate itself ? I'd love to see you do the trick of a recursive definition, but I'm afraid that is a bit hard well, it involves refelction The system must start *somewhere*. It can't come out of thin air and define itself. at some point, you substitute "actual arrow system" with code that does the same thing yes i.e. a vm that supports reflection vm = lang spec Do you want to define graphs in and only in Arrows? sure eventually, i want to make the vm completely transparent 01:10pm ..and Arrows is then defined as a graph, which is defined in Arrows? How'd you do that? water : I got the feeling there is a lake of one or two fundamental operators in the system design. Those primitives should be seen as "special" arrows. right, and i've worked out a lot of those to who? bin: well, that's still an open question miel: right, and i've worked out a lot of those sorry for instance, a "car" and "cdr" graph what, fundamental building blocks that I've been kept uninformed of? ;) every arrow in the system (including those in those two graphs) would have one arrow in each of those graphs corresponding exactly to the arrow's references bin: yep That does not exactly ease the process of understanding.. those two graphs are essential constructs they must exist in arrow, and they must apply to the whole system \esc I imagined a dropped system following a part of 'Arrow' goals. I miel: huh? Do you have any additional available info more than the paper? Anything written? bin: not yet I failed in one step : migrate from an absolute naming method to a full relative names matching. bin: like i said, major computer problems :/ miel: ah How you do that ? bin: well, if you could direct a guru to me who could handle all of my computer problems... bin: preferrable one in seattle heh I'd like to know more about the way an agent can identify a given arrow inside the system. my computers have all of my tools and docs on them miel: well, the arrow is specified semantically miel: by some typ of declaration water: Back to my earlier question; each agent is associated with one ontology, right? the declaration actually refers to the arrow in question, so that referring to it later on is a simple matter of accessing it through the def bin: no, an agent is just a coherent set of activities I was disapointed by the design of the textual I/F in your smalltalk model. It doesn't seem to be reflexiv. I hope this is a temporary mechanism for debugging ;) miel: it is miel: i'm going to release some more substantial code very soon :) good new! 01:20pm water: explain yourself, just a set of activities? Then the system defines the agent! the problem is that it is quite unfinished bin: i haven't worked it out entirely... I'd like to know more about 'car' and 'cdr' arrows. what do they mean ? bin: it's supposed to be an emergent property of a running system Are you referring to agents? Agents emerge from running systems? miel: in lisp, you access the first and second references of a list by applying the 'car' and 'cdr' primitive functions, respectively bin: yes Then in such case, I don't see how a human or even a function could "run" - access the system. -:- Zhivago [] has joined #tunes it wouldn't be hard... interfaces _are_ ontologies and ontologies can provide functional interfaces yes that's what I thought. But you said agents where *not* associated with an ontology, i.e. interface well, they aren't you can use multiple interfaces for the same task, for instance so how do they communicate? zhivago well, they place information in various places yo :D Do you planify an arrow which will act as a swich from an analysing step to a declarativ step, during the OS graph processing, ie an arrow which make the OS clone the graph the arrow is linked to? water: They need an ontology for that, I tell you! if the ui ontology picks up information automatically from a certain source and re-directs it to the screen... -:- td [] has joined #tunes miel: i'm not sure exactly what you mean neither I miel: probably yes heh You should explain the process which handle a new arrow declaration. There 's a need. yes, i know i wish i had one :) i'm working on it though. it's probably the major reason for waiting to update the paper 01:30pm bin: any new groking problems? i have a few Agents need (at least) an ontology to place information anywhere. i would really like the jist of arrow bin: right, but i don't want to restrict them to one ontology I can imagine this process partly. My problem is to understand when you intend to make the system to switch from a 'pattern matching' step to an action step. There will be a special arrow, isn't it? fire: i don't have a jist on me right now. Wouldn't a set of ontologies just be another ontology? miel: probably. but i'd need to formalize it bin: you can join them, yes. someone give me the jist of arrow -:- SignOff hcf: #TUNES (Ping timeout for hcf[]) i can't get through that whole paper Then I don't see any need for more than one ontology per agent. But on you it seems like ontologies aren't really connected to agents? bin: most likely there will be union and intersection operators for them as well as the arrow operators fire: arrow =hll, ontology = meta-translator That seems to me to be going beyond the pure arrow concept s/hll/tunes hll/ bin: well, arrow logic does support it Is arrow logic something else you didn't tell me about? bin: eek abi accial? i heard accial was "A Crash Course in Arrow Logic" at it's also in the paper, but it has a very small section or are you speaking about relations? arrow logic relates to relational algebra relates to? not the same thing? it's a modal logic, so it has operators no, it's slightly less expressive (to varying degrees) than undecidable relational algebra arrow logic is actually a family of related logics, though hmm... my ghostview isn't installed on this computer... darn How much papers on miscelleous subjects do you think ppl will need to read to understand arrows, really? Seems like you often point to some obscure file on the net (i have to use a friend's computer for net connections) hehe most of the subjects that arrow builds on are obscure except to certain groups of ai and logic researchers * Miellaby/#TUNES whishes he had been a mathematician. it's been very difficult to make it easy to grok for programmers 01:40pm (mmm... higher mathematics :) Does it need all strict and narrow theory to be understood? well, _I_ have to understand it to communicate it to you Arrows? Arrows are loading, atleast loading? that's a start and i have to understand it and reason using it (the theory) to give coders specs for programs for it Can't the idea be captured without all fancy terms? about programmer : I disagree. I'm a programmer. And yet, I think that -if only there was an exaustiv list of Arrow OS fundamental primitives- I could make my imagination works. well, i don't have that list at all and i don't have anything to build that list from no theory actually applies to my idea, just parts of it You have your computer at least :> * water/#tunes smacks binEng with his 30 books on higher math that apply to Arrow in one way or another. water: gimme that url for a crash course on arrow logic again please i've corresponded with various professors, and they've all recognized that they're papers help my idea, but that they can't help with whole arrow picture No-mathematicians are not fan of mathematical proving. You'll be able to write the theory latter. :). Just give us foods :) fire: scroll up, scroll up :) and you want everyone that tries to understand Arrows to read up on those subjects? oh funny that bin: hell no .Z?!?! fire: "uncompress" it :) uh how dare you version me :( muahaha I know your OS, haha haha plus i have nothing to view postscript with right now bin: i just need help with the aspects that don't directly relate to theory, so that i can make up that list of arrow primitives * binEng/#tunes dances around fire hehe * water/#tunes dances a jig. * binEng/#tunes stops, because someone said something about playing with fire if i could hand people the arrow primitives and say "go code 'em", i'd be set for life water: do think I should reread all of the paper? but i don't have them formally worked out yet bin: sure, it'll give you a nice headache :) :P no, really, you should it's not that bad it just isn't very lucent 01:50pm but there is more under the surface than what's mentioned in the paper? sure especially as i've done a lot of thinking since i wrote it other primitives beside arrows? When the paper read, the Arrow OS looks neat frow a microscopic point of view. But the macroscopic view of the system looks totally blur. no, not that primitive arrows, then (?) miel: well, yes special arrows. bin: two notions of primitive: bin: (1) an arrow is the primitive construct bin: (2) there are primitive operations that a computer must perform to support the Arrow goal are those operations defined and implemented outside Arrows? until i can make the arrow system reflect on them, yes bbl for now, the vm code myst support those primitives -:- SignOff fire: #TUNES (Leaving) Do think you'll be able to make that reflective? Are there working systems that proves something like that is possible? yes, any language in which its own os is written such as..? e.g. Oberon or the originl smalltalk systems Self/R, if completed, will be like that i suppose that unix is very roughly like that but.. aren't the source code there compiled to machine code before taken into effect? of course! blah huh? then it suddenly seems much simpler what does? arrow? this recursive definition history oh good :) ;) but why "blah"? The main lake is about the dynamic behaviour of Arrow. Just take a simple example : "a friend of mines gives me a Floppy with an arrow soft. How this soft will install itself on my arrow OS?". there's nothing exotic about that, I figure. Like writing a C compiler in C. or somethingf yeah, kinda.... except writing a compiler in arrow is qualtitatively different I thought about that too; how are disconnected graphs like that on a disk handled.. agreed miel: well, published ontology standards will allow people to share data that way 02:00pm if it's your own format, you give someone that ontology in terms of one available to the other person along with the data water: Surely a working Arrow system must contain some static semantics? a "world-wide-web of semantics" bin: only static if convenient to be kept that way Outside agents (or agents in general?) would need a static definition of the way interfaces are done. like i said, published standards the standards could be much more abstract and flexible then today's are so the meaning of a connection 'slot' comes with some outside standard, then sure ok seems coherent to me well, my surroundings just got really annoying ok, there will be some standards about program or data modeling. But you still have to explain how the arrow OS which handle any """"assertion""" of any property. i think i should go try to work out the arrow primitives a little more involving exploding nuclear reactors and stuff, eh? Life's a bitch. bin: no, i'm at home. 3-yr-olds and girls and loud movies and game consoles miel: assertions are made within some semantic framework miel: arrows can form assertions oh well. More exciting to dramatize a litte, at least how do you distinguish assertion arrow from others ? miel: well, it represents a different kind of information, so it will be in a different place hmm place?! this IS the problem, as for me. miel: assertions represent choices miel: choices, say, in a control-flow graph it's not a problem since when does arrows have a geographic property?? well, it's not more of a problem than what i'm currently dealing with geez so literal :) i mean it would be in a graph whose meaning would be selections of machine-actions at an abstract level My problem is : How to recognize between requesting and asserting ? they are the same I thought your explanation would be straight-forward, but now I dunno.. they just have different semantics hey! give me a break! read "exploring logical dynamics" here we go again.. 02:10pm it describes various logics in terms of information updates, even commands who are you speaking to? and yes, one arrow primitive will be "apply graph as function" hum. I try to understand. Then, you know that you came inside a 'asserting' state because of the link of what you handle with some special node? bin: no one miel: sure, that works fine :) that arrow primitive, whould that be an arrow, or something else? hehe all function applications would be part of a graph (damn i hate 3 year olds when i'm trying to think) (and the ones who stay at my house are way too hyperactive) loud music works well oh yeah :) * water/#tunes runs for his cd case back When I started to describe my own dropped OS, I choosed a famous metaphor. I spoke about "cells, organism, organ, ...". (a cell was the icon corresponding to an arrow). Perhaps "Arrows" should choose a more seducting vocabulary. hmm with not coffee, coffe beans, ... hups. Already chosen. with not <-> why not huh? (I made a joke about JAVA terms) oh 02:20pm no more questions yet? well... Just the usual one. (if it's me you're asking..) when will ... be released? yes, and is it possible to pre-order? pre-order free software? sure :) And I'd like to know form and color uhh "form and color"? ;) Will there be different distributions? tell you what, guys. when i get a good list of primitives going, i'll give them to the tunes mlist oh, of course Are you planning for a pointless release? ;) heh -:- hcf [] has joined #tunes sounds like a good idea -:- waggel [] has joined #tunes hello, waggel hello how are you are you intereseted in tunes? what about tunes what about a refining relationship included inside the arrow logic ? surrounded by screaming kids, I think heh yes im from holland wag: cool yes wag: on both counts Drenthe is a country wag: well, i'm working out theory, and explaining it to the rest here miel: explain what about work personally I think he's just making it up as he explains ;) miel: the arrow logic is just a single formalism bin: sort of i m looking for software can you help me wag: well, we have a couple of different prototypes, but we can't agree on the necessaryfeatures yes wag: sure, how can we help? what for prototypes wag: yep oke can you my mailen about intresset software I believed Performances require a lower level of design of some functions which have been said to be high level. Precisly, those allowing to handle a kind of context refining. miel: a low-level means for refining context? wag: not sure i understand The naming rules and primitives would involved a refining relationship, mainly to compact the objects graph and so decrease the Entropy of the model. 02:30pm umm. "naming rules"? naming only has to do with interfaces not a concern for me, unless you mean for the initial vm 'graph pattern matching' if you want. in data-computing, all the world is only mad of I/F. er.. graphs' specifications are basically lazy implementations pattern-matching is specified to form equivalence classes of information that is! i/f? i/f=interface :) oh screw naming rules... that's for people designing interfaces bye my job is theory bye wag bye -:- waggel [] has left #tunes [] whew are we getting anywhere? I speak about something that could become a fundamental mechanism of Arrow. Initially, I imagined a way to compact a 1rst order graph, but every levels of Arrow's graphs could be compacted. I need a additional "special arrow" for that. huh? A way to ensure that every set of data can be compressed further? ;) compacting graphs? 02:40pm explain Yes, it its. That's what an object HLL try to do: tocCompact the objects graph via classes assertion. um. no thanks you can incrementally specify graphs just as easily as declaring them in fact, the primitive you speak of is to select a declaration and forma graph for it all you'd have to do is select part of the axiomatization instead of the full one but there are many ways to axiomatize a concept like a graph grok? (hmmm... the w3c "semantic web" idea relates roughly to arrow) I try but I cant understand. (perhaps someday the ODP will unify with arrow) axiomatize a concet? specifying a graph doesn't mean the elements "exist" yet yeah, like in formal logic P(x) IFF (a bunch of declarative requirements for x) except that within arrow you're not stuck with the limited expressiveness of just one formal schema like predicate logic (or arrow logic or whatever) If you look at a horn clause, it looks like a graph isn'it ? one head and several arrow tails. hehe 1rst order clause, to be more precise. horn clauses relate to boolean algebras which relate to complete partial orders which are lattices which are ordered sets (graphs) 02:50pm yes, i've done way too much reading of theory (hmm, the w3c's RDF language is an ontology language) (tre interesante :) did that explain anything? considering the horn clause : "A -> B C D E F G H". In prolog you can't define simply a 'Z' property so that ' Z -> B C D *T* F G H'. You're obliged to rewrite it. The problem is that you don't always know what was the 'A' definition. You just know that you must substitute T from E. yes, arrow addresses that Then, i'm happy bye just remember that patterns are arrow data, and that all arrows are availbable for reference by other arrows bye binEng. see ya, bin * binEng/#tunes waves goodnight -:- SignOff binEng: #TUNES ( <k!14>) there will of course have to be an environment to handle that built There is still darkness :\ hmm? where you are in france? or in understanding arrow :) Yes, I did. I spoke about my mind =) damn well, i'm here to answer questions and to advance the theory dynamically to do so :) When I imagined my own system. I wanted a mysterious algorithm to compact the whole system graph by itself, whitout an human help. 03:00pm ah well, i can tell you that it won't work in general The user should assert a lot of concept whitout cheking whether a related concept already exist or not. Then the system would recognize set or concepts and reduce them into a single graph with some semantic description. there will always be graphs that can't be reduced to an axiomatization (compressed form) maybe neural nets could help with that but ordinarily that would be difficult especially considering the amount of theory that will have to be encoded in arrow are graphs just higher-grained arrows? my idea is that concept-linking would constitute "arrow version development" higher-grained arrows? no, they're just collections of arrows oh. hrm arbitrary collections you can represent them as arrows, though -:- SignOff hcf: #TUNES (Leaving) the graph arrow relates to its member arrows by the "is an element of" relation (which is the graph's meta-graph) grok? Initially, my system didn't intend to be reflexiv. And my mysterious algorithm of compacting handled a set of C-struct type, and produce out a refining tree (there is a "is an element of" relation there too). hmmm. very complex td: implemented highly-lazily miel: i see well, i must go bathe I wish my work in C-design can help in your project. it might Have a good bath :) do you have code for it? once time I'll give you. :) k bbiaf (leave questions if they arise. i'll check logs) 03:10pm -:- SignOff td: #TUNES (bbl) -:- SignOff Miellaby: #TUNES (Leaving) -:- air [] has joined #tunes back darn it, td and Miellaby left 03:40pm hum hey fare water! just 48 hours left on vacation i was working out some arrow stuff earlier here 03:50pm did you read the email i've been posting? the latest? yeah 04:00pm yeah so ontologies are what normal programmers usually call "modules"? roughly except that they take place in a declarative language yeah grrrr!!!! Couldn't you just tell it much earlier? :) darn it, i thought it was obvious besides, there's plenty of web sites on it no it wasn't :( * water/#tunes notes to add that email content to the intro geez, my todo list for the intro alone is about 100 entries well, keep in mind that my ontologies will work differently from the usual ones... i.e. declarative is just a special case of semantics what about epistemology and modality? grokable? 04:10pm epistemology? where? er... the first paragraph what community does the use of the word come from? maybe you should specify so with every technical word you use, to avoid confusion... have you seen the latest production by J. Meseguer? just philosophy... apparently the ai community has (or perceives) no need for the concept no, i haven't it would be nice to have a web of definitions for arrow on-line he "just" added initiality to his requirements for a reflective system to be universal in a meta-logical universe (rather than merely in a meta-computational one) where is this at? and please explain initiality i.e. if you can build _initial_ models of categories you describe, then you can do not just computations, but also inductive reasoning. hmm dunno where it is; probably on his page. Saw it at LFM'99 in Paris. where's his page, then? abi: maude? well, maude is a rewriting logic language at oh of course i forgot that he was the maude fellow have you seen the stuff done at hmm. it doesn't come to mind... i've been working in other areas recently I'm told they've done great stuff; the software is proprietary, but there must be papers around... * water/#tunes spawns a few browser processes * Fare/#Tunes GOTO 3053 -:- SignOff Fare: #TUNES (Connection reset by pear) heh 04:20pm -:- hcf [] has joined #tunes wb. you missed fare oh? you didn't miss much he finally got the ontology idea, though how did the others do? other concepts or other potential grokers? 04:30pm grok'ers they did pretty good s/good/well whats better good or well? "well" is grammatically correct oh gain any developers today? it seems miellaby had a similar non-reflective idea quite a while ago not for sure they're waiting for me to publish vm specs i.e. primitives to support well, there's a partial list, but they want a full one when they get one, they'll want something else yes, i know water: why not a partial list of what is solved, plus a list of what things need to be solved? :) if not a full list? i'll have to force the point soon eihrul: if i could list them, then they'd be solved :) well, how can you solve problems... if you don't know which problems to solve? or rather, if you don't even know there's any problems? darn it, i'll have to reboot win98 soon i know what problems there are, but qualifying and quantifying them properly is the issue brb... rebooting -:- water [] has left #tunes [] 04:40pm -:- water [] has joined #tunes * water/#tunes watches the tumbleweed roll by. man a language parser is really easy to write once u think about it yep and very little code you could even automate it eh? a function taking an EBNF spec and a language and outputting a parser a la bison or yacc why the hell would i wanna do that? hehe so you'd write the ebnf and be done with it i wrote the code and im done with it bah and there was very little code not everyone likes to code for the sake of coding heh yeah, but ebnf specs are easier to grok however, the parser was nothing compared to what lies ahead hehe i need to write a vm and compiler what language? language is the system brix exactly, what language brix which is like what language? 05:00pm its like brix heh logo might be the closest oh yeah, you're avoiding my inevitable "smalltalk" reference so lisp then? what reference would that be? no logo the analogy with smalltalk logo= limited lisp lisp has stupid parens ok, lisp w/o parens i.e. fixed syntax well i gotta get back to my computer upgrade moving my tv card to another machine required a motherboard/cpu replacement and this stupid mobo has a board mount inside the socket7 so the plastic thing sticks up too high and the cpu cant go down into the socket so i gotta cut the plastic off air: somewhere else well, it's time to socialize in the *real* world now bbl -:- water [] has left #tunes [] 05:10pm -:- AlonzoTG [] has joined #tunes -:- Kaufmann [] has joined #tunes Hey-ho is that an obscure rap reference? you bettah believe it, bruthah word ta ya mutha *sigh* eh? oh -:- fire [] has joined #tunes hey fire hi * fire/#tunes is back from his nap seen Zhivago abi: seen Zhivago Zhivago was last seen on IRC 10 hours, 10 minutes and 45 seconds ago, saying: re [Sat Oct 23 08:48:21 1999] :D zhivago buddy 07:00pm speak to me Oh please, come talk to me Won't you please come talk to me Just like it used to be Come on, come talk to me Come talk to me, come talk to me uh Peter Gabriel :D in case anyone's wondering what do you think about forth? do you think it is tied to a specific architecture? -:- SignOff Kaufmann: #TUNES (Read error to Kaufmann[]: Connection reset by peer) i guess it was too much fot him to handle umm, it is... if any of u havent seen the blair witch project then dont u arent missing anything om i don't see movies in theatres anymore, as a rule well in lisp you are pushing your arguments onto a stack =\ i just watched the first 10 minutes and got tired of the stupid low budget crap however it is not implied to be a stack not necessarily -:- Kaufmann [] has joined #tunes God, I hate this As I was saying... that was Peter Gabriel fire: i.e. you can do addition in lisp without putting arguments onto the stack, whereas in forth its always that way somebody update me, please LISP is just consistent :D er FORTH rather sure, but its not exactly an optimizing compiler's dream :) hello hello well, in lisp we're not using a stack at all fundamentally speaking i just got told :D yes you explained it on #Lisp it might be implemented that way, or possibly without stacks at all, hurrah for continuation passing style Zhivago: do u know of any online tutorials on howto make a compiler? Has anyone ever seen FORTH running on an actual pure 32-bit stack computer? air: hmm, no, but the current canonical text is Appel: "Modern Compiler implementation in [C/Java/ML]" how though is forth binded to a specific architecture I thought it was the Dragon Book the stack can just be an abstraction Zhivago: ya i read all the reviews for that book fire: not that simple... you can't keep track of everything on the stack at compile time and hence, neeed to actually provide a stack for runtime Zhivago: have u read it? air: I have a copy, but i have not read it in depth. 07:10pm air: I've also got the dragon book, which I did read, but was disappointed with its good for traditional languages though, like C and fortran is appel better than dragon? i like dragon eihrul: its suppose to be i bought it and then my brother bought it for his compilers class it's a classic although not as good as modern, :) eihrul: dragon was written before all the advanced compiler crap came about that appels book covers if only there was a PDF version so i didn't have to buy it er don't wrong tense there its $55 eihrul: imho appel (tiger) is better than dragon i have to find the book first eihrul; its about 20 years more modern then i have to go outside i have yet to read any other compiler books mabye it is just my obsession with Bell Labs Go work for them maybe you'll get stuck in the same workgroup with Bjarne nah im starting Bueno Labs someday whose going to start Malo Labs? er who's and im gonna write BuenOS heh I'm going to start Bull Labs, then don't copy me :( bullos doesn't flow like buenos Bah Labs, then And I'm gonna get bought out by BahT&T hmm, a couple days ago when i looked on amazon appel's book had a rank of 5,600 and now it is at 40,600 there are only so many people into compiling :) air, that thing is only anywhere near accurate for say, the top 1000 books cause someone buys the book once its rating goes way up do the book a favor and buy a copy after that, it's like if someone bought a copy today, it rises up to the three-zeroes, if not, it plummets back into the four- or five-zeroes * fire/#tunes 's monads itch 07:20pm * eihrul/#tunes ponders how that is possible. coders humor... LOL fire :D Aaaaaairgh, Kate Bush in my head 'jeux sans frontières' is stuck in an infinite loop through my auditory cortex u guys recommend any other good books? kauf: ouch air: for which purpose? -:- AlonzoTG [] has left #tunes [] i just bought appel's book and have 90 minutes to buy other books Zhivago: any good books on anything good air, Amazon? Kaufmann: is an online bookstore air, what I meant is, are you using Amazon? Kaufmann is from brazil so it confuses him ;) Kaufmann: yes fire: heheheh he thinks you mean the river ;) *blink* :D Oh, I see You are mocking me stupid me me am sorry * fire/#tunes HUG * Kaufmann/#tunes gets crushed * air/#tunes sees two males engaged in a sexual hug * fire/#tunes is aroused * Kaufmann/#tunes isn't * air/#tunes runs like hell * fire/#tunes 's gay buddies gets air at the door and forces him into the massive gay orgy "massive gay orgy"? LOL *sigh* oh well fire: u have "gay buddies" ? * Kaufmann/#tunes is all man! Howdy, partner :) joke i don't know any gay people but i respect them hehehe 07:30pm fire: do u play any team sports? oh oh collective showers are one of the main reasons why I stopped playing team sports yes i do i am a cross country runner fire: and u dont mind if some guy is checkin u out? but we don't shower together anyone can be attractive to a women...but it takes a special kind of man to be attractive to a man if u did shower together then u would feel differently anyone can be attractive to a woman? tell that to the thousands of women who, for some reason or another, just refuse to have promiscuous sex with me -:- fire has changed the topic on channel #tunes to: Any one can be attractive to a women...but it takes a special kind of man to be attractive to another man. Kaufmann: i know how you feel -:- hcf has changed the topic on channel #tunes to: Let's actually make a Free Reflective Computing System at Kaufmann: hahah awww.... i dont * air/#tunes is a chick magnet :) heh girls are naturally unattracted to me * Kaufmann/#tunes kills air in a fit of rage -:- hcf has changed the topic on channel #tunes to: talk about tunes or go away i got women of all ages wanting me hcf: join in or go away :) hcf: we're blowing off steam fire: blow it elsewhere it does have its disadvantages :D no cuz im such a nice guy and what do u say when fat/ugly/really old chicks want u jeez like um "fuck off" ya but then they go around telling everyone that yer a prick or something oh yes uhhh..."i need some time to myself right now and im not ready to commit" exactly of course i wouldn't know then there was this one chick like 50 years old -:- SignOff eihrul: #TUNES (Ping timeout for eihrul[]) ROTFL -:- eihrul [] has joined #tunes 07:40pm -:- SignOff Kaufmann: #TUNES (Ping timeout for Kaufmann[]) Zhivago: The Art of the Metaobject Protocol, u read that? fire: btw, if u tell everyone yer gay then u can get chicks -:- hcf has changed the topic on channel #tunes to: Free Reflective Computing System i know i know but that is a rather large sacrifice and if u go into the showers while the football team is showering and tell them yer gay and come on to them then u will get more chicks cuz they will feel sorry for u uh no thanks plus u will get outta quite a few things while yer in the body cast :) i'll take my dignity thanks could u write a vm for me? and a compiler? i already have the parser 07:50pm uh no im still trying to get my own interpreter to work i was able to write a really nice parser and ended up with a nice clean language and its an interactive parser -:- _ruiner_ [] has joined #tunes wowsers _ruiner_: hey <_ruiner_> greetings hi ruiner <_ruiner_> hello fire btw, have u guys heard of -:- water [] has joined #tunes hey water im just leaving cool heh i love you too hahah what are you waiting for? i got 2 minutes im gonna watch the simpsons water: oh, did you get that example? damn. i'll just have to work on something else Zhivago: what example? water: u got any good books u wanna recommend? air: how many books on what topic? :) -:- SignOff fire: #TUNES (:D) water: a good topic air: deoends on what 'good' means what book do u like the most 08:00pm among technical books? "curvature and homology" is up there uhh but then, i'd bet higher-dimensional algebraic homologies and their relation to generalizations of reimann space aren't your cup of tea :) any books without the word "homo" in the title? :) so, pick the topic "advanced compiler design & implementation" by steven s. muchnick 1997 you'd like it, i'm sure i just bought appel's book i forget, which one is that? and i read that its better than muchnick's -:- SignOff _ruiner_: #TUNES (Ping timeout for _ruiner_[]) what's the title? let me look it up air: hmm, no, but the current canonical text is Appel: "Modern Compiler implementation in [C/Java/ML]" ah i looked at that one it covers slightly different issues i thought, but i'll check i think muchnick's book was if u had already written a compiler appel's covers advanced topics but also has basic stuff too yeah, well i've got e-texts on basic compiler design really? yeah can i get them? there's even an entire book on line about language design pdf format wherer? i'll check thanks yeah, muchnick only addresses c, not functional or oo langs that's the drawback "Advanced Programming Language Design " hmm. the publisher's web site had an online form, but i'm at amazon right now 08:10pm darn it, they don't list the publisher my guess is addison-wessley -:- lar1 [] has joined #tunes Hey all! hey lar -:- fire [] has joined #tunes ok that's lame Cops is on * lar1/#tunes is very proud of himself for getting off his butt and installing debian! water: do you think forth and poplog are tied too much to a specific architecture? geez. this web search is rough forth is i'm not sure about poplog, as i haven't tried it hmmm i still think the forth stack can just be an abstraction yeah, but 5-letter identifier limits? ignore the rest of forth and the fact that a forth system can't handle distributed computations? im just talking about the stack let alone heterogeneous processors ahem water JUST THE STACK yeah i know :) stack machines are limited how so? How could a language not handle distributed computations? I could do disrtibuted computations in BASIC! single-cpu model, basically 08:20pm ah yes *sigh* it's not that bad water: so Addison-Wesley has the book online? abi: apld is advanced programming language & design at abi: apld is advanced programming language & design at ...but apld is advanced programming language & design at... abi: forget apld water: I forgot apld abi: apld is advanced programming language & design at water: just prefix 'no, ' yeah i know i should have msg'd it anyway like usual * water/#tunes looks for other online aw books -:- _ruiner_ [] has joined #tunes Hey _ruiner_ <_ruiner_> salutations if my programming language idea gets rid of the stack then it is practically smalltalk :/ lol smalltalk has a stack, too sort of but it isn't part of the language, just an implementation right? it has recursion and block-closures and the vm supports the stack -:- SignOff hcf: #TUNES (Ping timeout for hcf[]) i tried to borrow from the smalltalk '!' so you push objects onto the stack till you want to execute one than you have the '!' -:- hcf [] has joined #tunes what the hell is '!'? it just executes the top stack item you know ! oh 2 3 ! er oops 2 3 + ! sorry, you don't need it ordinarily for programming umm, no st syntax is '2+3' um yes water: What makes smalltalk, forth, etc so good? Just the super high level of abstraction? im not talking about smalltalk im talking about lengua :D lar1: that, and weak typing 08:30pm water: Weak typing/ screw typing s///? i just throw typing out the window lar1: u mean, s/\//\?/ make everything an object baby! fire: that IS weak typing hcf: Yah :) OH YEAH :D What does weak typing mean? typing is not the right word to use for FORTH it's more like no typing fire: You press buttons on the keyboard, right? fire: yeah, well the primitives are different from dictionary words uh yeah fire: Then you are typing, no? no variables have no type Ohhhh you just assign numbers to them You don't mean typing as in hitting buttons ona keyboard! FORTH is too low level though heh * lar1/#tunes smacks forehead it's ok -:- AlonzoTG [] has joined #tunes that's where lisp lacks all languages suck. Its a rule of thumb. though it's dynamic it's still typing It is impossible to make the perfect language. well...lisp lacks in a lot of places there isn't a language that doesn't lack <_ruiner_> yes there is which? <_ruiner_> its called.....visual basic lol <_ruiner_> lol kick! Bwa Ha HA!!! that one just sucks ;) smalltalk could be my daddy <_ruiner_> thought you guys would like that... but just quite isn't Hey! Used to think I was hot stuff because I knew VB! :) hmm... lots of noise on the logs tonight heh... i never thought i was hot stuff when it came to programming fire: good. keep thinking that fire: Well hanging around here has really showen me that i know a fraction of what I thought I knew i puddled around in c++ for a year and then came here <_ruiner_> lol lar it was really damaging to my ego <_ruiner_> even when I was learning vb I didn't like it... to meet people like fare and water and find out i don't know jack shit fire: I agree, meeting water was most certenely an ego--; but then I just think of the amount of people at school that know how to program in _any_ form and that is an ego+=.5 :) yeah <_ruiner_> give yourself some credit fire... -:- SignOff AlonzoTG: #TUNES (Have Nice Day :)) Or should I be using ego ego - and ego .5 + :) most people in my school who know anything run mp3 archives and know HTML and perl and crap 08:40pm <_ruiner_> you're well on the road to knowing an obscene amount of get an A for showing up so that is an ego booster <_ruiner_> I don't like perl neither do i <_ruiner_> haven't toyed with it much though, so thats an uninformed opinion it is so ugly and dirty I don't like that there are a million ways to do everything in perl -:- fire has changed the topic on channel #tunes to: Free Reflective Computing System || Perl haters unite. heh :) <_ruiner_> lol go tell the boys at #perl that heh hcf is an op there Hcf: do _you_ like perl? <_ruiner_> wow, there's lots of people in there perl like does what people have been doing in C when it could have been easier <_ruiner_> relatively speaking... but i still don't like it they could probably flood you witha perl script :) <_ruiner_> lol !!! ph34r <_ruiner_> lol <_ruiner_> run hide fire! heh damn does fare ever read his email why do you ask that? i've been trying to motivate him but i can never get a hold of him Whats the difference between SIGHUP and SIGKILL? <_ruiner_> spelling <_ruiner_> ;-p does anyone have any tunes or arrow questions? or, god forbid, answers? yeah i have a lot but i know it's all answered in the arrow paper i just have to get through it yeah it probably is You've got questions we've got answers! <_ruiner_> my answer to the tunes question is "no" <_ruiner_> my answer to the arrow question is "key lime" huh? 08:50pm <_ruiner_> think about it a bit... <_ruiner_> it'll come to you umm... no uh i don't get it <_ruiner_> think of a question relating to tunes to fit the answer lar1: sigkill can't be ignored Heh, _ruiner_ is being reflective :) "do you want to code for tunes?" Ok, thanks eihrul sorry but im dupped i have no idea what "key lime" is supposed to mean A: key lime. Q: "What should Arrow's theme color be?" ... why the hell is key lime a good color for arrow? <_ruiner_> good job lar I don't know... it was just then only question I could think up that fit the answer :) <_ruiner_> if you don't like the question, change it water ummm... back to work <_ruiner_> what would be a good name for some sort of crypto app for arrow? <_ruiner_> key lime Heh that's a little better * lar1/#tunes is taking a break from work to get his box working again but lime? fire: What do you have aginst limes? They are almost as good as lemons! <_ruiner_> ok...lime....lets think of acronyms.... ... * water/#tunes (sigh...) <_ruiner_> lol... <_ruiner_> whats wrong water? sad to see that this is the most arrow has been discussed in here in some time? * fire/#tunes 's brain is fried by pointer arithmetic and geometry proofs not true, actually <_ruiner_> that was not a dig at you or your ideas btw im waiting to hear what lime stands for hehehe I have yet to read the arrow papper... I have not yet found the time heh. i bet you weren't looking fire: I came up with an acro, but I was afraid to say it because water might roll his eyes and complain about the signal to noise ratio <_ruiner_> go for it lar... <_ruiner_> water likes to whine about signal:noise anyhow...its a hobby of his * water/#tunes hurls BRiX at _ruiner_ 09:00pm i sure do love linked lists Just out of curiosity, what does it take to get +v in #tunesmod? <_ruiner_> water please, keep it on topic they are so purtty fire: Ahh! _ruiner_: heh lar1: ask <_ruiner_> tell me the acro you came up with lar lar1: and it's #modtunes, not #tunesmod close enough water: Who decides who gets +v? opers hcf, me, or tril water: You have ops here? <_ruiner_> elitists... lar1: nope ruiner: yep :) Oh, in there Ok, I don't want programming reduced to the level that anyone at any level of skill can make a program of arbitrary complexness. DOes that lable me as an elitist? Tril thinks so... it pretty much does <_ruiner_> I agree with you, and I disagree with him i think so no one would want to use tunes if programming would be hard But isn't the desire for eliteism (sp?) part of the basic human? <_ruiner_> we seek efficiency of code fire: Not hard, just left like it is today lar1: uhh no <_ruiner_> all I really ask of somebody is that they learn about the machine they use before they try to change it ruiner: why? I aggree with ruiner do you guys think that the home user would ever want to use tunes? fire: no well spoken thoughts of coders i think it'll be more for like a labratory mainframe i.e. trash or a information system <_ruiner_> probably not fire The home user will want to use Windows, MacOS, or mabye if they are 'on the edge', Linux <_ruiner_> not unless it had lots of games bullshit <_ruiner_> all people really want now are game machines that are compatible with what they have at work it would be nice not to ever have to worry about migrating your information exactly, ruiner i.e. family pictures due to file-format, etc <_ruiner_> actually....if they could run tunes on top of what they have....maybe of course they could! tunes is not an os, morons! <_ruiner_> but they'd need a reason above and beyond "its a reflective operating system" yes, they would water: Did I say it was?? and there are plenty of reasons lar1: you assumed it water: exactly <_ruiner_> and I knew it isn't an os...well it is in a way....but...well...thats why I mentioned running it on top of whats there 09:10pm water: No I didn't, I know better then that, but perhaps I misworded what I ment to say bleh tunes is a computing system this is useless later all -:- water [] has left #tunes [] heh <_ruiner_> lol <_ruiner_> poor water Heh water and his signal:noise obsession... what can you do? :) make less noise? If people were to only talk about tunes in here, this channel would be pretty much dead <_ruiner_> go to #osdev....he can't really whine about signal:noise in there In essence, isn't arrow 'noise'? It isn't part of tunes is it? <_ruiner_> plus, with more than one os as topic, signal can be increased anyhow lar1: supposedly it *is* tunes eihrul: do you think you might be able to explain a little to me about the basics of arrow? Oh, nevermind then :) fire: read water's paper and his mailing list stuff heh im still trying to get through his paper that's why i ask how long have you been reading it? well i got through the first two parts...that took me about a week or two im still parsing the third part :) cumulative hours :) hehehe 09:20pm <_ruiner_> I think arrow is being designed to work with tunes <_ruiner_> abi: arrow? it has been said that arrow is a homo-iconic information manipulation system intended to support programming and human languages in the way that Tunes should. at, -:- SignOff fire: #TUNES (Leaving) 09:30pm -:- lar1 [] has left #tunes [] * hcf/#tunes is away: (afk) -:- SignOff hcf: #TUNES (Leaving) -:- td [] has joined #tunes -:- SignOff _ruiner_: #TUNES (destroy what destroys you) -:- water [water@] has joined #tunes re hey -:- _ruiner_ [] has joined #tunes 11:40pm -:- SignOff _ruiner_: #TUNES (destroy what destroys you) [msg(TUNES)] newlog 1999.1024 IRC log ended Sun Oct 24 00:00:00 1999