IRC log started Sun Nov 28 00:00:01 1999 [msg(modtunes)] permlog 1999.1128.mod !larne:*! alright - who killed nickserv ? !larne:*! werd someone restart services !HyrliK:*! hehe !larne:*! I'm serious. otherwise I'm afraid I'll have to kill you all .. !HyrliK:*! try it !larne:*! ACTION kills Hyrlik -:- ChanServ has changed the topic on channel #modtunes to: The channel for open, but focused, Tunes discussion. !irq:*! lilO? !larne:*! werd !irq:*! ACTION irq wonders if lilo got his message [msg(modtunes)] newlog 1999.1129.mod IRC log ended Mon Nov 29 00:00:00 1999