IRC log started Wed Oct 27 00:00:00 1999 [msg(TUNES)] permlog 1999.1027 -:- person [] has joined #tunes hey everyone 12:20am -:- SignOff hcf: #TUNES (Ping timeout for hcf[]) -:- SignOff person: #TUNES (Leaving) -:- SignOff Fare: #TUNES (Ping timeout for Fare[]) -:- Fare [] has joined #Tunes -:- Zhivago [] has joined #tunes -:- hcf [] has joined #tunes -:- rares [] has joined #tunes -:- SignOff hcf: #TUNES (Ping timeout for hcf[]) hello 09:50am -:- hcf [] has joined #tunes -:- rares [] has left #tunes [] -:- SignOff hcf: #TUNES (Ping timeout for hcf[]) -:- _ruiner_ [] has joined #tunes -:- Kaufmann [] has joined #tunes -:- SignOff _ruiner_: #TUNES (Leaving) Shalom, kids 12:20pm Can you believe this?!? I paid R$25 for a Genesis album, and only R$4 for a great recording of the Rach 3 -:- hcf [] has joined #tunes 12:30pm -:- binEng [] has joined #tunes -:- _ruiner_ [] has joined #tunes -:- SignOff _ruiner_: #TUNES (destroy what destroys you) -:- eihrul [] has joined #tunes -:- AlonzoTG [] has joined #tunes -:- SignOff Kaufmann: #TUNES (Ping timeout for Kaufmann[]) -:- SignOff hcf: #TUNES (Ping timeout for hcf[]) -:- hcf [] has joined #tunes -:- SignOff AlonzoTG: #TUNES (Have Nice Day :)) -:- SignOff binEng: #TUNES ( <k!14>) -:- lar1 [] has joined #tunes Hey 03:20pm -:- fire [] has joined #tunes Hey fire hi wow my thread has had quite a few responses Where is your thread /.? on the tunes mailing list it was about integers and floating points Ah although my thread on comp.lang.forth has gone no where like all the other posts fire: what was the subj? "integers and floating points" 03:40pm -:- SignOff lar1: #TUNES (Leaving) -:- Kaufmann [] has joined #tunes Shalom! 03:50pm ... anyone? BTW, Gödel is spelled with an umlaut, not with an oe :P Mr.Brazil! -:- pyro [] has joined #tunes i reading PLATONISM, INTUITION AND THE NATURE OF MATHEMATICS -:- SignOff hcf: #TUNES (Leaving) hi pyro "I reading" is also wrong greetings ooops oh uh im elgato/hickserv btw pyro nick change I figured :) how about fuerio or fuega? :D -:- Kaufmann is now known as earth there, now we have all four elements of course, not all at the same time :) no porque Brian no es agua who's air? air is _QZ/liar haha -:- pyro is now known as ether !NickServ:*! irq used GETPASS on needo It would be good if earth were someone who constantly sticks to his or her own opinion Yes, Brian /is/ water (afaik) fire, what do you mean by that?...... hence the eastern philosophy Brian should be fire since he's always flaming people ;) ;) water flows in the direction life takes him hehe lol i forgot what i am supposed to do i just happen to like fire air just floats around not affecting anyone :) aaaaaaah wait a minute pyro: play with me :) get it!? but the 4 elts. nonsense is of Greek origin well true, if you wanted to be authentic you would have 5 elements anyway, I just sat down to work on the forth os cause Brians nick is taoist in origin ether, FORTH OS? retro! yeah, that's what retro is becoming fire, oic... well, for a Taoist he doesn't seem very balanced the fifth element should be void * fire/#tunes gets his old books out the Chinese have five elements too 04:00pm I think it's air, water, earth, wood, and metal... yes fire, the "indicator of the spiritual emptiness underlying everything"? :) taoism is from china sorry, some C humour there those 4 greek elements could represent the 4 phases of matter.. solid, liquid, gas, plasma ether: well there are 5 are those greek or hindu? there is like super cooled something bose-einstein condensate? something like that hmmmm, Bose-Einstein condensate ether: no i think the chinease had fire instead of air the fire makes the metal that cuts the trees which let the water erode the earth that is the yin cycle I see no cycle i forgot what happens after that ;) anyways pyro: got multitasking back yet? -:- ether is now known as pyro no I'm working on the assembler blarg hey i did some good for hackerdom dammit, I wanna mix assembler with forth.. and ditch NASM too i guy on my cross country team wanted to learn to program so i told him to learn asm s/a/i aren't you proud of me ;) he might just say "this sucks" "I guess I don't wanna program after all" heheh heh i told him it'll take some discipline Seriously, asm is a good place to start yes it is i wish i started with asm better yet, start with non-Intel asm the 6800 and 68000 series are nice ah yes RISC asm! 6502 asm mabye yeah find an old apple probably the easiest asm to learn 6811's are pretty common doesn't the 6502 have a stack? yeah the 6809 has dual stacks.. nice for forth so does the 6811F indeed heh better yet...F21 04:10pm 68k.. effectively has 9 stacks blah, use a real stack computer hence the F21 earth you can build one in 20-30 chips sorry, didn't see it -:- earth is now known as Kaufmann there, now I'm not confused anymore :) FORTH is nice...i am passed my low level stage though now im interested in higher level languages while (map { pack 'C', $_ } reverse split '', 'segaugnal level rehgih ni detseretni mi won') { print unpack 'C', $_; } *grin* did you figure out CREATE ... DOES> yet? Kaufmann: perl? well, perl is compiled pyro, yeah abi, perl is also interpreted, depending on your point of view okay, Kaufmann. I gotta learn perl for work.. it beats VB any day I've got some web-based databases coming up You can always pay me to do the dirty work 04:20pm that's what Zope and PHP3 do...? abi, zope? zope is at pyro, yeeeeeees... but Perl is much more flexible abi, php3? it has been said that php3 is code Perl is only a problem because of the overhead involved... of the three solutions, PHP is the lightest one perl *puke* it's less overhead than VB and it doesn't tie you to M$ pyro, oh, definitely i wish i had a lin modem... VB + Web = Yuck error: lside in fact, Vx | VB + x = Yuck haha so have any of you looked into Udanax yet? (BTW, V should stand for the upside-down A (for-all)) pyro, no abi, udanax? no idea, kaufmann aaaairgh xanadu? ah ah...quanitfied logic i was wondering what the hell you were talking about i just hear a lot on the mlist about udanax haven't checked it out yet I need to download it and see if any of the cool ideas have been implemented 04:30pm like immunity against censorship, fully decentralized control... no DNS/Internic crap hmmm...i ought to be doing my geometry homework jesus christ.. I went to download 1 sourcecode file from udanax, and it's 2 megs! what exactly is it? pyro, that good or bad? or just surreal? :) 04:40pm brb (0xf00d) ox food? definitely surreal 0xDEADBEEF 0xDEADBEEF != 0xF00D == 0xBADBEEF :) $BEEF 0xBEEFC0DE okie, okie, we've all shown to be rather adept at hex humour, but that's enough :) there's still lots of other good words though cafe, babe, fab, bead, deaf, etc 04:50pm cat - the other other white meat deed, face, ace, dab, feed, etc use Set; sub variations { print join("", map { &variations diff @_, $_ } @_), "\n"; }; variations qw/0 A B C D E F/; there, now play with it it's amazing what you can do with set operators and recursiveness in case anyone cares, sub diff { return grep { $_ != $_[-1] } @_; } hmmm, pretty, unreadable Perl code yeah, if you can handle perl, forth is a piece of cake bah, perl is easy once you get it it's not very consistent i fyou can handle going to the bathroom forth is a piece of cake 05:00pm LOL fire pyro, it's supposed to be organic, not consistent i strongly dislike perl now the only thing I know that is both is feces is feces? are Mr. Brazil! fire, it's a composite period the only thing / I know / that is both / is feces It means, "I only know one thing that is both consistent and organic, and that thing is feces" See? oh oh oh you need a , where? the only thing I know that is both, is feces BTW, appreciate more of Perl power sub in { return grep { $_ == $_[1] } @{$_[0]}; }; sub d { return grep { !(&in $_[1], $_) } @{$_[0]} 05:10pm * fire/#tunes BARF fire, the comma is optional yeah well if you ever expect to write anything in english, use the , since it's a restrictive adjective subordinate sentence D: wtf how do you know this? because semantics are the same everywhere, mein freund ;) ME AM BRAZIL YOU AM UKRAINE? LOL are you on drugs, dude? some people i know invented their own dialect of english AOL suddenly comes to mind all linking verbs and prepositions are replaced with "am" oh and the word "I" is never used me am like lisp and forth :D heh -:- lar1 [] has joined #tunes Hey (me (am like lisp)) $me->{am}->like->($lisp); :) * lar1/#tunes likes debian! 05:20pm * Kaufmann/#tunes likes no UNIX Sorry, but the recent installation of it here has gotten me excited ;) (is Kaufmann (whore perl)) I just wish I could download 110Mb faster! :) (remove! fire) Hmm, I cant tell if this song is saying theres no sex in violence or no sense in violence... LOL find my asshole brother :D Hmm, on a second hearing I am pretty sure there is no sex in violence -:- pyro [] has left #tunes [] I want to know the name of the song now :) Y'know, it's like I'm asking for this... wherever I go, there's somebody wanting to pay me to do CGI stuff brb -:- Kaufmann is now known as KaufmannBRB 05:30pm -:- KaufmannBRB is now known as Kaufmann -:- mike [] has joined #tunes hi rock n roll roll n' rock -:- mike [] has left #tunes [] hrrm wonder if I scared him off or what Probly :) Ohh! You know what we discussed in math today? MATRICIES! Can you belive it?? That class is so boring I hate it Whee! Matrices are fun metrices MMIX's built-in instructions for dealing with bit-matrices are great oh boy well it's homework time we were doing parelleligrams in math I love math... I really do... but I fall assleep in that class 05:40pm Oh, boy, I feel quite sorry for you fire :) ass leep? but it's almost impossible to work with explicitly with matrices in text-based programming :( nah geometry is easy fire: Don't you find it boring? adios amigos! hell, just think of them as arrays of arrays nah i have a high grade in that class bonsoir, mein freund better than what i had in algebra bye bye Mr. Brazil! Kaufmann: Yes, matricies are _easy_ that is what I was saying fire: Uh, ok -:- SignOff fire: #TUNES (:D) later fire Speaking of homework I think I will "do work" was well -:- SignOff lar1: #TUNES (Ping timeout for lar1[]) I gotta leave now Peace -:- SignOff Kaufmann: #TUNES (FOO! "Jesus would make a good main character for a Seinfeld spinoff" - Amber) -:- pyro [] has joined #tunes -:- lar1 [] has joined #tunes 05:50pm lar, been to #osdev? 06:00pm pyro: Not today pyro: is somthing going on? -:- water [] has joined #tunes hello today seems like a good day to update tunes on the arrow situation most notably the specs achieved and the spec yet-to-be-realized lar1: no, just thought you'd like it if you hadn't heard of it yet but anyway.. 06:10pm -:- rares [] has joined #tunes hey hey lo * lar1/#tunes wishes dselect would tell him how much of the update has been downloaded sup water listen water if you could look at arrow as a technique and give examnples of it in that context people would see what you're tryin to do then you can talk about graphs hmm can _you_ see arrow as a technique? yes how so? (not disagreeing at all) 06:20pm yeah, examples are needed i know, but i don't have a computer system to work with very often right now like the work i'm doing on the migration kit i'm starting with Linuces then i generalize further to frenices then unices then OSes what are frenices? free freenices *bsd's How do Linuces, frenices and unices differ? I always thought they were pretty much the same? freebsd shares some code with linux.. it's tighter though bsd and linux are not the same source but they do exchange some time s rares: what about your migration work? Linuces have initscript and etc directory quirks and there are so damn many linuxes So, they are are quite similar, just some small differences -:- fire [] has joined #tunes I think the BSD filesystem is better freenices have a different kernel and they do partitioning differently also initialization (also Linuces have a rift in the package management and libc's they use Unices are well anything but the same maybe the commands match * eihrul/#tunes for some reason keeps reading Linooses instead of Linuces. -:- fire has changed the topic on channel #tunes to: #osdev hehe thanks, fire fire fire! D: hi and OSes i'm not going to compare OS/2 Windows MacOS or Unix that's the last step in becoming highlky arrowed "highly-arrowed"? perhaps all math should be done as rational numbers the whole thing about arrow is model building in such away that successive definitions of a model cover more ground and yet still stay "crisp" so arrows are basically bidirectional hyperliks? -:- hcf [] has joined #tunes pyro: not just that, but that applies (doubly linked lists) Hey hcf fire: you still have a problem.... hey lar1 cons cells i think arrow will have to be taught as a skill before we know how to tell machines what to do 06:30pm ? well, not everyone will have to deal with arrow to use it fire: hardware still only supports limited 'precision' integers maybe the arrow concept could be used for programming non-sequential computers integer math is no problem while floating point math is no they won't but the developers better know how to abstract well and clearly just allocate larger memory spaces for integers i have a feeling we'll be using something a kin to graphical filters or two for one rather for logical constructs rares: yes, ture true besides i also have a feeling that if you ever wanted to give a machine the sense of touch graphical filter like processing units are the wayy to go what do you mean by "graphical filters"? GOFAI can't compete with intelligent design like in GIMP and Photoshop and other products oh it just takes a bit of imagination which i don't have, i guess :) sort of like what they're finding out in nano computing sorry, i don't get thte relevance to arrow they need better nanos to make mediocre ones heh humans need to be ten steps ahead of the machine they're building bu once the concept is well defined the machines can go on autopilot hmm anyway that's my conception of arrow Hmm, need food, brb -:- lar1 is now known as lar1_eati the fact is it's easier to build something that uses arrow's principle than to build sarrow 06:40pm yeah, i've thought the same things like easier to play in your favorite MUD than to build one heh -:- air [] has joined #tunes though i'm inspired by the works of Andy Goldsworthy to create one of my own or build one well, i'm working out the basic programming constructs that are needed to support arrow, but some of the issues are still incomplete with someone oh ever seen Goldsworthy's photos never heard of him he does photos the way Andrew Wyteth does paintings just that his are conceptually and structurally hilarious ooh where Wyeth's are just stunning -:- SignOff hcf: #TUNES (Leaving) -:- hcf [] has joined #tunes i have just witneessed the phrase database interrogation SQL for Sppoking? spooking ven ven = even 06:50pm i just got my compiler book which one? modern compiler implementation in C anyhow i've got to get back to a draft/report/guide/filing cyall k bye -:- rares [] has left #tunes [] water: what does cardinality mean? even thought i havent read the book yet i recommend u all go buy it :) fire: the size of a quantity with respect to the number of natural numbers 07:00pm what wuld this mean: does there exist a set of points with cardinality greater than the cardinality of natural numbers (the so called countable cardinality) and less than the cardinality of the continuum (i.e. of the set of all points of a line)? heh :) seems like i've seen that question somewhere before :) read a math faq oh thanks :/ or a dictionary or whatever... it should explain the infinities to you i looked in the dictionary don't worry, it's not hard *the* dictionary? grrr not *the* dictionary, an online one on math concepts i just want to know what it asks k, i'll explain :) basically, there are larger numbers than the number of counting numbers, and the aleph series is just a systematic way of generating a sequence of infinities that are provably orderable e.g. the number of subsets of the natural numbers is formally greater than the number of natural numbers however, i don't remember the 'algorithm' for the alephs off the top of my head i see okey dokey off i go -:- SignOff fire: #TUNES (Leaving) 07:10pm whew. i just got done reviewing 70 emails i hate standing shipboard duty what exactly is that? i stand watch over the reactor equipment and do intense work for 24 hours every four days ack, no sleep? and i still put in a 40-hour work week we usually get 4 hours for sleep on the ship wouldn't mcdonalds be easier at this point? heh it'd pay about the same well, i do get about $24k per year and i'll have $32k for college extra when i get out and i've managed to save $24k so far can't consult or something more profitable? yeah, in fact i did that until i dropped out of college why stop? put simply, i'm too wierd * eihrul/#tunes nods. military types can't tell the difference 07:20pm when are you planning to set up the arrow site? when i have the "vm" ready and when i have someone to help * water/#tunes celebrates the six-year anniversary of the one-person arrow development team. you've never been too clear what you needed help with :) er rather about writing user-friendly docs, for one maintaining the site (artwork, structure, etc) and developing the environment but the nothing counts until the vm is done (1) would atleast help other people to help which would probably need to come before (3) while yer writing vm's could u write one for me? air: well, make a language spec air: a relatively abstract one got one dcc it ok let me type it up in english huh? what language is it in? well if u saw it u wouldnt understand jack explain i just write crap that i can understand er.. sure * water/#tunes waits for air's spec i could probably just type it here in a couple lines anyway, tonight i'll write up my results so far for the vm spec, and respond to mlist traffic oh do u want the bytecode or the language syntax? hmm probably both not that there is any difference well, you might want to overload the syntax later overload? 07:30pm yeah, like defining '+' for different datat types uhh, no just send me the spec re what kind of implementation do you need? hi zhiv air: what math do you want it to do? 07:40pm how would constants be declared? what's the execution model of the vm? is it message-based or procedural? sorry, these seem like important questions to me C math, i shouldnt u how to make constants s/shouldnt/showed/ ah. i see when calling a method its procedural, when using exec it forks a thread hmm this would be really easy to write in p-code, then exec calls the kernels fork function er... except for forking wait a sec... this is a c-a-like why not just use a compiler-compiler system? eh? never heard of yacc? this would be easy to do if you used that -:- SignOff pyro: #TUNES (Ping timeout for pyro[]) used it for what? or just write a translation to c -:- AlonzoTG [] has joined #tunes to write your compiler uhh yeah, i know its a vm hmm, what are you trying to do? i just don't see why you need this to be a bytecode vm Zhivago: write a vm and compiler air: to what end? water: all brix source is compiled into bytecode and tested as bytecode. when u download the bytecode brix will compile it into native machine language hmm, but what if I hand turn byte-code which is naughty? 07:50pm does this bypass your security layer? air: looked at oberon? it just uses abstract syntax trees? no s/trees?/trees. Zhivago: the compiler has to run tests on the bytecode before it can be integrated air: oberon does the same as you suggest, but has a slightly different syntax and is also its own os air: ok, although program verification is a very complex process the oberon idea of using parse trees does make verification simpler Zhivago: plus i will maintain a master site that runs lots of debug tests on code and the code cant be downloaded unless it passes well, the thing is, what does verification mean? water: where can i find papers? air: hmm, which will make other people's code hard to develop abi oberon? oberon is, like, a language that is meant to extend Modula and Pascal. It was developed by Niklaus Wirth and others. or at and brix can automatically download code that is needed by code that u manually download the juice sub-project has papers water: i know what oberon is, i have it on this machine the main problem with verification is conservatism mening what? * water/#tunes concentrates on writing to the tunes mlist water: doesn't seem to be any information on the syntax trees it's at the juice homepages abi juice? no idea, water bleh abi Juice is at 08:00pm * eihrul/#tunes wonders how many of abi's factoids are contributed by water. heh hcf comes up with the most how do you check how many factoids abi has? abi: stats? Since Thu Oct 7 15:32:49 1999, there have been 878 modifications and 303 questions. I have been awake for 20 days, 4 hours, 33 minutes, 8 seconds this session, and currently reference 2257 factoids. most of those factoids are noise i try to prune abi's db whenever i can so only 1,000 or so cumulative factoid since abi's been alive? +s hcf has direct access, though most likely that seems fairly small for a few years well, a lot has been removed by hcf as it goes out-of-date he found a lot of factoids a few months ago that were almost never accessed, so he pruned em -:- NetSplit: split from [08:08pm] -:- BitchX+Deb1an: Press Ctrl-F to see who left Ctrl-E to change to [] i think it used to be about 10k 9000 projects just died on a whim? :) i dont think it should be pruned at all heh hey hcf yeah? nice puppet-work -:- Netjoined: -:- lar1_eati [] has joined #tunes 1999.0831: water: i cleaned out abi today, went from 5670 to 473 factoids 08:10pm heh so in 2 months abi has learned 2000 factoids i occasionally remove a bunch ya i know u shouldnt why not? u should remove forget why? its amusing when abi says something that makes no sense no thanks if anyone cares, abi's search func syntax is: (scan|search) [for] [] -:- air has changed the topic on channel #tunes to: #osdev || oops thanks hcf, it's a good tool for pruning syntax: (scan|search) for [] 08:20pm water: as u may see, default maxhit = 5 yes water: i put up a new brain dump in ~/html/abi/db/ if u feel like doing some heavy pruning ;) hm Oy! Hcf, did you clean any larnote factiods? -:- lar1_eati is now known as lar1 lar1: dont think so Ok, good :) I have a bad habbit of storing stuff under the name larnote and forgetting about it lar1: u can use memoserv too lar1: i released another version of bfe last night 08:30pm air: Cool! I'll go get it hcf: Whats that? lar1: /msg memoserv help Thanks hcf Yes? hcf: pruning Sorry, wrong window How do you send to a dcc chat session in ircii? (ie, after you have established the connection...) Be back just a sec -:- lar1 [] has left #tunes [] -:- AlonzoTG [] has left #tunes [] -:- kor [] has joined #tunes hello kor hi hcf: btw, i'm only pruning entries that are unlikely to ever be accessed water: no prob 08:40pm damn it picks up lots of things that i'd never guessed it would recognize hcf: is there a way to limit the length of the 'key' recognized? water: yes hmm -:- td [] has joined #tunes * water/#tunes tries to think of a good number hi td hey water how about 17, hcf? current iz 30 08:50pm i haven't found a good key longer than 15 as i recall the long max length was chosen back when ppl wanted to put the glos' terms in s/terms/terms and phrases/ oh but it never happened hmm a lot of them are there didnt happen, like most everything else tunes eek. i just got 9 msg's from the squeak list and 3 from tunes in a half-hour at least bill tanksley responds to me 09:00pm -:- SignOff kor: #TUNES (turnkey) -:- SignOff eihrul: #TUNES (Ping timeout for eihrul[]) heh. i've run into several "X's head is hurting." statements that i recognize as causing :) heh water: still want a 17char key limit? for now, sure actually... what would be better _is to limit the number of space characters in the key uhm, to hard to do atm hm then the char limit will do unless you had a shell script do it nightly -:- eihrul [] has joined #tunes which could be done much later on 09:10pm -:- lar1 [] has joined #tunes Hey -:- lar1 [] has left #tunes [] -:- lar1 [] has joined #tunes Hey :) :) water: using a channel instead of dcc, to make it easier for him :) I am in 2 channels! Hcf told me how to fix ircii! ah water: I couldn't figure out how to respond in the dcc chat after establishing the connection -:- fire [] has joined #tunes wb thanks -:- SignOff Zhivago: #TUNES (Ping timeout for Zhivago[]) * fire/#tunes just looked at the logs...introductory texts on arrow would be nice 09:20pm it's like i see the arrow paper and i know it's so rich in ideas...i just need to get the ideas out of the arrow paper itself i think i will go with a simple logo way of handling math and then change to the much harder normal way later Yes, I aggree fire air use that forth way! The 1 1 + thing maybe add modes to the language so u can program in either mode lar1: logo is + 1 1 or sum 1 1 -:- Zhivago [] has joined #tunes air: Oh :) logo is just like lisp cept it dont have those gay () around everything don't worry too much about syntax air: they aren't gay...they're just different they require more typing and make the code harder to read not if it is done right brix will colorize the code as u type it so u can see what goes with what i have to agree with air although i would like syntax cells to be graphical if possible YES!!! water agrees with me on soemthing :) Isn't logo pretty useless? -:- SignOff Zhivago: #TUNES (Ping timeout for Zhivago[]) i.e. symbols that can be dragged around the screen i don't really give a damn about syntax lar1: uhh, no * lar1/#tunes almost passed out when he saw water aggree with air :D air: heh water: i will have that too air: you sound like you didn't put much thought into your language (not to assume too much) water: but there is no damn way i will ever code in a gfx language so i need my text it was like "i need a language" and then a few days later you have one fire: im damn good :) :D air: just as long as you allow a visual front end, i don't care fire: i have been planning the language almost as long as the os No, I am not sure I am subscribed sorry, wrong room brb lar1: hcf kicked me from your channel :D 09:30pm anyone wanna try and strip down nasm for me? oh i do i do!!! rip out its preprocessor, make it only output flat binary, and use brix kernel calls instead of un*x then i could just compile my bytecode to asm and run it thru nasm heh. a real code-generator oh and u can rip out the useless instructions too any instruction that u wouldnt find in optimized code * eihrul/#tunes ponders who is actually going to do all that. and it wont need to output any messages cuz the code i give it will be perfect eihrul: u? not a chance in hell man :) i would also like it to be under 4k heh uh eihrul: it would look good on yer resume air: maybe you should just go for a tiny language water: eh? have a strongly typed purely functional language fire: i do it would seem to fit brix's image air: their's a home page for language interpreters and compilers whose binaries are 20k or less... some are <1k s/their/there air: umm, what do i need a resume for? it's where i found the analogue of tml eihrul: er college application and why does mutilating an already horridly written program look good? ari: will it be dynamically typed? i've written more than enough programs to bloat a resume with water: whats this? i don't need to write a hack for you :) hcf: the tiny languages homepage? eihrul: shrinking the 440k nasm binary to 4k would look quite impressive water: ? * eihrul/#tunes yawns. the C runtime takes up more space than that the instruction tables take up more space than that hcf: nope darned if i can remember where i found it 09:40pm water: any other clues? i had the url on my laptop, but ... hmm air: it'd be easier to write your own 4k assembler than stripping 436k of bloat eihrul: u can put the tables in an object look up the programming language F or False eihrul: could u write me an assembler then? er eihrul: it would be nice if it could read p2 instructions, kni/3dnow and be able to handle other instruction sets like nasm does air: is your language dynamically typed? i could, but i most likely won't i'd rather spend the effort porting squeak :) heh fire: its object oriented uhhh...that defeats the meaning of purely functional dude its purely functional object oriented :) :P dumb not so see water agrees with me again :) something should either be strongly typed purely functional or weakly typed truely object oriented :) twice in one day, im i about to be struck by lightening? hcf: or Bla s/im/am/ hcf: darn it, i can't find it fire: i have redefined OO so its a functional language with OO typing heh well at least it would then be homoiconic sorta no my language doesnt relate to any words with 'homo' in them the weird thing is thinking of functions as objects with slots water: the likelihood _is that i'v already seen it ;) slots? Heheh air 09:50pm ya slots ? can someone answer a question for me? gee sure, shoot ;) hcf: here's a page close to it: if i set a breakpoint at point A in brix i get a gpf, but if i set the breakpoint at point B it works fine. point B is past point A water: yup, seen that hcf: Do you remember every URL you go to? i think there's one with languages from multiple authors lar1: hints of em stick in my head hcf: Heh :) any ideas? oops forget that i even asked that whoa. i just found a Plankalkul page with the original doc converted to html!!! water: where? (tho i think i'v seen it) i'll give it to abi -:- Netjoined: -:- Fare [] has joined #tunes -:- eihrul [] has joined #tunes water: yep, iv known of the retro mus. page for years, where u been? ;) heh its not changed for years either :( i've seen it before ok, good i was worried i just never noticed that it had the actual plankalkul paper 10:00pm neither had i What is plankalkul? the original hll developed before computers had compilers or even assemblers lar1: Is it still useful?? sheesh, he made a lot of languages * lar1/#tunes thinks that there are too many languages... they can't _all_ be _that_ good... can they? no they aren't lar1: too many? 2000+ listed @ I know! I need to create one! I'll call it Lartunishwaterinspiredhcfhelpedeihrulhelpedtooandmanyothersintunes :) heh * lar1/#tunes wonders how the name Plankalkul was arrived at the plan calculus Ah, that make sense I am gonna dive in to the arrow paper -:- SignOff air: #TUNES (Ping timeout for air[]) (or at least skim it in preperation for more indepth reading later) im reading a paper right now on platonism but it's getting late and i need to get to bed fire: is it agt? i will read the other parts tommorrow agt? agt is Around Goedel's Theorem at yes good paper cool Platonism? Sounds greek.. like Plato it is 10:10pm mabye it'll help me understand arrow better Ah Its some kind of religious paper? lar1 and I are hacking our way toward enlightenment :D no it's about math Heh bye all -:- SignOff fire: #TUNES (Leaving) Ok, math, religion... there is so... nevermind :) I hate formality HOLY CRAP! The arrow paper is 118 pages?!? heh yeah, there'll have to be a book someday to cover all the topics I was expecting a 5 page little paper well, it's not really an intro yet I will be the first to buy the book provided the cost is < 100000000000000 USD eventually, it'll become several research papers on various orthogonal subjects and the *real* intro will be written over those heh. it'll be cheap probably electronically-free, like the Be Book Espero que si. No tengo mucho dinero. Por libros i see -:- air [] has joined #tunes that SUCKED wb Por que I don't want to pay 1000 for a book and I don't think it is worth that much (No offense intended to any authors) 10:20pm air: Comprendes espanol? i walked over to get a floppy and when i came back i couldnt move the mouse but i could switch desktops, but it was really slow. i tried to telnet in from my server but it couldnt connect and i couldnt ping it. i switched to a vc and it took several minutes before the vc popped up and then it was dumping "TLB IPI wait on cpu#1" over and over so i typed reboot but the speaker went into a constant beep when trying to send the term signal ouch had to do a hard reboot That sucks What the hell is the IPI? thats what im tying to figure out I'm gonna bust out the intel databooks its something to do with the tlb synchronizing in smp Oh, in that case my databook won't help ok i found it inter-processor interrupts volume 3 page 229 of the ppro manual Do you have a physical copy of the ppro manual? no pdf I want a physical copy But I don't want to call intel take the pdf to kinko's That is a lot of pages... 584 For just that volume then I have to bind them somhow kinko's will bind em too With a cool Intel cover?? -:- SignOff hcf: #TUNES (Leaving) -:- hcf [] has joined #tunes Just like my 486 manual? $1 at swap meet! yer asking quite alot here true pdf is a million times better than paper 10:30pm How much does this run? hell yeah find is a very powerful feature in pdf's or other online docs Thats true, but I really do prefer my refrences/tutorials in paper... or if those e-books thins existed yet, that would work too -:- Minni [user9195@] has joined #tunes hi, minni -:- Minni [user9195@] has left #tunes [] water: When did you wire the arrow paper? bye #tunes -:- SignOff hcf: #TUNES (Leaving) lar1: get a pilot and u can have yer ebook air: The screen is too small Its like reading docs on a TI-86 ( I have done this! ) Well, mabye not that bad Hmm I must go... later all -:- SignOff lar1: #TUNES (RavenOS -- Just think about it) -:- _ruiner_ [] has joined #tunes -:- SignOff _ruiner_: #TUNES (destroy what destroys you) 10:40pm bbiaf 11:00pm cya 11:10pm -:- eihrul [] has left #tunes [] -:- SignOff air: #TUNES (BRiX [] :: sleep) -:- Netjoined: -:- td [] has joined #tunes [msg(TUNES)] newlog 1999.1028 IRC log ended Thu Oct 28 00:00:00 1999